Category: Games Design

  • Outbreak Shades of Horror: Chromatic Split launching on October 25th

    Outbreak Shades of Horror: Chromatic Split launching on October 25th

    Coming this month to PC and consoles is the Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split game, this is where you play the part of a detective who arrives in a small city just as the zombie apocalypse is beginning. In order to survive players will need to find resources and stay out of the way of the zombies. This is an action game that requires planning as you travel through the city and attempt to either stop the apocalypse or just get out of there in one piece. Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split will be coming out for PC and Xbox players at the end of the month and for the PlayStation shortly after.

    To find out more about the Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split game head on over to the games page on Steam here or go to the official game website here

    #OutbreakShadesofHorrorChromaticSplit #survival #horror #adventure #Steam #Xbox #PlayStation #UnrealEngine #DeadDropsStudios #Outbreak #ShadesofHorror #ChromaticSplit #OutbreakShadesofHorror

  • Business Heroes Street Grub turn-based strategy game

    Business Heroes Street Grub turn-based strategy game

    Running a business can be a great thing, but it can also be the worst thing that you have ever attempted, make the right decisions and you are on your way, if your plan is wrong then it’s bad news for you and your business. In the Business Heroes: Street Grub game you start your food business from a single truck and try to grow it into an empire. This is one of those games where you can take a chance and win, or play carefully and end up losing everything. Do you have what it takes to build a food business from scratch?

    To find out more about the Business Heroes: Street Grub game head on over to the official game website here For the demo game go to the games page on Steam here

    #BusinessHeroes #StreetGrub #BusinessHeroesStreetGrub #turnbasedgame #strategygame #Games #Gaming #StreetFood #Food #FoodBusiness #Business #Trading

  • How to become a Potion Tycoon

    How to become a Potion Tycoon

    It is time to build your magical store and become a Potion Tycoon making some interesting magical potions that have many features and sometimes the odd mishap. Brewing up some interesting potions is the name of the game and then selling through the store to customers that brings in much-needed cash, It is a bit like commerce today, supply and demand! The Potion Tycoon game is out right now for PC players, are you ready to get into some weird magic?

    To find out more about the Potion Tycoon game go to the official game website here or head on over to the games page on Steam here

    #PotionTycoon #SnowhoundGames #Magic #Potions #Spells #MagicShop #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Steam #GoG #EarlyAccess #Cauldron #Spellbinding #Mystic

  • Starview Update for Galactic Civilizations IV

    Starview Update for Galactic Civilizations IV

    For the players of Galactic Civilizations IV, the gaming experience is about to become a lot better for with the Starview Update for the game, offering some great upgrades in visual, life improvement and much-improved gameplay all based on the feedback received from Galactic Civilizations IV players. There is nothing better for a game and for players when the developers take notice of those who are playing the game right now.

    To find out more about the Starview Update for Galactic Civilizations IV go to the official game website here or go to the game page on Steam here

    #GalacticCivilizationsIVGame #Stardock #Starview #GalacticCivilizationsIV #GameUpdate #Games #Gaming #SciFi #GalacticCivilizations #StarviewUpdate #NewGames

  • Explore the floating islands of Cloudsea

    Explore the floating islands of Cloudsea

    It is time to go exploring among the floating islands of Cloudsea in an airship and why not? This is one of those games that is just nice to play, you go around exploring, gathering essential resources, solving puzzles, trading things, making things and there are even battles, yes there are other airships out there and airship combat is a thing. The Cloudsea game is not about to launch soon, but it will be going on early access on Steam at some point and then we will see what it’s really like to be flying around on Cloudsea.

    To find out more about the Cloudsea game go to the game page on Steam here or go to the official game website here

    #CloudseaGame #Explore #FloatingIslands #Cloudsea #YetiAteMyBreakfast #Steam #Games #Gaming #Airships #RPG #AdventureGame #NewGames

  • Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    The second world war is raging throughout Europe and in the Hearts of Iron IV game the Germans are on the verge of total control of the continent, this may seem like history but it only seems like that, this is The Gotterdammerung Expansion for the game and it is your chance to change history with new tactics that could change the course of the war in the favour of the Third Reich. Take command of your army and see how far you can go before the allies retaliate.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV Gotterdammerung expansion pack go the game page on Steam here

    #hoi4 #heartsofironiv #gotterdammerung #HeartsofIronIVGotterdammerung #ParadoxInteractive #Games #Gaming #Warfare #SecondWorldWar #GermanReich #WWII

  • Smalland Survive the Wilds The Campside Update

    Smalland Survive the Wilds The Campside Update

    If you have ever wondered what it would be like to shrink down in size and be invisible to everyone else your wish is granted in the Smalland: Survive the Wilds game which has just been given a new Campside update initially for PC players but eventually moving to consoles too. In this update players will be getting access to the desert, more creatures, updated maps, bigger bosses and much more. The Smalland: Survive the Wilds game is available now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Smalland: Survive the Wilds game head on over to the games page on Steam here or go to the official game website here

    #Smalland #MaximumEntertainment #SmallandSurvivetheWilds #CampsiteUpdate #Exploration #Games #Gaming #Creatures #GameUpdate #NewContent

  • Death of the Reprobate available on Steam early November

    Death of the Reprobate available on Steam early November

    Take a step back in time to the Renaissance a time of enlightentment, art and invention, yet there is more to this time than that and so we are taking a look at the Death of the Reprobate game where humour and adventure walk hand in hand. The game has some stunning artwork which can only be of the Renaissance. There is a strange story going on in this game, where John the Immortal is so immortal and his heir looks like he is going to be a bit of a tyrant. The Death of the Reprobate game will be launching on November 7th on Steam.

    To find out more about the Death of the Reprobate game head on over to the games page on Steam here

    #DeathoftheReprobate #Steam #JoeRichardson #IndieGames #Renaissance #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Art #History #Adventure #Imortals

  • Rage of the Dragons NEO into closed beta

    Rage of the Dragons NEO into closed beta

    The first closed beta for the Rage of the Dragons NEO game, this is the much-awaited follow-up for the original Rage of the Dragons game. This new version of the game brings back this cult game to players and fans, something that many players have been waiting for. It has all of the classic features that you might expect to find in a classic game, but it is brought together in one modern package. The closed beta of Rage of the Dragons NEO testing will start on Friday, October 11 and continue until Sunday, October 13 on Steam.

    To find out more about the Rage of the Dragons NEO game head on over to the games page on Steam here or go to the official game website here

    #RageoftheDragonsNEO #cultclassic #RageoftheDragons #NeoGeo #Arcade #LocalVersus #Games #Gaming #TrainingModes #OnlineModes #DragonsChallenge #QUByteInteractive

  • UFO Man game available on 25th October

    UFO Man game available on 25th October

    The UFO Man is coming soon, but don’t worry this is not an invasion this is just a guy in a flying saucer moving square blocks around completing tasks and then moving on to the next one. However the controls and the blocks are delicate, one mistake and you are back to the starting all over again. This might have the appearance of an easy game, but for the players, this is a challenge and it is really going to be addictive, are you ready for this? UFO Man will be available from the 25th October on Steam and for iOS.

    To find out more about the UFO Man game visit the games page on Steam here or visit the official game website here

    #UFOMan #GameplayTrailer #Steam #iOS #UFO #FlyingSaucer #Alien #SciFi #PCGames #MobileGames #Games #Gaming #FoddianGame #Dyglone #2DGames

  • Tyrants Realm Prelude Dark Fantasy Hardcore Action RPG

    Tyrants Realm Prelude Dark Fantasy Hardcore Action RPG

    Out now is the Tyrant’s Realm: Prelude an upcoming dark fantasy hardcore action role playing game that takes the players unsurprisingly to a land ruled by a tyrant and where the player must travel the lands with only their armour and weapons to protect them from monsters and other dangers that exist. This is a game for any player that loves dungeons, dragons and anything medieval.

    To find out more about the Tyrants Realm game on the games page on Steam here

    #TyrantsRealm #TyrantsRealmPrelude #DarkFantasyGames #ActionGames #Games #Gaming #RPG #TeamTyrant #SkystoneGames #Tyrant #Combat

  • KONG Survivor Instinct Tiamat is near

    KONG Survivor Instinct Tiamat is near

    Following the events of Godzilla vs. Kong things are moving on fast and now we are entering the age of Kong: Survivor Instinct where a new enemy has emerged and has begun to attack the city where a father is searching for his daughter as the city collapses around them, the players will use the titan abilities to their own advantage and yet even with this colossal power things are not as easy as they might seem. The Kong: Survivor Instinct game will be launching on PC, PlayStation and Xbox on the 22nd of October.

    To find out more about the Kong: Survivor Instinct game head on over to the official game website here or go to the game page on Steam here

    #KONG #Survivor #Instinct #Tiamat #KONGSurvivorInstinct #7LEVELS #PC #Steam #PlayStation #Xbox #Monsterverse #Titans #LegendaryEntertainment

  • Whispers of the Eyeless at Steam Next Fest

    Whispers of the Eyeless at Steam Next Fest

    This is the Whispers of the Eyeless a dark fantasy game where you are leading a dark cult through the darkest of times. The city has been infiltrated and there are many objectives to achieve in order to raise the gods. In this turn-based game, it has a lot to do with how you play and how far ahead you are able to plan. The Whispers of the Eyeless should be available by the end of the year, but in the meantime players will be able to catch up with things when the game demo is on Steam Next Fest from October 14th to the 21st.

    To find out more about the Whispers of the Eyeless game here on the games page on Steam or head on over to the official game website here

    #WhispersoftheEyeless #SteamNextFest #RPG #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #Fantasy #Strategy #Steam #EvilGingerbreadStudio #CamlannGames #PCGames

  • Shady Knight launching on Steam next week

    Shady Knight launching on Steam next week

    This is the Shady Knight game, its been around six years in the making and promises to bring a mix of combat and parkour for the players to get into, it is also a skills based game so there are special powers here, learn as you play and increase your skill levels and beat the bosses in the end with a glorious victory. The Shady Knight game will be launching on Steam on the 9th of October.

    To find out more about the Shady Knight game take a look at the games page on Steam here or visit the official game website here

    #cptnsigh #ShadyKnight #Steam #meleeactiongame #swordplay #archery #platform #newgames #games #gaming #knights #parkour #combat #smgstudio #medieval

  • Crashlands 2 open-world crafting RPG sequel trailer

    Crashlands 2 open-world crafting RPG sequel trailer

    Anyone who knows about the original Crashlands game will know how popular it was with well over a million players, now get ready for Crashlands 2 the sequel that is coming out in early 2025. The game has a trailer that really puts us in the mood for the new game, this a sort of open world building role playing game, which means you can wander around new worlds, make friends and build a new civilisation if you want or just have a nice time.

    To find out more about the Crashlands 2 game go to the official game website here or go to the games page on Steam here

    #Crashlands2 #RPG #Crashlands #ButterscotchShenanigans #IntergalacticExplorers #PC #Steam #Netflixmobileapp #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames

  • Commander Quest coming to Steam Next Fest

    Commander Quest coming to Steam Next Fest

    Become the commander of an army in Commander Quest the turn-based roguelike deckbuilder where players use cards to plan the battle ahead. This game is yet to be released but there is a demo planned for Steam Next Quest where players will be able to take part in a full ten hours worth of gameplay, which should be enough for any player to decide if this is the game for them. The Commander Quest 10-hour fully playable demo is available on the Steam Next Fest from October 14th through October 21st.

    To find out more about the Commander Quest game and demo on Steam Next Fest here on the page on Steam

    #commanderquest #flywaygames #steamgame #roguelike #strategygames #battles #warfare #command #games #gaming #FlywayGames #roguelikedeckbuilder #SteamNextFest

  • FLEA2! Out Now on PC

    FLEA2! Out Now on PC

    How about some seriously cool retro gaming action with Flea2 as it launches on PC? This is a great game that gives us a look into the games of the past. This game or games of this type are not for everyone, but for some players, the experience of playing a 2D platform game is quite refreshing and it is worth having a look at. Get ready to leap around the game like there is no tomorrow and fight off some serious enemies along the way.

    To find out more about the Flea2 game go to the official game website here or head on over to the games page on Steam here

    #NES #Flea2 #Flea #RetroGames #ClassicGames #PCGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Kickstarter #LowTekGames #Itchio #2DPlatformer #HyperactiveFlea #Steam

  • Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

    Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

    Welcome to the Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone this a dangerous post-apocalyptic world where you play the part of a planeswalker able to traverse the dimensions into parallel worlds with one mission to seek out Chernobylite a material that is capable of producing high energy. However, after being cut off you are trapped in the scary version of the world where there are hordes of dangerous creatures roaming around. Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone will launch on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S in early 2025.

    To find out more about the Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone game go to the games page on Steam here or head on over to the official game website here

    #TheFarm51 #ChernobylGame #Chernobylite2ExclusionZone #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gaming #SciFi #RPG #Survival #Steam #NewGames #ExclusionZone

  • Halloween come to Dead by Daylight

    Halloween come to Dead by Daylight

    You might already think that Dead by Daylight is scary enough, but it is that time of the year when Halloween creeps into our lives including gaming. In this new addition to the game players will be getting access to a new event, some new very sinister stories and what all players want more rewards, after all, what is a game without some cool rewards as you pass certain levels or complete those difficult tasks. Finally, there is the much-awaited for Haunted by Daylight Event that will be running from October 17th and continues onto November 7th in the Dead by Daylight game.

    To find out more about Halloween on Dead by Daylight take a look at the games page on Steam here or the official game website here

    #Halloween #Horror #DeadbyDaylight #Steam #VoidRealm #HauntedbyDaylightEvent #GameUpdates #Games #Gaming #Castlevania #BehaviourInteractive #Tome21DOMINUS?

  • Drive Your Way Game Update For Pacific Drive

    Drive Your Way Game Update For Pacific Drive

    There is a new update for the Pacific Drive game the developers have named it Drive Your Way and it seems like a brilliant idea that helps the player to travel through the strange and slightly creepy Olympic Exclusion Zone. Players can travel around on foot or in the trusty station wagon that can be customised by the player should they be lucky enough to find the right tools and resources. This update will provide the player with more control over the car, the environment and help with the exploration of the almost deserted Olympic Exclusion Zone.

    Find out more about the Drive Your Way Game Update For Pacific Drive here on the games page on Steam or head on over the official game website here

    #PacificDrive #FreeContentUpdate #IronwoodStudios #KeplerInteractive #PacificDriveGame #DriveYourWay #Games #Gaming #PacificDriveDriveYourWay #GameUpdate

  • Terrorbytes a comedy horror game

    Terrorbytes a comedy horror game

    Imagine being stuck in an old games arcade with your friends, sounds great, doesn’t it? However, one of the game’s machines has been infected with a virus and now you and friends must feed the machine monster. This is a game that has the look and feel of two favourites, Tron and Stranger Things so you can just imagine the fun and games that will be happening, We are looking forward to seeing the Terrorbytes game demo when it comes to the Steam Next Fest on October 14th.

    To find out more about the Terrorbytes game head on over to the games page on Steam here or go to the developers website here

    #Terrorbytes #ComedyGame #HorrorGame #OvertheMoon #Treetop #NewGame #HauntedArcade #Games #Gaming #Steam #CoopGame #Arcade