Tag: #BattleRoyale

  • Summer Escape Comes To Fortnite

    Looking outside at the cold and rain it is easy to forget that it’s summer, but if you are playing Fortnite summer is going to be hard to miss with the Summer Escape coming to the game for a couple of weeks. The good news is that there are plenty of in-game items to collect the bad news is that the Summer Escape will end on the 18th of July.

    So what do you get with the Summer Escape? Toasted Coconut Emote, Artifact Axe Pickaxe, Bugzy Glider, Wild Fronds Back Bling, Starry Sea Wrap and eventually the Purradise Meowscles Outfit. So there is plenty to look forward to with this Summer Escape.

    Find out more on the Summer Escape on Fortnite here; https://fn.gg/SummerEscape

    #Fortnite #FortniteSummerEscape #FortniteXP #BattleRoyale #MultiplayerGames #BattlePass #XP

  • Fortnite Winter’s Trickster Progressive Legacy Set

    There are always benefits of joining a crew and with Fortnite, there is no exception, join the Fortnite Crew comes with the Winter’s Trickster Progressive Legacy Set that offers some great benefits to members, which makes you think is it worth it or not.

    So apart from the Winter’s Trickster Progressive Legacy Set what else do you get? Well here it is; the Battle Pass is Included for the full Season, 1,000 V-Bucks Each Month, Get A Monthly Crew Pack and the Rocket Pass Premium, so are you interested?

    Find out more on the Fortnite Crew here; https://fn.gg/Volpez

    #Fortnite #FortniteCrew #FortniteWintersTricksterLegacySet #BattleRoyale #FortniteBattlePass #Gaming

  • Head into the Wilds with Fortnite

    If you are having a tough time on Fortnite then your gaming experience is about to become a nightmare with the Wilds. What looks like the glorious wilderness turns out to be a dangerous adventure.

    This is Chapter 4 Season 3 of Fortnite and it is starting today, are you ready for this battle royale or are you going to hide? By the way, there is nowhere to hide, so start running or fighting!

    Find out more on the season of Fortnite here; https://www.fortnite.com/news

    #Fortnite #EpicGames #NewSeason #BattleRoyale #FortniteWilds #FortniteBattleRoyale

  • Fortnite Ranked for Battle Royale and Zero Build

    Having experienced the ups and downs of a battle royale isn’t it time that we were able to show just how good we are on Fortnite? Well, you can now as ranked launches on battle royale and zero build! All you have to do is enable ranked and achieve your goal of silver, gold, platinum and beyond, are you ready to be ranked? Find out more on Ranked on Fortnite here; https://fn.gg/Ranked #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #ZeroBuild #Ranked #FortniteRanked

  • PUBG be stronger as a Clan

    We all know that a squad is a way to get on in PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds, but there is a better way and that is to join a Clan, be stronger as a Clan.

    Turn your squad into a Clan by tagging your teammates, think of a cool name for yourselves and then design your Clan emblem, are you ready for this?

    Find out more on PUBG Clans here; https://pubg.com/en/news/6315

    #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGClans #PUBGSquad #BattleRoyale

  • Eggcitement Bloom On Fortnite

    Easter time comes to Fortnite and that must mean a good old-fashioned easter egg hunt, but when you are picking up your favourite chocolates there is always going to be someone waiting on the sidelines to take you out! Not everyone gets the spirit of easter, in a battle royale it is everyone for themselves. Find out more on Fortnite here; https://www.fortnite.com/ #Fortnite #FortniteSpringBreakout #FortniteQuests #EasterEggs #BattleRoyale

  • PUBG Neon Dream skin for the AUG

    Thanks to update 22.2 you will be able to unpack the fantastic neon dream skin for the AUG and dazzle the enemy with its brilliance! The choice is simple, grab the pack, head to your hideout and unpack your neon dream to ensure that you will never go unnoticed again. Find out more on the PUBG Neon Dream skin for the AUG here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUGB #NeonDream #AUG #PUBGUpdate #BattleRoyale

  • Fortnite Welcome To Mega City

    Mega City is here and waiting for you to take a look around and see some of the sites from the comfort of a two-person bike if that is not hitting the spot then take to the grind rails that flow around the buildings, you can even use weapons while riding the rails. Find out more on Fortnite and Mega City here; https://www.fortnite.com/chapter-4-season-2 #Fortnite #FortniteGameplayTrailer #FortniteMEGA #BattleRoyale #MegaCity

  • Fortnite Chapter Four Season Two Is MEGA

    Are you ready for the next chapter in Fortnite? Well, check out the video above to take a look at what is on offer it’s Mega! This is going to be massive so treat Mega City as your very own playground, grab your bike and race around the streets. This is going to be cool, find out more on Fortnite here; https://www.fortnite.com/chapter-4-season-2 #Fortnite #FortniteCinematicTrailer #FortniteMEGA #BattleRoyale

  • FAMAS Assault Rifle PUBG

    When it comes to a battle royale you need a great weapon and the latest update for PUBG delivers the French-made FAMAS assault rifle, some players might think that it’s tactics that win the game, well some serious firepower helps too! Find out more on the latest update for Players Unknowns Battlegrounds here; https://emea.battlegrounds.pubg.com/en/patch-notes/patch-notes-update-22-2/ #PUBG #FAMAS #PUBGUpdate #BattleRoyale #PUBGPatchNotes

  • Zombie Uprising In PUBG

    You may think that PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is hard enough and yet a terror is coming to the battle royale, zombies! Can you survive a serious death match and the zombie apocalypse or will you be sitting this one out? Find out more on the Zombie in PUBG here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/2023/02/15/labs-zombie-survival-2-0-returns/ #PUBG #BattleRoyale #Zombies #Survivors #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #ZombieApocalypse

  • Fortnite Dragon Ball Is Back

    This is something that will please some Fortnite players, Dragon Ball is back with Son Gohan and Piccolo heading over to a battle royale fresh from the Dragon Ball series. This is something that simply has to be seen to be believed. Find out more on the Fortnite and Dragon Ball events here; https://fn.gg/DragonBallReturns #Fortnite #DragonBall #BattleRoyale #SonGohan #Piccolo #Gaming #FortnitexDragonBall

  • Return Of Moonlight In Vikendi

    Coming soon to Player Unknowns Battlegrounds is the Return of Moonlight to the Vikendi Reborn game, this is something well worth looking into as it puts a serious edge on the winter that is arriving on the map, it gives new meaning to PUBG survival. Find out more on Vikendi Reborn here; https://vikendi.pubg.com/ #BattleRoyale #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Survivors #ReturnOfMoonlight #Vikendi #PUBG #PUBGTheReturnOfMoonlight #VikendiReborn

  • PUBG Intense Battle Royale

    Get ready for the next intense battle royale on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds, this is an exciting event that will push your gaming skills right to the limit and beyond. Within this IBR event, you will see sixteen Survivors, ten minutes of playtime and a faster chicken dinner. Find out more here; https://emea.battlegrounds.pubg.com/en/2023/01/18/labs-intense-battle-royale-mode/ #PUBG #IntenseBattleRoyale #BattleRoyale #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #IBREvent

  • PUBG IBR Event

    This is your chance to join in with the latest Instense Battle Royale on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds, to be in with a chance to enjoy the 16 Survivors, 10 Minutes Playtime and a Faster Chicken Dinner feature you have to get involved. Find out more on the PUBG IBR Event here; https://pubg.info/IBR #PUBG #IBR #Event #PUBGIBREvent #BattleRoyale #Survivors #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #FasterChickenDinner

  • Fortnite Falcon Scout

    Deploy your Falcon and help your squad achieve the big wins that you all deserve or rather that is how it could be because as we know it makes no difference how well-equipped you are, in order to win you must have skills, so are you ready? Find out more; https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/home #Fortnite #FalconScout #EpicGames #Teams #Battles #BattleRoyale #Squads #FortniteFalconScout

  • PUBG The Guardians Are Here

    The Guardians are coming to Player Unknowns Battlegrounds they are Phoenix, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise and White Tiger each comes with their own special powers to bring to the game. Find out more about The Guardians https://pubg.info/theGuardians #PUBG #Guardians #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Phoenix #AzureDragon #BlackTortoise #WhiteTiger #BattleRoyale

  • Latest PUBG Patch Report

    Here are the details for the latest patch report for Player Unknowns Battlegrounds, with this update there are some changes to Sanhok, a new crafter pass and of course new features for Vikendi, suit up and get your squad together the battle royale awaits. Find out more on the PUBG Patch Report here; pubg.info/patch-notes-21-2 #PUBG #PatchReport #PUBGPatchNotes #GameUpdate #BattleRoyale #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Vikendi #CrafterPass #Sanhok

  • PUBG Developers Story Vikendi Reborn

    Get the story behind the development of Vikendi Reborn on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds, it’s not going to help you or your squad win the battle royale, but it might give you a bit of insight as to what the developers were thinking of, it might help you discover some Vikendi Secrets, find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #VikendiReborn #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBG #BattleRoyale #PUBGDevelopers #Vikendi #Gaming #Gamers

  • Vikendi Reborn In PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds

    Winter is visiting PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds as we know Vikendi has been reborn and yet this is no winter wonderland, there are dangers all around. Join in the glorious battle royale with no camping out in the freezing snow and ice, as we know there is nothing worse than a frozen trigger finger. Find out more here; https://emea.battlegrounds.pubg.com/en/ #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Vikendi #PUBGBattlegrounds #Winter #BattleRoyale #EpicGames

  • PUBG Winter Holiday With Friends

    Winter has come to PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds, this is a special winter holiday in the Paradise Resort where you can enjoy all of the fun and dangers with your Line Friends. Who doesn’t like a nice little getaway during the wintertime? Find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #LineFriends #ParadiseResort #BattleRoyale #PUBGWinterHoliday

  • Fortnite Powered By Unreal Engine

    The next chapter of Fortnite is here powered by Unreal Engine 5.1 this development will take your battle royale to another level with Nanite, Lumen, Virtual Shadow Maps, and Temporal Super Resolution being available. This makes Fortnite ready to go on PlayStation, Xbox, PC and of course online gaming. Find out more here; https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/drop-into-the-next-generation-of-fortnite-battle-royale-powered-by-unreal-engine-5-1 #EpicGames #Fortnite #UnrealEngine #BattleRoyale #Nanite #Lumen #VirtualShadowMaps #TemporalSuperResolution

  • New Chapter Fortnite’s Battle Royale

    Get ready for the next event happening in Fortnite, you get the chance to ride on a dirt bike or inside a giant snowball, what better way is there to get around when there is a battle royale going on all around you? This is your chance to claim some new territory for your squad and plant your banners to show what is yours. Find out more here; https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/chapter-4-season-1 #Fortnite #BattleRoyale #NewChapter #ShockwaveHammer #RealityAugments #EpicGames #FortniteNewChapter

  • PUBG Winter Is Coming

    Winter Wonderland is back on PUBG thanks to the latest game update, not only there are some cool updates to the maps and therefore making the gameplay much better with spectacular scenery and improved slickness to the game, after all, nobody wants a minor lag spoiling the game, unless it’s your enemy then it is totally cool! Find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/patch-notes/patch-notes-update-21-1/ #PUBG #Survivors #GameUpdate #PUBGPatchReport #BattleRoyale #WinterWonderland #PUBGBattlegroundsUpdate #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds

  • PUBG Snowmobile For Frozen Vikendi

    Vikendi is frozen and there is only one way of getting around fast, the snowmobile! Luckily there is a new and improved version of the vehicle just waiting for PUBG players to grab hold and shoot off over the snow and ice. Yet it’s not that easy Vikendi might look like a festive scene but there are still enemies out there waiting for you to enter their crosshairs. Find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #PUBG #Vikendi #Game #PlayersUnknownBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #VikendiReborn #Survivors

  • PUBG Vikendi Is Reborn

    Survivors this is something that you have been waiting for, well some of us anyway! The Vikendi map is about to be reborn and to give you a taste of what to expect here is a cool timelapse video of Vikendi and it does not disappoint. More details can be found here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #pubg #vikendi #timelapse #battleroyale #playerunknownsbattlegrounds

  • Rocket League Octane On Fortnite!

    If you cannot find a great place to hide, then maybe you can rev it up and drive as fast as you can the Rocket League’s Octane blasts into the Fortnite battle royale and shows just what a great tool a high-powered vehicle can be. More detail is available here; https://fn.gg/HighOctane #fortnite #rocketleague #octane #vehicles #cars #battleroyale

  • Fortnite Photonic Legacy Set For Crew Members

    This is your chance to get hold of the Photonic Legacy Set for your crew on Fortnite, your reward will be the Photonic Striker Pickaxe, and more than that as reach each stage you unlock more features and designs, there is nothing like a fully customised Photonic Striker Pickaxe is there? More details can be found here; https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/photonic-legacy-set-construct-a-customizable-pickaxe-with-fortnite-crew #fortnite #photonic #legacy #pickaxe #battleroyale #fortnitecrew

  • Player Unknowns Battlegrounds Patch Update

    Here is another patch update for Player Unknowns Battlegrounds it comes with lots of features such as an improved folded shield, vehicle spawn rate and Neymar for a bit of football magic. This promises to be a great update find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/patch-notes/patch-notes-update-20-2/ #pugb #battlegrounds #playerunknownsbattlegrounds #patchreport #neymar #foldedshield #vehiclespawnrate #battleroyale #pubgbattlegrounds

  • Star Wars Fortnite Skywalker Week

    The Force is strong with Fortnite for Skywalker Week as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo join the game for a short while at least. As expected there will be plenty of loot to pick up throughout the gameplay, the problem for you is, who to be and want gear to use. More details can be found here; fn.gg/SkywalkerWeek #starwars #fortnite #epicgames #skywalkerweek #lukeskywalker #leiaorgana #hansolo #battleroyale #maytheforcebewithyou