Tag: #BattleRoyale

  • BAPBAP Roguelike Party Game out on Steam now

    BAPBAP Roguelike Party Game out on Steam now

    If you are fed up with games that all seem to be alike then you are going to love BAPBAP as this is one of those games that turns everything on its head and more. They say this is one of those games that could make your friends hate you, but in gaming that is just the way it goes. Challenge the rules and take up to seven friends with you on a journey that is going to be chaotic with a touch of madness thrown in for good measure. BAPBAP can be found on Steam Early Access right now.

    To find out more about the BAPBAP game go to the official game website here https://bapbap.gg or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/pZ02a

    #BAPBAP #Roguelike #PartyGame #Steam #EarlyAccess #BattleRoyale #Games #Gaming #BAPHQ #Characters #Chaos #Arguments #Combat #Weapons #RuleBreaker

  • Godzilla x Kong come to Fortnite

    Godzilla x Kong come to Fortnite

    There is a massive monster mashup coming to Fortnite with the Godzilla x Kong adventure into Fortnite. So get off the battle bus gather your squad and take on the most fierce monsters ever to walk the planet. This could be the deathmatch of the year so far, even though we are only in January!

    To find out more about Godzilla x Kong in Fortnite go to the official game website here fn.gg/TitanTakedown

    #Godzilla #Kong #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #Monsters #Monarch #Games #Gaming #TitanTakedown #SciFi #NewGame #Battles

  • PUBG Battlegrounds Spring Fest 2025 and Sanhok updates

    PUBG Battlegrounds Spring Fest 2025 and Sanhok updates

    It is always an exciting time when there is an update to the PUBG Battlegrounds game and in this case, there is a lot taking place such as the Spring Fest 2025, updates to the Sanhok map, loot truck, Greek mythology rewards and new gunplay labs. These updates will become available from the 23rd of this month, so roll on next week and these great updates.

    To find out more about the PUBG Battlegrounds game, patch notes and recent game updates go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/en/news/8119

    #PUBGBattlegrounds #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Krafton #SpringFest #Sanhok #BattleRoyale #LootTruck #Games #Gaming #GameUpdates

  • Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Out now on early access is the brilliant and exciting Fortnite Ballistic tactical first-person shooter game that will put players up against each other in battles that only stop when there is a winner. The game is simple, it is a round-based 5v5 challenge where tactics, strategy and each players individual skills will be out to the test, are you up for the challenge?

    To find out more about the new Fortnite Ballistic game go to the official game website here fn.gg/Ballistic

    #FortniteBallistic #Fortnite #Ballistic #FPS #Tactics #Strategy #Survival #TeamBasedGames #Games #Gaming #Battles #FortniteGames #BattleRoyale

  • PUBG Sanhok is open for Destruction

    PUBG Sanhok is open for Destruction

    Get ready to take on the PUBG Sanhok map, despite there being some new textures and terrain features this map has been rigged to blow. So take a look around to take in the map, but don’t take too long as the map is going to destruct in a big way. The latest update Patch #33.1 is out now on PC and will be coming out on the 12th of December on consoles.

    To find out more about the PUBG Sanhok map and game go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/en/main

    #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #PUBGSanhok #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBGBattlegrounds #Games #Gaming #SanhokDestruction

  • PUBG Patch Report Sanhok Destruction SMG Rebalance

    PUBG Patch Report Sanhok Destruction SMG Rebalance

    Another update brings us the latest PUBG Patch Report with some seriously cool content such as the destructible Sanhok map, even though the map has been given some cool changes in the terrain, textures and much more, it is almost a shame to blow it all up! The PUBG Patch #33.1 is out now on PC and will be coming out on the 12th of December on consoles.

    To find out more about the latest PUBG Patch Report go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/news/7988

    #PUBGBattlegrounds #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGPatchReport #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #SanhokDestruction #BattleRoyale #Games #Gaming

  • PUBG Battlegrounds Hot Drop Now

    PUBG Battlegrounds Hot Drop Now

    This is something big for players of PUBG Battlegrounds it is the Hot Drop event that not only offers the players the chance to compete in the matches, accumalate kills and damange, in return for success in this event there are some rewards such as credits, loot, a hunters chest and more. The PUBG Battlegrounds Hot Drop event will be launching for PC and consoles on November 20th until December 3rd are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the PUBG Battlegrounds Hot Drop event check out the game video on YouTube here https://youtu.be/zl7TR1MNYiY?si=2Flc9S_MdQ3yNVfG or go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/events/notice/7873

    #PUBG #PUBGBattlegrounds #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #HotDropMode #HotDropNow #Games #Gaming #Gamers #BattleRoyale #PUBGEvents

  • PUBG Battlegrounds Patch Report new vehicle Arcade mode

    PUBG Battlegrounds Patch Report new vehicle Arcade mode

    This is the latest PUBG Battlegrounds Patch Report bringing to the game some interesting extras such as the hot drop mode, an inflatable boat, clan system updates, new vehicles, an exciting arcade mode and of course the all important crafter pass. This is brilliant update that brings a lot of stuff to the game where players are able to pick and choose which or all of these features all at once.

    To find out more about the latest PUBG Battlegrounds Patch Report head on over to the official game website here https://pubg.com/en/news/7875

    #PUBGBattlegrounds #PatchReport #NewVehicle #ArcadeMode #PUBGBattlegroundsPatchReport #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Fortnitemares 2024 Cinematic Short

    Fortnitemares 2024 Cinematic Short

    For some players Fortnite can be scary enough, just getting through a battle royale or surviving a sustained attack can be up there with some of the more scary games, yet just the players of Fortnite to think up something that is scary, funny and at the same time dangerous to your advancement in the game, this is Fortnitemares and it is exactly what it says it is. So if you are looking for a bit more bang to your battle royale experience then this is it. Fortnitemares returns to the platform on October 11th are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Fortnite game and the Fortnitemares event go to the official game page here https://www.fortnite.com/?lang=en-US

    #EpicGames #Fortnite #Fortnitemares #CinematicShort #Halloween #Scary #Fright #Horror #Games #Gaming #BattleRoyale #FortniteGame #FortnitePlayers

  • Update 31.2 for PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS is now available

    Update 31.2 for PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS is now available

    There is nothing like an update on PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds to get players talking, sometimes its bad, but it has to be said that most of the updates go down well and make the game better for players, In this case, it is the Update 31.2 that we are looking at and it is pretty good with a South Korean inspired map with the local hospital buildings, shipyards, and prisons have been transformed, there is even a new bridge across the river to make it easier for players to move around more freely.

    To find out more about PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds and the latest game update go to the official website here https://pubg.com/en/news/7624

    #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #Taego #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #Krafton #SouthKorea #Players #Gamers #Games #Gaming

  • Warcana Launches On Steam

    Warcana Launches On Steam

    Monsters, magicians and a massive battle royale are what we are expecting from the new game Warcana, it brings together everything that we would want from a base defence, RTS and deck-building game. You will play the part of a powerful magician facing hordes of monstrous enemies in over thirty game scenarios with even more if you use the in-game editor. Play single or multiplayer and defeat each wave of monsters to survive and move on to the next game.

    Find out more about the Warcana game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2022930/WARCANA/ or here on the official games website https://warcana.game/

    #Warcana #1000Orks #Team17 #Steam #BaseDefense #RTS #DeckBuildingGame #Monsters #SciFi #Fantasy #BattleRoyale #Magicians #Games #Gaming #Gamers #NewGames

  • Fortnite Metallica Fuel Fire Fury Event

    Fortnite Metallica Fuel Fire Fury Event

    You can always rely on Fortnite to keep coming up with some great ideas and this one is the spectacular Metallica Fuel Fire Fury Event which is as cool as it sounds, there are some brilliant tracks to listen to, all of which fans of the group will already know of and no doubt there will be even more fans following playing this event.

    To find out more about the Fortnite Metallica Fuel Fire Fury Event visit the official Fortnite website here https://www.fortnite.com/news?lang=en-US

    #FortniteMetallicaFuelFireFuryEvent #Fortnite #MetallicaFuelFireFury #FortniteEvent #Music #Metallica #MusicFestival #Games #Gaming #Gamers #BattleRoyale #Deathmatch #EpicGames

  • PUBG Veil of Taego E2 coming Aug 30th

    PUBG Veil of Taego E2 coming Aug 30th

    Coming at the end of August will be the PUBG: Veil of Taego episode two, they say that there are rumours that there is something strange happening in Taego, so what do you do? You can sit back and see what happens or you can take the battle to the enemy, yet we all know that it’s a matter of getting stuck in and if that fails, just keep going until you succeed. Some players may be wanting to head back to Haven, but we are here now and so Taego here we come!

    Find out more about the PUBG Veil of Taego E2 game here on the official PUGB website https://pubg.com/en

    #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #Taego #BattleRoyale #Deathmatch #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Warfare #VeilofTaego #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Rumors #Weapons #Battles #LastTeamStanding

  • Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4 Absolute Doom

    Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4 Absolute Doom

    Playing Fortnite is not always about skills, you may need a little luck and sometimes you may need a little help, but only sometimes! As the game enters season four of chapter five things are going to get a bit hectic with the introduction of Doctor Doom! Yes, this hero from the Marvel universe is turning up in the Fortnite arena and he has brought some friends along too. This is simply going to be a battle of legends, but who will come out as the winner? There are plenty of options to choose from, so what’s your next move, are you ready?

    Find out more about the Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4 – Absolute Doom here on the Fortnite website https://www.fortnite.com/?lang=en-US

    #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #AbsoluteDoom #Marvel #SciFi #FortniteAbsoluteDoom #FortniteCH5S4 #FortniteChapter5Season4 #Games #Gaming #Gamers #EpicGames #DoctorDoom #VBucks #Doom

  • PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    There is a new update for PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds that brings in Clan Month and some new weapons, with new rewards too. This is season 31 and it is just as exciting as ever. The mission remains the same, become the last team standing and win, it is really that simple and yet there is some serious fun to be had along the way, maybe that is why this game has been going for so long and attracts so many players, what’s your clan?

    To find out more about the PUBG Patch Report here on the official website https://pubg.com/en/news/7582

    #PUBG #PatchReport #ClanMonth #NewWeapons #PUGBBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBGClanMonth #KRAFTON #PCGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PUBGPatchReport #GameUpdates

  • Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Gamers who know Rebellion will also know about the Sniper Elite game where you are behind enemy lines on mission to cause as much havoc and destruction as possible, well now there is the Project Archipelago game a sniper battle royale game that will really push your skills to the limit and beyond. The good news is that this new game is going into a Pre-Alpha PC Playtest. So check it out on the official page and sign up for the three-day Pre-Alpha Access that will be running from Aug 16th to the 18th starting at 20:00-24:00 CEST are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest here on the official sign-up page https://archipelago.antidote.gg/?n=ryt

    #gaming #rebelliondevelopments #gamingnews #playtest #sniperbattleroyale #battleroyale #games #gamers #sniper #battleroyale #pcgames #newgames #ProjectArchipelago #rebellion

  • Warcana coming to Steam in August

    Warcana coming to Steam in August

    Join the battlefield where there is an army of unimaginable terror waiting for you. This is a war that is unlike any other and you simply have to win because this is a battle of good versus evil. Think of this as a battle royale where victory is the only way to survive. The developers 1000orks are launching the game on the 15th of August but until then there is a ready-to-play demo available on Steam, so why not head on over there and see what it’s all about? Warcana is coming and only you can stop it, are you ready to fight?

    Find out more about the Warcana game here on Steam https://bit.ly/TW-WARCANA or on the official game website here https://warcana.game/

    #1000Orks #Warcana #Steam #RTS #Demo #NewGame #BattleRoyale #StreamSniper #Deckbuilding #SmiteAbility #Team17Digital #DefenceStrategyGame #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • PUBG Fantasy Battle Royale Reborn

    PUBG Fantasy Battle Royale Reborn

    Let’s head off to Dragons Isle where not every is what seems and there are squads waiting for you almost around every corner, but this is no holiday paradise there is a job to be done and rewards to win. Welcome to the PUBG Fantasy Battle Royale it will become available for PC players from July 24th to August 7th, and for those who prefer to play on consoles, their time will come starting from July 31st to August 14th. This is going to be tough and only the last team standing will be able to reap those lovely rewards, are you ready for the Fantasy Battle Royale?

    Find out more about the PUBG Fantasy Battle Royale Reborn here; https://pubg.com/en-na

    #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #FantasyBattleRoyale #ChickenDinner #BattleRoyale #Barbarian #Ranger #Wizard #Paladin #DragonsIsle #PUBGBattlegrounds #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • PUBG 7th Anniversary Events Grand 7th Loot

    PUBG 7th Anniversary Events Grand 7th Loot

    There is a party atmosphere going on for Player Unknowns Battlegrounds with the 7th Anniversary Events and the Grand 7th Loot this is something that cannot be missed and this should be the something very special. Check out the video to see all of the cool things that are happening for the party of the year! Be warned, there might be a party atmosphere going on but you can still be wiped out at any time.

    Find out more about the PUBG party, anniversary and all things Player Unknowns Battlegrounds here; https://pubg.com/en/events/notice/7109

    #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBG #PUBG7YEARS #BattleRoyale #Survivors #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGParty #PUBGAnniversary #Looting #Gamers #Warfare

  • PUBG 7th Anniversary Party Trailer

    PUBG 7th Anniversary Party Trailer

    It is hard to imagine that it has been seven years of survival for the players of PUBG Battlegrounds, it seems that it’s not all about landing safely, looting as much stuff as you can manage and then finally being able to survive all of the other players trying to do the same thing. This is the beauty of Player Unknowns Battlegrounds and as we enter this 7th anniversary we can expect some more of the same and maybe even something new too!

    To find out more about the seven-year anniversary of Player Unknowns Battlegrounds visit the game website here; https://pubg.com/en-eu/news/7082

    #PUBG7YEARS #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGBattlegrounds #Games #Gamers #Gaming #BattleRoyale #LandLootSurvive

  • Olympus comes to Fortnite

    Olympus comes to Fortnite

    Olympus is coming to Fortnite with the Myths and Mortals battle pass, this will bring some of the most famous heroes to the battlefield including Hades and Zeus as well as some cool outfits to help you fit in such as the Aphrodite, Slurpseidon, Artemis, Zeus, Hades, Medusa, Cerberus, and Korra costumes just waiting to be unlocked and bring the world of the gods to the Fortnite island.

    To find out more about the Fortnite Myths and Mortals game visit the game page here; http://fn.gg/mythsandmortals

    #FortniteMythsAndMortals #FortniteSeason2 #FortniteCh5S2 #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #Games #Gamers #Gaming #BattlePass

  • My Hero Ultra Rumble Season Three

    My Hero Ultra Rumble Season Three

    Welcome to season three of the brilliant My Hero Ultra Rumble with a battlefield and some interesting quirks to see in the new season for this free to play game that comes with plenty of extras, action and some new costumes to dress you up fit to play this game. This is a great way to chill and play a game that will take you to a place where dreams come true because as we all know in the real world things are not always that easy.

    Find out more about the My Hero Ultra Rumble game here; playmyheroultrarumble.com

    #MyHeroUltraRumble #MyHero #UltraRumble #MHUR #BattleRoyale #Battlefield #BandaiNamcoUS #Games #Gaming #FreeGames

  • Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Underground

    Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Underground

    Welcome to the Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Underground this is a new island with new bosses, new weapons and outfits, what more could you want? Well, poor old Peely has been taken, you need to get him back before it’s too late and you have some cool new gear to help you achieve these goals and more.

    Yet this is Fortnite and you are put right in the middle of a Battle Royale, you are going Underground where things are not quite what they may seem at first, there is also the matter of the train, yes you must take the train and clearly that is not going to be an easy task.

    Find out more about the Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Underground update here; https://www.fortnite.com/news/join-the-fight-in-fortnite-battle-royale-chapter-5-season-1-underground

    #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #FortniteChapterFive #FortniteBattleRoyale #FortniteGame #Chapter5Underground #FortniteUnderground #FortniteCh5S1

  • PUBG Rondo The Ground Of Honor

    PUBG Rondo The Ground Of Honor

    There is not long to wait for the next update on PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds to go live, this time PUBG will be based on Rondo which is also known as The Ground Of Honor! Naturally when it comes to getting on in this game honor does not come into it, you need to be skillfull, cunning and have a good team with you.

    This is a quick look at the new PUBG Rondo update, the gameplay shows that while this initially appears to be a peaceful place, we all know that it is not going to stay like that for long. Launch dates vary slightly on PC it is December 6th, while for consoles players will need to wait until December 14th, good luck!

    Find out more about the new PUBG on Rondo game here; https://pubg.com/en/events/unknown

    #PUBGRondo #TheGroundOfHonor #PUBG #Rondo #PUBGRondoGameplay #BattleRoyale #PUGBGameUpdate #PUBGBattlegrounds #NewPUBGMap #NewPUBGGame #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds

  • New Car For PUBG Rondo

    New Car For PUBG Rondo

    When it comes to online gaming one of the top games has to be PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds this is a game that has managed to adapt and expand in order to keep players coming back for more, such as a Battle Royale and new maps such as Rondo. There are other features too, like to the addition of the SUV Blanc after all if you are going to drive around Rondo you may as well do it in style.

    The new PUBG Rondo map is an exciting new place to visit you might even think that you are on holiday for a moment, that is until someone takes a shot a you! This is the beauty of the game, it never ceases to surprise the players with new and interesting ideas that are designed to make your visit to Rondo memorable to say the least.

    Find out more about the PUBG on Rondo here; https://pubg.com/en

    #PUBG #Rondo #PUBGRondo #Car #BattleRoyale #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGBattlegrounds #Games #OnlineGaming #Gamers

  • Fortnite Chapter 4 Season OG Blast Off

    Fortnite Chapter 4 Season OG Blast Off

    When it comes to Fortnite this a game that sometimes feels that it is one battle after another, but in the last couple of seasons there have been changes that really enhanced the game for the better. The video below is a snapshot of the Chapter 4 Season OG Blast Off game and it is pretty spectacular, take a look at it and be impressed.

    For those who do not know Fortnite is a massive game that brings players together as individual players or in teams of friends or new friends to join a battlefield full of like-minded in a battle royale to the end. It is literally the last player standing that is the winner and that is a lot easier said than done, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season OG Blast Off game here; https://www.fortnite.com/news/run-it-back-with-the-og-pass-and-og-shop-in-fortnite-battle-royale

    #FortniteChapterIV #SeasonOG #BlastOff #FortniteSeasonOGBlastOff #BattleRoyale #FortniteOG #OGPass #OGShop #TimeTravel #Rocket

  • PUBG Rondo Official Teaser

    PUBG Rondo Official Teaser

    This is the official teaser for the latest edition of PUBG which they are calling the Rondo version. This is a brilliant video that features Daniel Wu, Lee Jung Jae and Sam Hargrave, but more than this is going to be the epic facing-off between Team Alpha and Team Beta, this is something that simply cannot be missed, no excuses!

    Players waiting for something to happen on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds will be pleased to see this PUBG Rondo Official Teaser that really does set the tone for the launch of this feature on the 6th of December, so there is not too long to wait for this action-packed event on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds.

    Find out more about the PUBG Rondo official teaser here; https://pubg.com/en

    #PUBG #Rondo #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #OfficialTeaser #PUBGBattlegrounds #DanielWu #LeeJungJae #SamHargrave #BattleRoyale

  • KFC Opens In Erangel

    KFC Opens In Erangel

    Sometimes even in the middle of a battle royale some players might find that feeling of hunger could mean the difference between winning and losing. Luckily for those playing PUBG Battlegrounds, there is some relief at hand with the opening of the first KFC on Erangel, yes Col Sanders has arrived on the island.

    As with all games, the addition of a fast-food restaurant offers some much-needed rest and relaxation even if it is only for a few minutes. However, it seems like an opportunity for teams to quickly become targets as the temptation of some KFC could put them off their guard as they grab a bargain bucket.

    Find out more about KFC on PUBG here; https://pubg.com/en-eu/news

    #PUBG #PUBGxKFC #KFCinErangel #KFC #Battlegrounds #BattleRoyale #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds

  • Are you ready for Warcana

    Are you ready for Warcana

    Magicians, battles and warfare is what you can expect from the new Warcana game that is coming next year and it will test all of your gaming skills in this brilliant real-time strategy game. Warcana is like a mix-up of classic games and wargames it requires thinking and cunning to get ahead of the competition.

    In Warcana there are mighty magicians, massive armies, raging monsters and battlefields that will test you to the bitter end in this world of fantasy where not everything is what it might seem at first, things change quickly in this world, are you ready to take on the Warcana challenge?

    Find out more about the Warcana game here; https://warcana.game/

    #Warcana #RTS #Monsters #BattleRoyale #Magicians #Games #Gaming #Armies #Warfare #Battle

  • Futurama Crashes Into Fortnite

    Here is something that has been a long time coming, visitors from New New York have crashed onto the Fortnite Island and with their futuristic weapons and attitude will be ripping the place apart in a way that only the guys from Futurama can do. Yes, Bender, Fry and Leela have crashed into Fortnite and that can mean only one thing, mayhem!

    This is the latest update on Fortnite, it brings in some cool outfits and weapons for you to use, who would imagine that blending an animated TV series with a popular online game would have taken so long to happen, but never the less it is here now and it has to be said, who will be the last player standing now?

    Find out more about the Futurama update for Fortnite here; fn.gg/futurama

    #Futurama #Fortnite #Bender #Fry #Leela #PlanetExpress #Hypnotoad #Nibbler #Zoidberg #BattleRoyale