Category: Rockstar

  • Get Drifting With GTA Online

    Get Drifting With GTA Online

    By now players of GTA Online are used to driving around the streets of San Andreas and they know that one mistake could result in the law coming down hard on them. However, when it comes to racing there are the Drift races in the game and that means speed, noise and the smell of burning rubber, what more could any fan of car racing and player of GTA Online want?

    To find out more about the GTA Online game go to the official game website here at Rockstar Games

    #GTAOnline #GTA #GrandTheftAuto #RockstarGames #Cars #Gangs #Crime #Drifting #DriftRacing #Games #Gaming #NewGames #SanAndreas #CarRacing

  • GTA Online Agents of Sabotage Now Available

    GTA Online Agents of Sabotage Now Available

    The world of Grand Theft Auto is becoming more like a spy game with the players going underground looking to steal some top secret government information from the agencies that are just as dangerous as the gangs of Los Santos. Players will be able to carve their own piece of the GTA territory now. GTA Online Agents of Sabotage is available now.

    To find out more about the GTA Online game go to the official game website here

    #GTAOnline #GTA #GrandTheftAuto #RockstarGames #AgentsofSabotage #GTAOnlineAgentsofSabotage #Crime #Gangs #Games #Gaming

  • Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to PC

    Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to PC

    The West is getting wild and scary with the launch of Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare on PC at the end of the month. These games are classics and will be great additions for the PC player to get their hands on. Both these games have the rich history of the Wild West coupled with a great storyline and who cannot forget the zombie apocalypse too, just in time for Halloween as well?

    To find out more about the Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare games check them out on Steam here or go to the official game website here

    #RedDeadRedemption #UndeadNightmare #PC #RockstarGames #WildWest #PCGames #Steam #Western #FreeRoaming #Gangs #Zombies #Apocalypse

  • Red Dead Redemption The Undead Nightmare

    You could say that there are two sides to the game’s developer Rockstar who are popular for the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption titles, these games were real high flyers and yet over the years some gamers appear to have become increasingly frustrated with the lack of updates and new games, yet there will always be those die-hard fans that appreciate these new offerings, it’s a delicate line for Rockstar.

    After a long time waiting Nintendo Switch and PlayStation gamers will soon be able to get on their horse in Red Dead Redemption and take on a zombie apocalypse in the Undead Nightmare games, these will be released next week and while many gamers will be pleased to visit the wild west, while as ever there are those who are disappointed in the lack of new content from Rockstar, the joys of being a games developer!

    Find out more about the Red Dead Redemption and the Undead Nightmare games here;

    #RedDeadRedemption #Horror #UndeadNightmare #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #Zombie #RockstarGames

  • GTA Online Mammoth Avenger

    Your smuggling operation has become more difficult as the law enforcement in Los Santos become more efficient in intelligence and operations, so you need to take a positive step in order to stay in business, luckily for you, there is the Mammoth Avenger and a special hangar at your disposal.

    The Mammoth Avenger is no ordinary plane it comes with some serious features like the Avenger thruster, turrets, bombs and a forward-facing machine gun system. With tools like this available and a cool hanger to operate from, your smuggling operation is ready to move on to the next level.

    Find out more about the Mammoth Avenger on GTA Online here;

    #GTA #GrandTheftAuto #GTAOnlineMammothAvenger #GTAOnline #MammothAvenger #RockstarGames #LosSantos #BlaineCounty

  • Los Santos Drug Wars The Last Dose On GTA

    There are five new missions waiting for you with Los Santos Drug Wars The Last Dose on GTA Online join Dax and the Fooliganz as they rob, kidnap and steal their way through Los Santos as they attempt to find out who is behind a massive pharmaceutical conspiracy, this is the end for some and a new beginning for others! Find out more on Los Santos Drug Wars The Last Dose here; #LosSantosDrugWars #TheLastDose #GTA #RockstarGames #GTAOnline #GrandTheftAuto

  • Dinka Kanjo SJ and Postlude on GTA

    Welcome to San Andreas GTA Onliners with the Dinka Kanjo SJ and Postlude on offer the competition is only going to get tougher, can you handle it and the other drivers? More to be found here @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #GTA #GTAOnline #Cars #Racing #SanAndreas #LosSantos #GrandTheftAuto #Freeroaming #RockstarGames #RacingGames