Mudra Band! Touch Free Control for Apple Watch!

Finally, there is a gesture method of operating the features on a smartphone that works and it’s not going to break the bank either. This is the Mudra Band for the Apple Watch, it supports both hand gestures and finger movements allow the user to operate the smartphone such as answer calls, take photos and reply to messages. It is a neat little thing and uses a series of electrodes to measure the hand movements and make the appropriate movement on the watch, saving the user time and keeping hands free so that the user is able to continue with whatever they were doing.

Mudra supports discrete, continuous, and air-touch interactions. Discrete gestures are individual finger movements – such as a single finger moving, or the soft tap of a finger on the thumb. Continuous gestures are various fingertip pressure gradations applied to physical objects or other fingers. Air-touch gestures combine fingertip pressure and an air mouse – such as sliding to unlock.

Order the Basic Mudra band from just $179 (£134) the future retail price will be $249 that is a saving of 28% off the retail price. Pre-order yours now from the promotional order page here.

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