A Beginners Guide To Installing Non-Profit Success Packs In Salesforce

The Non-Profit Success Pack which was created by Salesforce is the ultimate dashboard for NGOs and other non-profits to manage their client list, to keep an eye on their operations and to gain great insights into what their clients and their staff are doing. Through this software the success of campaign drives can be increased and there is an abundance of metrics which can be utilized so that the non-profit business is able to work smarter and not harder. 

In reality the installation of this software often puts people off, but the truth is that most people, tech savvy or otherwise, can set this up, and here is a beginner’s guide to doing exactly that. This guide is for those who have Salesforce but who have yet to install the NPSP software. 

Using The Installer 

NPSP is easily installed on any version of Salesforce Enterprise Edition and the first thing which you should identify is the NPSP installer which is going to talk you through the process. On your existing Salesforce page, simply head to the NPSP installer, log into your account and then select either ‘Production or Developer edition, or Sandbox org, whichever is appropriate. Once this is done click install and wait to see what happens. 

Common Problems 

Occasionally people have problems with the installation and there are two key reasons as to why this fails. The first is the following message: 

“Opportunity Record Types – pick list value, Prospecting not found.”

If this happens to you then 

  1. Click settings and then click Setup
  2. Click the Object Manager tab
  3. Click Opportunity.
  4. Click Fields & Relationships, then enter Stage in the Quick Find box.
  5. Click the Stage field.

Once you have done this, these are the values which you should see in the list:

  • Prospecting
  • Qualification
  • Needs Analysis
  • Value Proposition
  • ID. Decision Makers
  • Perception Analysis
  • Proposal/Price Quote
  • Negotiation/Review
  • Closed Won
  • Closed Lost

If all of these are in the list then the installation will complete successfully.

A second common issue which you may see here is this message:

“Unmanaged custom object tab already exists.”

If this occurs then you need to go to settings and then setup, type ‘tabs’ into the Quick Find box and then click Tabs underneath the user interface menu. Once you get here, you need to type in the name of the tab which has been referred to in the error message which you received. When you find the tab, delete it and run the installer again, this time it should work without a hitch. 

The installation really isn’t that difficult and if these two error messages pop up then you will know exactly what to do. If there is an error which we haven’t discussed then don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll help you as best as we can. If not, Salesforce have a responsive team who can help you to get the NPSP Success Pack installed on your Salesforce page. 

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