Tag: #Biz_Nooz

  • Standby For Marauders Early Access

    Space has been industrialised and so there are opportunities for pirates and scavengers to raid, loot and steal just about anything they want, space is big, while the rewards and dangers are just as big are you ready for Marauders? Find out more here; https://www.marauders.game/ #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Marauders #Space #Pirates #Looting #Raiders #FPS #Team17 #LooterShooter #Salvage #MultiplayerGame #SpacePirates #Colonies #SpaceShips

  • Konohamaru Sarutobi DLC Naruto To Boruto

    Bandai Namco has released the Konohamaru Sarutobi DLC for Naruto To Boruto, with this update Konohamaru Sarutobi will use Fire Styles: Flaming Meteors and Burning Ash to battle it out, are you ready? Find out more here; https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/naruto-to-boruto-shinobi-striker #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #BandaiNamco #Konohamaru #Sarutobi #DLC #NarutoToBoruto #FireStyles #FlamingMeteors #BurningAsh #Battle #Anime #Games #Gaming

  • Elder Scrolls Online Legacy Of The Bretons

    This is the Elder Scrolls Online the Legacy of the Bretons autumn event from the beginning of November until the end of the year. Want more information check it out here; https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/62901 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #ESO #ElderScrollsOnline #LegacyoftheBretons #ElderScrolls #Legacy #Bretons #BethesdaSoftworks #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Join The Ship Of Fools Crew

    If you have ever thought about running away to sea this is your chance, the Ship Of Fools is looking for new crew members, is this you? Find out more here https://shipoffoolsgame.com/ @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #ShipOfFools #NewFool #Fools #Ships #Pirates #Treasure #ShipWrecks #Xbox #PC #Playstation #NintendoSwitch

  • Launching Soon Snow Battle Princess Sayuki

    The Snow Battle Princess Sayuki is on a journey to find a cure for the illness that is putting her boyfriend’s life at risk, This classic game experience will be available in October for more details check out https://store.strictlylimitedgames.com/collections/snow-battle-princess-sayuki @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #SnowBattlePrincessSayuki #Game #Games #StrictlyLimitedGames #SnowBattle #PrincessSayuki #SnowMagic #NewGames #Starfish

  • Enjoy Blankos Block Party

    Welcome to Blankos Block Party a multiplayer game that offers custom design and artwork, the game allows players to create their own levels and share them with other players, what’s not to like about that? Find out more https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/blankos-block-party-09fc55 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #EpicGames #Blankos #BuildLevels #Art #CustomDesign #BlankosBlockParty #BlockParty #MultiplayerGame #Games #Gaming #PCGames

  • Play Drone Racing League For Free!

    Join the official Drone Racing League game for free, design, build, fly and race your drone on some brilliant maps, sounds easy, doesn’t it? Get started now on https://thedroneracingleague.com/ @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Drone #DRL #EpicGames #DroneRacingLeague #DesignDrones #BuildDrones #FlyDrones #RaceDrones #SIMGame #Game #Gaming

  • Eighty Days And Overboard Combo

    This is a bargain, two games Eighty Days and Overboard in one, Race around the world and solve mysteries on a cruise ship, enjoy your holidays. For more details go to https://www.iningames.com/games/80-days-overboard/ @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #EightyDays #Overboard #Games #IninGames #TravelGames #MysteryGames #CruiseShips #AroundTheWorld #NintendoSwitch

  • Dare To Climb Charon’s Staircase

    This is Charon’s Staircase a horror game that we dare you to try out, its a dark mystery that is waiting for your gaming skills to find out more visit https://www.soedesco.com/games/charons-staircase @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #CharonsStaircase #Mystery #Horror #Steam #EpicGamesStore #Playstation #Xbox #NintendoSwitch #SOEDESCO #ProjectAlpha

  • Win Hearts of Iron By Blood Alone

    This is Hearts of Iron IV By Blood Alone the world is at war your skill and planning can make a difference or not. Can you bring the war to an end by defeating the enemy? For more details https://pdxint.at/ByBloodAloneSteam @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #HeartsOfIronByBloodAlone #ReleaseTrailer #HeartsOfIron #ByBloodAlone #ParadoxInteractive #War #Warfare #WWII #WorldAtWar #Game #Gaming #NewGames

  • Free Roaming Gotham Knights

    Explore Gotham City with the Gotham Knights you will be in safe hands, but take a wrong turn and who knows what is lying in wait! To find out more https://www.gothamknightsgame.com/en-gb @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #DC #DCComics #GothamKnights #GothamCity #Batgirl #Nightwing #RedHood #Robin #Batman #Villians #Heroes

  • Deadpool Announcement Hugh Jackman Ryan Reynolds

    Deadpool returns for the third time with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman letting the world know in the video above. The problem is that we need to wait a couple of years for it! More Marvel Deadpool details here https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/ryan-reynolds-hugh-jackman-deadpool-3 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Marvel #Deadpool #RyanReynolds #HughJackman #WadeWilson #Wolverine #Deadpool3 #XMen #Logan

  • Farming Simulator! Pumps N’ Hoses!

    Not everyone gets the chance to drive massive farm machinery, but with Farming Simulator you can. Become a farmer grow crops turn your passion into a business! More details here https://farming-simulator.com/about.php @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Farming #Farmers #Tractors #Harvesters #Crops #Growing #EpicGames #CreativeMesh #GIANTSSoftware #Games

  • Staying Safe Online!

    Many people and businesses turn to antivirus software to stop this from happening in the first place. So that sounds good but does this actually work? In short, yes and the good news is that there are plenty of options too, including some free antivirus options. 

    When looking for antivirus it is not always about getting what you pay for that is the best option for your situation, mainly a paid-for version of antivirus software is aimed at the business sector as they would have different needs and many more users, so it makes sense for a business to pay for this service.

    The individual user can safely rely on a good free antivirus product that offers protection from phishing emails, visiting dangerous websites and of course, personal data protection, all we would say when considering any anti-virus product is to check what they offer, make sure there are no hidden charges and do what everyone does when buying a product take a look at the reviews, not just the ones on the product website.

    Google the product by using the terms antivirus software, best antivirus for PC or free antivirus and see what comes back if it works for shopping its good for antivirus software too. Not all antivirus products are equal, however, they will all offer some level of protection and in return, you can rest assured that you are protected which means you have peace of mind. 

    @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Antivirus #Phishing #Data #PersonalData #OnlineSafety #Software #Security #PC #Smartphone #Apps

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Delta Kai PV

    Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Players are able to check out the Gundam Delta Kai PV option here to suit up and spring into action. Find out more here http://spr.ly/6056MkdNY @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #MobileSuit #Gundam #Battle #Operation #Players #GundamDeltaKaiPV #BandaiNamco #Robots #War #Fighters #Space #MobileSuitGundam #Games #Gamers #Gaming

  • Fortnite Anime Legends Pack

    Ok, Fortnite players fancy some anime legends, well this is your lucky day to turn your dreams into reality. Want more go here fn.gg/animelegends @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Fortnite #EpicGames #Survivors #AnimeLegends #BattleRoyale #Gamers #FortniteAnimeLegends #FortniteGame

  • Lila Mouse Lumion Spirit Guardian

    Lila the mouse and Lumion the Spirit guardian must help their village and you can help them bring light back to Sainte-et-Claire. Check it out on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1679210/The_Spirit_and_the_Mouse/ @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #TheSpiritAndTheMouse #Lila #Lumion #Alliance #Village #TeamWork #Storm #Steam #Game #EpicGames

  • Raboot Dance Battle! Pokemon Journeys!

    This is your chance to do the Raboot Dance Battle while you are on your Pokemon Journey, have you got what it takes to win? Want more https://www.pokemon.com/uk/pokemon-episodes/pokemon-tv-seasons/season-23/ @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #RabootDanceBattle #PokemonJourney #Dance #Pokemon #Anime #DanceOff #App #Game

  • Dinka Kanjo SJ and Postlude on GTA

    Welcome to San Andreas GTA Onliners with the Dinka Kanjo SJ and Postlude on offer the competition is only going to get tougher, can you handle it and the other drivers? More to be found here https://www.rockstargames.com/gta-online @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #GTA #GTAOnline #Cars #Racing #SanAndreas #LosSantos #GrandTheftAuto #Freeroaming #RockstarGames #RacingGames

  • Its The Finals For Strange Academy

    Later next month is the release of Strange Academy Finals with the future at stake only magic can see them through. the fate of the academy will be known, but who will be left standing at the end? Want to know more https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/101192/strange_academy_finals_2022_1 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Marvel #MarvelComics #StrangeAcademy #DoctorStrange #Magic #StrangeAcademyFinals #SupremeSorcerer #Comics #Art #Artwork

  • The Darkness Of Black Adam!

    Black Adam is another dark character from DC Comics, he has god-like powers, but after using them for vengeance was imprisoned. Five thousand years later he is free and back to his old ways! Find out more here https://www.warnerbros.com/movies/black-adam @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #BlackAdam #JusticeLeague #DC #DCComics #WarnerBros #Gods #Kahndaq #TethAdam #Powers

  • Welcome to the School for Good and Evil

    Apparently, there is a delicate balance between good and evil, yet even more of a surprise is that future heroes and villains all go to the same school, the School for Good and Evil is open and you can join too! Want more info https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/80218885 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Netflix #SchoolForGoodAndEvil #Heroes #Villians #Good #Evil #FairyTale #School #Classes #Education

  • Oxenfree Game The Netflix Edition

    Night School Studio’s supernatural game Oxenfree is ready for download from Netflix now. This is a game that will challenge your senses as well as your gaming skills, can you handle this? Find out more https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/upcoming-games-oxenfree @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Netflix #Oxenfree #NightSchoolStudio #Supernatural #Horror #MindBendingGame

  • Wednesday Addams and Thing!

    We think that we know the story of the Addams Family, but how did they get to be the family that we all know? Well, maybe Wednesday can explain it all! Find out more https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/81231974 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #AddamsFamily #WednesdayAddams #Thing #Netflix #Gothic #Horror #Comedy #Wednesday #Addams

  • Enola Holmes Detective For Hire

    She maybe Sherlock Holmes younger sister, but for Enola there are plenty of crimes to be solved in a way that only she knows how! Find out more https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/81406219 @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Netflix #EnolaHolmes #SherlockHolmes #Detective #Crimes #Conspiracies