Coming in early March to Rainbow Six Siege is Operation Commanding Force this is where Brava joins the team and along with her trusty Kludge drone she is literally able to become the eyes on the ground, which is a great advantage against the Defenders. Find out more on Rainbow Six Siege Operation Commanding Force here; #RainbowSixSiege #OperationCommandingForce #CGI #R6S #TomClancy #Brava #KludgeDrone #Ubisoft
Tag: #CGI
R6S Operation Commanding Force CGI
Disney Characters Enter Speedstorm
Could this be the greatest race ever that crosses between the worlds of Disney and Pixar, each character has certain skills that you will need to master in order to progress to the next level? It sounds easy enough, but in reality, you just know that this is going to be one of those games that will make you tear your hair out. Find out more here; #Disney #Pixar #Speedstorm #Games #EpicGames #CGI #RacingGames #DisneySpeedstorm