Category: Horror

  • Decadent is a new level of Madness

    Decadent is a new level of Madness

    This is Decadent, but not in the sense that you are self induldgent, this is more like a descent into madness with touches of a Lovecraftian side thrown in for good measure. This is one of those that is going to test you at all levels. You feel like you are all alone in this dark and scary land as you try to survive, but your experiments mean that you are now the host for a mysterious parasite and so the journey into a world of madness has begun. You are really going to feel the pressure in Decadent are you ready to dive in?

    To find out more about the Decadent game visit the games page on Steam here or go to the official developers page here

    #Decadent #FPS #Videogames #Madness #Lovecraftian #Horror #Steam #FPS #Games #Gaming #NewGames #FulqrumPublishing #IncantationGames

  • Edge of Sanity 2D Survival Horror Game

    Edge of Sanity 2D Survival Horror Game

    It could be said that surviving the cold and dark winter of Alaska is as close as you can get to becoming insane, but in the Edge of Sanity game, you will be pushed over the limit and right to a place where you begin to question everything. This classic 2D game is inspired by Cthulhu and follows a worker who gradually loses his mind as he comes up against the horrors that lie in wait in the Alaskian wilderness. Will you survive the Edge of Sanity find out now as this game is available for PC and consoles now, good luck!

    To find out more about the Edge of Sanity game go to the developers link tree page here or the official game website here

    #EdgeofSanity #2DGame #Survival #Horror #Games #Gaming #NewGames #DaedalicEntertainment #VixaGames #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch

  • Survive In A Quiet Place The Road Ahead

    Survive In A Quiet Place The Road Ahead

    There is something really chilling about the A Quiet Place movie, it is bad enough that the world as knew it has ended, but having to keep completely quiet all of the time is a very hard thing to handle, but when your life depends on it, what can you do? Well, now you can experience this level of fear in a game from Saber Interactive and Stormind Games, in A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead, you play the part of Alex who with her boyfriend Martin are trying to come to terms with what is happening by embarking on an epic journey to safety, scavenging anything they can and all the time being totally quiet!

    Find out more about A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead game here on the game website; or here on Steam;

    #SaberInteractive #StormindGames #AQuietPlaceTheRoadAhead #HorrorGame #ParamountPictures #AQuietPlace #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NewGame #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Steam

  • Be the Exorcist or Possessed in Exiler

    Be the Exorcist or Possessed in Exiler

    Hunting down evil spirits and demons is not everyone’s idea of fun, but in the gaming world anything goes and a little bit of horror will do very nicely, this game is one of those based on a movie and comic strips, where you play the part of an exorcist hunting down the evil in the world, alternatively, you could just become one of the possessed and make everyone’s life a misery, it is totally up to you, so are you going to be good or bed, the choice is yours.

    Find out more about the Exiler game here;

    #Exorcist #Possessed #Exiler #ComicBook #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Horror #Spooky #NewGames #Alawar #OpenPlaytest #EvilSpirits #InteractiveComic #Demons #Spirits #Detective

  • Shhh! A Quiet Place The Road Ahead Is Coming

    Shhh! A Quiet Place The Road Ahead Is Coming

    Being silent in order to survive must be a nightmare and as you may have already seen in the A Quiet Place movies, being silent is not always that easy and now you can experience this for yourself in a new game from Saber Interactive. You play the part of a young girl who is trying to scavenge, survive and eventually find a place of safety. A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is coming to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in 2024, just don’t make a sound!

    Find out more about the A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead game here;

    #AQuietPlace #TheRoadAhead #AQuietPlaceTheRoadAhead #AQuietPlaceGame #Movies #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Aliens #Survivors #SaberInteractive #PC #PlayStation #Xbox

  • Killing Floor 3 Gameplay Trailer

    Killing Floor 3 Gameplay Trailer

    This is one of those games that you might need a certain disposition to play as it is a bit gruesome and somewhat horrific, yet this is the Killing Floor 3 and it is just as we would want it to be. Although the game was given some time at the recent PC Gaming Show this game is not going to be available until early 2025 at the earliest, so in the meantime, we might as well make the most of the trailers, screenshots and gameplay videos that will be released in due course.

    Find out more about the Killing Floor 3 game here;

    #TripwireInteractive #KillingFloor3 #PCGames #Steam #EpicGamesStore #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gaming #Gamers #ConsoleGames #Horror #SciFi #NewGames #PCGamingShow

  • Alien Rogue Incursion First Look

    Alien Rogue Incursion First Look

    When it comes to aliens there is only one that is scary enough to make you want to run and hide and that is the Xenomorph, this creature is so deadly, intelligent and ruthless that it’s no wonder they are hunted down.

    However, things are about to get even more frightening with the launch of the Alien Rogue Incursion game. This is no ordinary game this is a VR game and that means getting up close and personal with the deadly Xenomorph, so close in fact that you can sense the creature all around, until that point when it jumps out in front of you, then what are you going to do?

    Find out more about the Alien Rogue Incursion VR Game here;

    #AlienRogueIncursion #Alien #VR #Gaming #Survios #VRGames #VRHeadset #VirtualReality #SciFi #HTCVive #PSVR2 #Quest #UnrealEngine #Immersive #AlienVirtualRealityGame #20thCenturyGames

  • Before I Go at the Steam Next Fest

    Before I Go at the Steam Next Fest

    Coming to the Steam Next Fest in June is the brilliant and haunting game Before I Go from the Dunkirk-based J’s Laboratory, at the event players will be able to experience the first couple of hours of the gameplay and therefore find out first-hand exactly what is lying in wait for them in this game.

    The world as we know it is dying and it’s not just the world that is suffering every living creature is feeling the effects too. Only a small child can save things, but there is a treacherous journey ahead to find the answers to why the planet is dying. This has a serious warning to us all, about how we treat the planet that is our home.

    Find out more about the Before I Go game here;

    #JsLabratory #Steam #BeforeIGo #SteamNextFest #Horror #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Demo #BeforeIGoGameplay #Earth #DyingPlanet #Metroidvania #ActionPlatformer #LostInLimbo

  • The Walking Dead Solve to Survive Puzzle Game

    The Walking Dead Solve to Survive Puzzle Game

    There cannot be many people who have not heard of The Walking Dead, but just in case, the world as we knew it has ended and the human population has been infected by the zombie virus, so when they die they become the walking dead. For the survivors it is a matter of avoiding the zombies, the gangs and from dying, in this new puzzle game the object is the same, solve the clues and survive the zombie apocalypse, it’s not a massive ask and yet we just know that it’s not going to be that easy. The Walking Dead Solve to Survive Puzzle Game will be coming out in May are you ready for this?

    Find out more about The Walking Dead Solve to Survive Puzzle Game here;

    #TheWalkingDeadSolvetoSurvive #PuzzleGame #TheWalkingDead #Zombies #ZombieApocalypse #SDCC #RobertKirkman #SciFi #Comics #AMC #CrypticPuzzles

  • Dead Island 2 on Steam

    Dead Island 2 on Steam

    Living in LA might sound like a brilliant idea, but even paradise can become a nightmare especially when there is an outbreak of a zombie virus that turns the whole area into a bloodbath. Yet as the battle between the survivors and the zombies increases you are running out of places to hide. This is a really tough game that comes with plenty of action and just as much horror as the zombies just keep coming and they need to be stopped by any means necessary, are you ready?

    Find out more about the Dead Island game here;

    #DeadIsland2 #SeeYouInHellA #Dambuster #DeadIsland2OnSteam #Steam #Zombies #Undead #Virus #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PostApocalypticWorld

  • Witchfire Ghost Galleon Update

    Witchfire Ghost Galleon Update

    If you are looking for a game that covers dark fantasy then you are in luck with the Witchfire game, furthermore, this game has just seen its first feature patch and it’s a big one. The Ghost Galleon update brings along new weapons, spells, raids and some fearsome enemies, this is about the best you can expect from any game update, more tricky games and some cool gear that might possibly help you to make it to the end. Are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Witchfire game and the Ghost Galleon update here;

    #Witchfire #TheAstronauts #EpicGames #WitchfireGhostGalleon #GameUpdate #Witches #Witchhunt #Gameplay #Spectre #Hunters #FantasyGame #SciFi

  • Killing Floor 3 Coming to PC and Consoles

    Killing Floor 3 Coming to PC and Consoles

    Here is something to get your heart pumping a bit, it is the Killing Floor 3 game or more accurately it’s the Cyst Reveal and it is a bit dark, yet this is the sort of thing that some of us are waiting for. Luckily there are plenty of troops and some serious weapons to get your hands on, so that makes things just a little bit more even or so you would think. Are you ready to join the Killing Floor?

    Find out more about the Killing Floor 3 game here;

    #EGS #KillingFloor3 #PC #Consoles #NewGames #GameUpdates #SciFi #KillingFloor3CystReveal #Battles #BioWeapons #Infantry #BiologicalProjectile

  • The First Omen History Is A Lie

    The First Omen History Is A Lie

    When a faith is failing it seems like there is nothing that can be done to reverse the trend, or maybe there is! The church has seen its followers decline over the years and it would seem that there is only thing to do for a few leaders who are not yet willing to give up control of the church. A plan has been hatched and this is going to be something so scary that it is likely to turn almost any unbeliever to turn to the church for protection, this is The First Omen and the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.

    Find out more about the First Omen movie here;

    #TheOmen #Omen #Possessed #Devil #TheFirstOmen #DisneyPlus #Horror #Movie #Church #Religion #HorrorMovie #TruthExposed #History

  • Seventies Style Trailer For The First Omen

    Seventies Style Trailer For The First Omen

    When the original Omen movie came out in the late seventies many of us would not have believed that some forty-eight years later the story is still fresh and it has to be said completely disturbing, yet here we are and next week the First Omen will be released for anyone brave enough to watch. So in true movie style here is the trailer for this movie made as if it were in the 1970s, in some way, it is even more scary. So are you brave enough to watch the First Omen when it comes out on the 5th of April?

    Find out more about the First Omen movie here;

    #TheOmen #Omen #Possessed #Devil #TheFirstOmen #DisneyPlus #Horror #Movie #Church #Religion #HorrorMovie

  • The Darkness Begins The First Omen

    The Darkness Begins The First Omen

    There are certain movies that you just know are going to be seriously scary and this one is no exception to the rule, It is The First Omen and it follows a young woman who has been sent to Rome to find religion, but instead finds a darkness so terrible that it has the potential to destroy the world as we know it. What on Earth can one young woman do against such evil? Luckily she might have found some help, or has she, you can never be too sure who you can trust in matters of good versus evil.

    Find out more about the First Omen movie here;

    #TheOmen #Omen #Possessed #Devil #TheFirstOmen #DisneyPlus #Horror #Movie #Church #Religion #HorrorMovie

  • Alien Romulus The Nightmare Returns

    Alien Romulus The Nightmare Returns

    It could be said that the Alien movie franchise had lost its way, but with Alien Romulus the nightmare has come back. The story follows a group of colonisers who have found an abandoned space station that looks like just the place to use as a staging area for their bigger plans of colonisation. While everything looks fine to start with it turns out that the most feared creature in the universe the Xenomorph has got there first and it is only a matter of time before they encounter it.

    Find out more about the Alien Romulus movie here;

    #Alien #Romulus #AlienRomulus #Xenomorph #AlienAnthology #20thCenturyStudios #Horror #ScienceFiction #Suspense #Thriller #SpaceStation #SpaceColonizers

  • House of the Dragon the Official Black Trailer

    House of the Dragon the Official Black Trailer

    There are Dragons coming to a TV near you this June, yes finally the wait is over for the second season of the House of the Dragon, picking up from the dramatic end of the first season this next instalment of the story based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood is bound to be full of twists and plots that will lead to the Iron Throne. There are so many different storylines all under one big tale of love, death, trechary, betrayal and of course Dragons!

    Find out more about the House of Dragon TV series here;

    #HOTDS2 #TeamBlack #TeamGreen #HouseOfTheDragon #HBO #WarnerBrosDiscovery #StreamOnMax #TheOneToWatch #GeorgeRRMartin #FireandBlood #GameofThrones #HouseTargaryen

  • She Returns! Furiosa A Mad Max Saga!

    She Returns! Furiosa A Mad Max Saga!

    We always thought that she would return with a vengeance hell-bent on seeking out revenge on the warlords of the new world order, however, we have taken a step back in the case of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga to where she was snatched from a supposedly safe haven known as the Green Place of Many Mothers. While she must endure the trials and tribulations of her new life, she is planning to find her way home one way or another.

    Find out more about the Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga movie here;

    #Furiosa #MadMaxSaga #FuriosaAMadMaxSaga #WarlordDementus #ImmortanJoe #MadMax #Movies #SciFi #DystopianWorld #NewWorldOrder

  • Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    When it comes to certain games, it seems that killing the enemy is the goal and we think nothing of it, but in this game, you can play the role of a killer, while the others play the role of the survivors. While the struggle is to get away, the killer is out to stop them and sacrifice the survivors in order to ensure that you are the last player to survive. This is one game that is really messed up and totally thrilling, can you handle this?

    Find out more about the Dead by Daylight game and pre-order it here;

    #DeadbyDaylight #AllThingsWicked #Horror #Mystery #Thriller #Game #Gaming #Gamers #NewGames #Survivors #EpicGames #Escape #Killer

  • State of Consciousness Official Trailer

    State of Consciousness Official Trailer

    At what point do your nightmares become a reality, well in the March we will have the chance to experience exactly that when the psychological thriller State of Consciousness is released. A murderer is sentenced to serve time in a mental institute, but this place is conducting experimental treatments that cause memory loss and hallucinations to the point where time has been lost as for the memories, are real at all? This is one of those movies that really does make you think about your life when all of your liberties have been removed.

    Find out more about the State of Consciousness movie here;

    #StateofConsciousness #StateofConsciousnessOfficialTrailer #SciFi #Reality #Experiment #Movies #StateOfConsciousnessMovie #Lionsgate #Hallucinations #PsychologicalThriller

  • Ghostbusters Battle The Frozen Empire

    Ghostbusters Battle The Frozen Empire

    The Ghostbusters are coming back this time it is the Frozen Empire that is threatening the world. The Spengler family have returned to the old Fire Station in New York City and more famously known as the home of the Ghostbusters. This time the old and the new Ghostbusters must join forces in order to prevent an evil force from unleashing an ice age on the planet. They may come from different times and have different ideas, but they are the Ghostbusters and there is a job to be done, who you gonna call?

    Find out more about the Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire movie here;

    #Ghostbusters #GhostbustersMovie #FrozenEmpire #Sony #SonyPictures #OfficialTrailer #MovieTrailer #Trailer

  • Valley of the Zeke Update World War Z Aftermath

    Valley of the Zeke Update World War Z Aftermath

    As we know there are several types of zombies, there are the slow-walking versions, those in a horde and then there are those fast-moving erratic versions from World War Z and in this Valley of the Zeke game update for World War Z Aftermath you really don’t have much time to think, these zombies are fast and can get over almost any barricade, its time to weapon up and stay alert.

    Out now is the Valley of the Zeke game update for World War Z Aftermath available for PC, PlayStation and Xbox, this game follows the movie and this means some relentless zombie enemies that will not give up until the entire world has been turned in a world of chaos and destruction, are you ready to stop the zombie apocalypse?

    Find out more about the Valley of the Zeke Update for World War Z Aftermath here;

    #ValleyoftheZeke #GameUpdate #WorldWarZAftermath #WorldWarZ #Zombies #ZombieApocalypse #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Be More Vecna In Stranger Things VR

    Be More Vecna In Stranger Things VR

    It is easy to play the hero in a game, but what about playing the villain instead? In this case, you can become the frightening and very disturbed Vecna in the Stranger Things VR game from Netflix. This is an interesting way to find out how and why Vecna became so terrible and vengeful, this is the Stranger Things VR game and you are Vecna.

    Grab your Meta Quest and enter the virtual reality world of gaming where you are right in there the upside down, experiencing the darkness, the loneliness and fear of being all alone in the darkest of places. The Stranger Things VR game will be launching at the end of November, are you ready to become Vecna?

    Find out more about the Stranger Things VR game on Netflix here;

    #StrangerThings #Netflix #Vecna #Eleven #StrangerThingsVR #VRGames #Hawkins #UpsideDown #MetaQuest #strangerthingsday #geekedweek

  • Live Stranger Things The First Shadow

    Live Stranger Things The First Shadow

    There is no doubt that Stranger Things has become a science fiction phenomenon and now fans will soon be able to experience life in Hawkins live on stage at the famous Phoenix Theatre on Charing Cross Road. This original story is going to add an extra dimension for all of the fans of Stranger Things as it will unfold right before their eyes live!

    This is a testament to how great the Stranger Things story has become, it started off as a story of a group of kids searching for their lost friend and has continued into the Cold War and now beyond with the stage play in London that makes you think what is next for the Stranger Things story?

    Find out more about the Live Stranger Things The First Shadow stage play here;

    #LivePerformance #StrangerThingsTheFirstShadow #StrangerThings #TheFirstShadow #Hawkins #Play #London #PhoenixTheatre

  • Dead Island 2 Haus Launch

    Dead Island 2 Haus Launch

    For some the idea of a tropical island would sound like heaven, yet for others this is hell on earth and for the inhabitants of the area around Malibu they have no choice as the apocalypse has arrived with a vengeance, not only is there the horde of zombies to watch out for, the residents are not to friendly either.

    This is the first look at the gameplay for Dead Island 2 Haus DLC, this game is epic and you really do need to keep ahead of things because you never know what or who is waiting for you around every corner. Check out the gameplay video to see how this game is going to work out, survivors, zombies and gangs are all out to take Dead Island for themselves.

    Find out more about the Dead Island game here;

    #DeadIsland #DeadIsland2 #HausLaunch #DLC #SeeYouInHella #SeeYouInHaus #Slayer #Horror #Games #Gameplay

  • Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake is a successful writer who has found himself in the living nightmare of his own writing. Trying to escape from these visions he seeks some downtime in small town, but the nightmare has followed him as the normally quiet town is rocked by a series of ritualistic murders.

    He is joined by FBI agent Saga Anderson who is sent to the town to find out what is happening, together they must find out about the victims, the murderer and who is going to be struck down next. This is a dark and scary story that not only requires great gaming skills, it needs a lot of thinking too, are you ready for Alan Wake II?

    Find out more about the second Alan Wake game here;

    #AlanWake #FBIAgent #SagaAnderson #AlanWakeII #PCGames #EpicGamesStore #Horror #Murders #Game #Nightmare

  • Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition Out Now

    Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition Out Now

    It seems that this time of the year is encouraging all of the spirits, ghosts and anything else that we find scary to come out of hiding and into our world, however, there is always one reliable team that we can call when we have a spooky problem, the Ghostbusters are back and you can join them on their quest to rid the world of evil.

    This is the Ecto Edition of the Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed game it comes with DLC’s from earlier editions, some interesting maps to roam around on and there are some ghost variants to unlock too. This is classic Ghostbuster gaming action and it is out just in time for the Halloween season, spooky!

    Find out more about the Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed game here;

    #GhostbustersSpiritsUnleashed #EctoEdition #Ghostbusters #Spirits #Ecto #DLC #EpicGames #Steam #NintendoSwitch #Playstation #Xbox

  • Just Five Nights At Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza

    Just Five Nights At Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza

    It wouldn’t be Halloween without a scary movie making the rounds and it has to be said that Five Nights at Freddy’s is just what those fans of Halloween and scary movies will not be disappointed. The movie follows a security guard starting a new job working the night shift at the famous Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza restaurant.

    Of course, it turns out that this is no ordinary restaurant and the security guard soon realises that something is not right about this place and it becomes apparent that this is one job that he wished that he had never started, well we have all been there! The Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is out on the 27th of October, are you ready to spend just Five Nights at Freddy’s?

    Find out more about the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie here;

    #FiveNightsatFreddys #FNAF #Scary #Horror #FreddyFazbearsPizza #HorrorGame #HorrorMovie #NewJob #Halloween

  • For Honor Theater of Bones Halloween Event

    For Honor Theater of Bones Halloween Event

    It’s that time of year again when everyone seems to be allowed to frighten the hell out of everyone and it’s all done in the name of fun, yes its Halloween season and in the gaming sector this is just another excuse to push everything to the limit and with the For Honor Theater of Bones Halloween Event players will not be disapointed at all.

    The For Honor Theater of Bones Halloween Event will run from October 26th to November 16th so you have a couple of weeks of scary fun to handle, yet you can still take this game seriously as there are plenty of rewards available to add to your gaming experience, so become a warrior of the legend and it is all For Honor!

    Find out more about the For Honor Theater of Bones Halloween Event here;

    #Ubisoft #ForHonor #ForHonorTheaterofBones #HalloweenEvent #Halloween #WarriorsDen #Warfare #Spooky #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Minecraft Halloween Spookyfest Is Back

    Minecraft Halloween Spookyfest Is Back

    It is that time again when all of the horrors that scare people come out from the darkness to scare the living daylights out of everyone and the Minecraft Halloween Spookyfest is no different, this event will run from the 24th to the 31st of October, so your time is limited for this event.

    It is time to get into the spirit of the season and that means dressing up, carving your pumpkins and lighting up those candles, this is Halloween and on Minecraft, this can mean all sorts of things, you can literally do whatever you want to make Halloween as scary or as funny as you like, are ready for the Minecraft Halloween Spookyfest?

    Find out more about the Minecraft Halloween Spookyfest here;

    #Minecraft #Halloween #Spookyfest #Spooky #MinecraftLegends #MinecraftBedrock #LostLegend #MinecraftMarketplace