Tag: #BandaiNamco

  • Out Today Synduality The Echo of Ada

    Out Today Synduality The Echo of Ada

    There is a new map coming to Synduality Echo of Ada this will now combine the north and southern zones to produce a more dangerous area, but for those who venture into this new zone, there are fabulous rewards to be found. However, this map will only become available for those players who have already finished a certain amount of in-game requests, so some players had better get a move on.

    To find out more about the Synduality Echo of Ada go to the official game website here https://bnent.eu/BuySynduality

    #Synduality #EchoofAda #Synduality #EchoofAda #Games #Gaming #NewGames #SciFi #BandaiNamco #NewSeason #Robots #Military

  • Synduality Echo of Ada early access now

    Synduality Echo of Ada early access now

    The world is in a post-apocalyptic time with most of it a wasteland, so what better time is there to go on a journey of exploration with your very own AI companion, however, there are dangers in store with creatures to avoid and ruins to be careful around, this is one journey that will never for forgotten. The Synduality Echo of Ada game is available now on early access on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and on PC via Steam

    To find out more about the Synduality Echo of Ada game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/afbr0 or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/FjdQG

    #SyndualityEchoofAda #Synduality #SciFi #Games #Gaming #BandaiNamco #PostApocalypticWasteland #AICompanion #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Steam

  • Freedom Wars returns for PC and consoles

    Freedom Wars returns for PC and consoles

    There was a time when the Freedom Wars game could only be played on the PlayStation Vita console, but now thanks to Bandai Namco players can join the quest to save the citizens of Panopticon on PC, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. This is an opportunity to find out what all the fuss has been about with this game, as the Freedom Wars Remastered edition is out now on consoles and on PC.

    To find out more about the Freedom Wars game go to the official game website here https://www.bandainamcoent.com/

    #FreedomWars #FreedomWarsRemastered #ClassicGames #PCGames #ConsoleGames #Games #Gaming #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #PC #Steam #BandaiNamco

  • Gundam Requiem for Vengeance

    Gundam Requiem for Vengeance

    This is massive its the launch of the Gundam Requiem for Vengeance with the Fortnite game in celebration of the upcoming anime TV series on Netflix. This is very exciting and offers players the opportunity to get into a series of Deathmatch on Fortnite Island and we all know how serious that could be for anyone, no matter how long you have been playing or how skilful you are. This is a great mash-up of gaming and TV series all rolled into one big explosive event that is set to be released just after the launch of the Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance anime on Netflix, stay tuned for more information!

    Find out more about the Gundam Requiem for Vengeance here https://gundam-requiem.net

    #Gundam #RequiemforVengeance #GundamRequiemforVengeance #LookNorthWorld #BandaiNamco #SciFi #SanDiegoComicConvention #Netflix #Anime #UEFN #Fortnite #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Ground Battle

    This is your chance to unleash that built-up power in the Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Ground Battle, do you have what it takes to take on the best fighters in a competition that has some very interesting rules and some even more interesting competitors?

    This is the new Ground Battle for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot that puts you right there in the middle of the action, taking on some of the toughest challenges in the gaming world. One thing is for certain when you get through this you know that you have been through it.

    Find out more on Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Ground Battle here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/dragon-ball/dragon-ball-z-kakarot

    #DragonBallZ #Kakarot #GroundBattle #DragonBallZKakarotGroundBattle #BandaiNamco #DBZK #DLC5

  • Armored Core and the Fires of Rubicon

    It has been a while since the discovery of a new energy source on the planet Rubicon, but the substance has turned up on Rubicon again and corporations are now in a race to secure this substance as it can have massive implications on the future of humans and the galaxy.

    This fight is on to gain control of this substance and this is where the Armored Core come in, the mission is simple secure the substance for the future of the human race, but it’s not all about humans, there are other races in the galaxy too!

    Find out more on the Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon game here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/armored-core/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubicon

    #ArmoredCore #FiresofRubicon #ArmoredCoreVIFiresofRubicon #Aliens #Corporations #BandaiNamco

  • New Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour

    This is an announcement that many gamers would have been waiting for. It’s this year’s Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour, it is time to secure your place at the DBFZWT Finals and it all starts with the brilliant and the explosive kickoff will be at the EVO 2023.

    Obviously, this is not for everyone, but for many of the gamers and esports fans this is something that they have been waiting for, it is competitive gaming at its best and there are those gamers and teams who have been training for this for a long time, they are ready are you?

    Find out more here; https://twitter.com/bneesports/

    #EVO #DBFZWT #DragonBallFighterZ #DragonBallFighterZWorldTour #BNEESports #BandaiNamco #Esport

  • TEKKEN 8 with Bryan Fury

    Ex-cop Bryan Fury enters the Tekken 8 challenge, more than a man he is now a powerful and somewhat psychotic cyborg who is bound to bring in some interesting moves, but does he have what it takes to be a winner?

    Tekken 8 is a classic fighting game from Bandai Namco that has evolved over the years to become more than just a game, are you ready to become part of Tekken 8?

    Find out more on Bryan Fury and Tekken 8 here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8

    #Tekken8 #BryanFury #Cyborg #BandaiNamco #FightingGame #Games

  • The King Is Crowned In Tekken

    It seems like Tekken has been around since video gaming began and in reality that is not far from the truth as it is one of the longest-running stories in gaming. So it is no surprise that a game with this history would have a King and this is the time for the King to take control of the game. Find out more on Tekken 8 here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8 #Tekken #Tekken8 #King #BandaiNamco #Gaming #FightingGames #PCGaming

  • Gundam Evolution Big Guns

    You might remember some of this kit from the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing movie, which makes this game update for Gundam Evolution, even more, interesting and more to the point a great addition to your gaming experience, bigger and better weapons means more chance of winning. Find out more on the Gundam Evolution Big Guns here; https://gundamevolution.com/ #GundamEvolution #GunEvo #GundamEvolutionGameUpdate #BandaiNamco #MobileSuitGundamWing

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Xeku Zwei

    Available from today for the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation is the Xeku Zwei with these weapons Xeku Eins Rapidfire Smart Gun, Xeku Eins Beam Saber, 60mm Vulcan x 2, Xeku Zwei Beam Saber x 2, Xeku Eins Machine Gun, Missile POD x 3 and Xeku Zwei Club at your disposal. Find out more Bandai Namco news here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/live #BandaiNamco #MobileSuit #GundamBattleOperation #XekuZwei #Weapons #MobileSuitGundamBattleOperation

  • No Mans Sky Fractal Update

    Immerse yourself into No Mans Sky with the Fractual update that brings you the ability to easily switch from playing in VR to normal play without missing anything because you are able to stay where you saved. More than this there is a new starship, speeder and even a new expedition to part in. Find out more on the No Mans Sky Fractal update here; https://www.nomanssky.com/fractal-update/ #NoMansSky #FractalUpdate #Utopia #VR #GameUpdate #PSVR2 #VRGames #BandaiNamco

  • Your New Career At Park Beyond

    You are the new manager of a fabulous theme park but business can be tough with rivals popping up nearby, problems with the rides and of course, customers! Are you ready for the next step in your career, have you got what it takes? Find out more here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/park-beyond/park-beyond #ParkBeyond #ThemePark #Manager #Park #BandaiNamco #PS5 #Xbox #PC

  • Suit Up Narrative Gundam B-Packs

    This is your chance to suit up and get involved with the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 with the Narrative Gundam B-Packs addition to the game. So get into your mech and save the planet from the dangers that are incoming. Find out more here; https://gundamevolution.com/en/ #MobileSuitGundamBattleOperation #NarrativeGundamB #Mechs #Gundam #GundamEvolution #BandaiNamco #GBO2

  • Armored Core Fires Of Rubicon

    This is your chance to enter the Fires of Rubicon with Armored Core, here you will become the pilot of a mech with a mission that will take you to the distant planet of Rubicon 3 where there could be a remarkable power source that might just provide the human race with a solution to the worlds power requirements, however, the planet has become contaminated. Find out more here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/armored-core/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubicon #ArmoredCore #FiresOfRubicon #Rubicon #Mechs #ArmoredCoreFiresOfRubicon #FromSoftware #BandaiNamco

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Sinanju Stein

    Check out the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation game with the Sinanju Stein addition, this game is full-on and comes with plenty of action. Suit up and get into battle right now. More details can be found here; https://bo2.ggame.jp/en/ #MobileSuit #Gundam #BattleOperation #game #SinanjuStein #BandaiNamco

  • JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R Risotto Nero

    JoJo continues her Bizarre Adventure with an All-Star Battle R with Risotto Nero becoming the chosen one, what could possibly go wrong in this challenge? More details on this game can be found here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/jojo/jojos-bizarre-adventure-all-star-battle-r #JoJo #RisottoNero #AllStarBattleR #BandaiNamco #JoJoBizarreAdventure #JoJosBizarreAdventureAllStarBattleR

  • Konohamaru Sarutobi DLC Naruto To Boruto

    Bandai Namco has released the Konohamaru Sarutobi DLC for Naruto To Boruto, with this update Konohamaru Sarutobi will use Fire Styles: Flaming Meteors and Burning Ash to battle it out, are you ready? Find out more here; https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/naruto-to-boruto-shinobi-striker #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #BandaiNamco #Konohamaru #Sarutobi #DLC #NarutoToBoruto #FireStyles #FlamingMeteors #BurningAsh #Battle #Anime #Games #Gaming

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Delta Kai PV

    Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Players are able to check out the Gundam Delta Kai PV option here to suit up and spring into action. Find out more here http://spr.ly/6056MkdNY @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #MobileSuit #Gundam #Battle #Operation #Players #GundamDeltaKaiPV #BandaiNamco #Robots #War #Fighters #Space #MobileSuitGundam #Games #Gamers #Gaming