Tag: #2DGames

  • Its Judgement Day in The Terminator 2D No Fate game

    Its Judgement Day in The Terminator 2D No Fate game

    Can Judgement Day be stopped? Well, that is up to the players of the Terminator 2D No Fate game. In this game, the story closely follows the movie of the same name with many of the scenes that people will remember such as the bike being chased by the lorry and because it is a 2D platform game you get to see all of the action as it happens. The Terminator 2D: No Fate game will be launching on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PC on the 5th of September.

    To find out more about the Terminator 2D No Fate game go to the official game website here https://www.terminator2d.com or pre-order the game here https://www.reef.direct

    #Terminator2DNoFate #Terminator #2DGames #NoFate #SciFi #JudgmentDay #RetroGaming #Games #Gaming #NewGames #ReefEntertainment #BitmapBureau #Skynet

  • Jump King Available For Mobile Gaming Now

    Jump King Available For Mobile Gaming Now

    If there is one thing that you must not do in the Jump King game on mobile, it is don’t lose your heart! In this retro-looking game, players start with twenty hearts and each time that they fall, they will lose one heart and once they have all gone, well it’s game over. This is the ideal game for mobile gamers as it is quick and exciting, just as a mobile game should be. The Jump King game is available right now at the App Store and on Google Store.

    To find out more about the Jump King Mobile go to the official game website here https://www.jump-king.com/ or download it from Google Play here https://shorturl.at/AFNGn or the App Store here https://shorturl.at/aw6B9

    #JumpKingMobile #MobileGames #Games #Gaming #iOS #Android #Nexile #UKIYOPublishing #FreeToPlay #NewGames #JumpKing #2DGames #PlatformGames

  • Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    Who would have thought that fishing could somehow save the world, but this is the Sea Fantasy game and that is exactly the idea. The game has a classic 2D look to it and so has a retro feel, but that does not mean that this game is old fashioned, far from it, this game has a message to deliver and it is to save the world. So come on do your bit for the planet and embark on the Sea Fantasy now.

    To find out more about the Sea Fantasy game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/ijrYe

    #SeaFantasy #RPG #Fishing #SaveTheWorld #Metasla #Games #Gaming #NewGames #GameOffers #Adventure #Steam #2DGames

  • Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    Sea Fantasy save the world through fishing

    In the Sea Fantasy game, we are alerted to the strange concept that fishing can save the world. Players must obtain all the equipment needed and go after the prize known as SeaAZ this marine life although being a lifesaver it can also be dangerous. The world of fishing has never been such an important thing. Sea Fantasy will be launching in early January.

    To find out more about the Sea Fantasy game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/bXvTE or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/3yjy5

    #SeaFantasy #Fishing #SeaAZ #METASLA #RPG #NewGame #NewTrailer #Games #Gaming #Steam #2DGames #MarineLife #GameTrailer

  • Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Kentum Coming To PC And Consoles Next Year

    Imagine waking up after being in some sort of suspended animation seven thousand years later! This is what players can expect from the new game Kentum. The world that players wake up to is post-apocalyptic and in order to survive players will need to find resources and avoid any dangers that are waiting for them. The Kentum game will be launching next year on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

    To find out more about the Kentum game go to the official game website here https://tlon.vg/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/nbrgB

    #Kentum #SciFi #NewGames #TlonIndustries #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #2DGames #BaseBuilding #Survival #Apocalypse

  • Brawlhalla Star Wars Event Wave II

    Brawlhalla Star Wars Event Wave II

    The brilliant brawler game Brawlhalla is going to be attracting some serious science fiction players with the addition of the latest Star Wars event. What makes this game perfect is that it is free to play and a fantastic challenge all round. The Brawlhalla Star Wars Event Wave II is available now on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

    To find out more about the Brawlhalla Star Wars Event Wave II go to the official game website here https://www.brawlhalla.com/play

    #Brawlhalla #StarWars #BrawlhallaStarWarsEvent #FreeGames #Games #Gaming #2DGames #PlatformGames #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch

  • UFO Man game available on 25th October

    UFO Man game available on 25th October

    The UFO Man is coming soon, but don’t worry this is not an invasion this is just a guy in a flying saucer moving square blocks around completing tasks and then moving on to the next one. However the controls and the blocks are delicate, one mistake and you are back to the starting all over again. This might have the appearance of an easy game, but for the players, this is a challenge and it is really going to be addictive, are you ready for this? UFO Man will be available from the 25th October on Steam and for iOS.

    To find out more about the UFO Man game visit the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3091230/UFOMan/ or visit the official game website here https://dyglone.sakura.ne.jp/software_ufoman.html

    #UFOMan #GameplayTrailer #Steam #iOS #UFO #FlyingSaucer #Alien #SciFi #PCGames #MobileGames #Games #Gaming #FoddianGame #Dyglone #2DGames

  • Scaredy Cat Game Demo Now on Steam

    Scaredy Cat Game Demo Now on Steam

    You might have thought that pet sitting would be a nice, quiet and safe job to do, yet that is not always the case and in this new Scaredy Cat game nothing could be further away. You will be playing the part of the pet sitter who somehow manages to find the weirdest gigs to go on where hauntings and mysteries are all around. This game is in the classic 2D-pixel art style and reminds us of those great arcade games that always seemed to get the better of us! The demo is out now on Steam for PC and Mac.

    To find out more about the Scaredy Cat game head on over to the official game website here https://a-e-i-o.com/games/scaredy-cat/ or check out the demo and screenshots here on the game page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3210190/Scaredy_Cat_Demo/

    #ScaredyCat #GameDemo #Steam #PC #Mac #AEIO #Games #Gaming #2DGames #Supernatural #Horror #PetSitting #IndieGames #PixelArt #Puzzles #ModernDystopia

  • Major Game Update For Pixel Starships

    Major Game Update For Pixel Starships

    Players of Pixel Starships will be getting an update to the game that promises to bring in a whole load of features such as new ship components, advanced weapons, upgrades for defence, expanded ship customization, new missions and challenges. This is one of those updates that really does reward players for sticking with the game, it will also encourage new players and so the story will grow and grow. So if you are looking for some brilliant 2D gaming action then you are in luck.

    To find out about the Pixel Starships game update go to the official game website here http://www.pixelstarships.com

    #SavySoda #PixelStarships #PvP #PvE #Games #Gaming #NewGames #2DGames #RetroGames #SciFi #GameUpdates #StrategyGames #FreeToPlayGames

  • Dungeon Fighter Online Hunter and Vigilante

    Dungeon Fighter Online Hunter and Vigilante

    The hunt is on with this new game update for Dungeon Fighter Online, this is season eight act five and this means that this classic 2D beat-em-up game will be bringing more action to your MMORPG than before as you become both hunter and vigilante in this seriously dark game that will take you down into a world where the dungeons hold secrets to be wary of. This game is a great trip from reality into a world that is totally different and where there are dangers around every corner.

    Find out more about the Dungeon Fighter Online game here on the official game website https://www.dfoneople.com/

    #DFO #DungeonFighterOnlineHunterVigilante #DungeonFighterOnline #Hunter #Vigilante #MMORPG #GameUpdate #2DGames #GameEvents #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • New Vagrient Game Coming Early Next Year

    New Vagrient Game Coming Early Next Year

    Coming soon is the Vagrient classic-looking 2D game where you play the part of a warrior separated from his people, stranded on a strange planet with a damaged transportation device. First, you must survive, then in order to get off this planet you must search for enough resources and even then it won’t be simple as there are hostile indigenous life forms and other dangers just waiting for you to let your guard down. Vagrient will be launching on Steam early next year, this is one game that you really need to keep an eye on.

    To find out more about the new Vagrient game take a look at the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2681570/VAGRIENT/

    #AndrewBray #Vagrient #VagrientGame #Steam #SciFi #Stranded #Warrior #SpaceTravel #Survival #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Planet #2DGames #NewGame #Spacecraft

  • Cyber Paradise To Appear At Indie Games Exhibitions

    Cyber Paradise To Appear At Indie Games Exhibitions

    If there is one thing that can really give some serious coverage for a game, it has to be being picked to show your game at some of the top exhibitions for indie games, this is exactly what has happened for DDmeow Games and their game Cyber Paradise. So expect to be hearing a lot more about this game that combines puppies and cafes, a splendid combination we are thinking and why not? If you are interested in how this game is going to look like there is not long to wait as it will be on Steam as from tomorrow, how cool is that?

    Find out more about the Cyber Paradise game here on the Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2431790 or on the official game website: https://CyberParadise.net

    #Pixelart #Indiegame #CyberParadise #NewGame #BitSummit #BusanIndieConnectFestival #2DGames #DDmeowGames #Dogs #Cafes #RetroGames #Steam #PC #Switch #Xbox #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    Here is a game that sort of sits in two eras, firstly its a game with a retro feel to it and secondly it is a game that is totally new, therefore you will be getting the thrills of classic gaming, but with the knowledge that this game has been created using the latest technology and so unlike those old game this new game will be fast and smooth, just like a good game should be, are you ready for SpaceSlog?

    Find out more about the SpaceSlog game here on Steam; https://s.team/a/2133570

    #SpaceSlog #2D #spaceship #colony #sim #indiegame #indiedev #colonysimulator #2DGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #ProdunoGamesStudios #Steam #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Terminus Zombie Survivors Game Update

    Terminus Zombie Survivors Game Update

    Could you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? It might sound easy enough you just have to gather weapons, food, water and other essentials, then search out an easily defendable place to live, sounds easy and you are about to get the chance to prove your survival tactics in the Terminus: Zombie Survivors game, which has just been given its final update before it finishes its time on early access and is released into the gaming world. So, do you have what it takes to survive Zombie Apocalypse?

    Find out more about the Terminus: Zombie Survivors game here; https://terminuszombiesurvivors.com/

    #TerminusZombieSurvivors #Survival #Roguelike #Zombies #Survivors #LongplayStudios #2DGames #PCGames #ZombieApocalypse #ZombieVirus #GameUpdate #SciFi

  • Scribe RPG game play trailer

    Scribe RPG game play trailer

    Putting an idea or product on a crowdfunding site such as Kickstarter can be a risky business as it opens you up to comments and critisim, but worse than that is what if nobody likes the idea, this could be a disaster, however for the makers of the Scribe role-playing game, Rawmeat this move is proving to be a great success and in fact Kickstarter themselves loves this game, so what’s all the fuss about? This game is a mash-up of retro platformers, sharp graphics and adventure gaming, so what are waiting for? Check it out now!

    Find out more about the Scribe RPG game here; https://scriberpg.com

    #indiegame #indiegames #indiedev #indierpg #pixelart #2dgames #2danimation #pixelartgames #platformer #kickstarter #campaign #rpg #indierpg #adventuregame #adventuregames #actiongames

  • You Are Death So Try To Be Nice

    You might have thought that being Death might be an easy job, but it can be stressful and eventually, you are going to need a break from it. This is a nice 2D game where you must collect those souls, manage your team and answer to the boss too! This has to be the hardest job on earth can you handle being Death? Find out more on Have A Nice Death here; http://www.nintendo.com/ #HaveANiceDeath #NintendoSwitch #Death #2DGames #CollectingSouls #RoguelikeGame

  • Fantastical Frenzied Fusion Intrepid Izzy

    Join Intrepid Izzy on a quest that takes in a variety of themes and challenges that will test your gaming skills to the limit. The game is out soon, so what are you waiting for? Find out more here; https://intrepid-izzy.senileteam.com/ #game #newgames #ratalaikagames #classicgames #2dgames #senileteam #fantasygames