Tag: #Civilisation

  • EcoGnomix Gnome Roguelite and City Builder Announced

    EcoGnomix Gnome Roguelite and City Builder Announced

    This is an interesting game where you are a race of gnomes living peacefully in your village, but space is running out so expansion is the only way forward and so a city is designed, but resources are low and there is only one way to go to find them, down! Using a team of specialist gnomes tunnels are dug into the caves below where are plenty of resources and dangers waiting. This is a game where you must think on different levels, digging below your city can create a weakness and then collapse. Are you ready for EcoGnomix?

    Find out more about the EcoGnomix game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2473640/EcoGnomix/

    #EcoGnomix #AnnouncementTrailer #Steam #EpicGamesStore #GOG #GnomeRoguelite #CityBuilder #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Gnomes #Cities #Civilisation #PCGames #Tunnels

  • Shape humanity in Reus 2

    Shape humanity in Reus 2

    As Earth Day passes by it is easy to forget about the words said and the actions that are needed in order to save the planet from all of the harm that can happen if we just carry on the way that we are, the Earth is beautiful place and although there are problems these are mainly man-made and can also be stopped. This Reus 2 game hands over to you the power of the gods, to build a planet as you see fit and see how it turns out, unlike in the real world if it all goes wrong, you can simply start all over again, check it out on Steam at the end of May.

    Find out more about the Reus 2 game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1875060/Reus_2/

    #Reus2 #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Steam #PCGaming #EarthDay #Civilisation #Humanity #Build #Environment #PlanetEarth #AbbeyGamesNL #ReusTheGame #FireSquidGames

  • Rebuild Civilisation Against the Storm

    Rebuild Civilisation Against the Storm

    Out now is the civilisation building game Against the Storm, you are a survivor and need to rebuild society from the remnants that are left after an extinction-level event that has changed the planet forever. Rebuilding is your mission making use of the natural resources that are available while avoiding the dangers that could be anywhere.

    Against the Storm is one of those games that has a classic retro feel to it, build a compound and expand it into a village, town and eventually a city, however for every choice that you make there could be a problem. This game requires planning and resourcefulness in order to survive and even then there is always something waiting to upset your plans.

    Find out more about the Against the Storm game here; https://eremitegames.com/

    #AgainsttheStormGame #AgainsttheStorm #AgainsttheStormLaunch #Civilisation #CityBuilder #Games #SciFi #Gaming #Survivors

  • Sweet Transit Rail Meets Road Update

    Sweet Transit Rail Meets Road Update

    You might think that the Sweet Transit game is a train spotters dream, but it’s more than just trains and railways this is connecting communities, allowing people to travel and building a network that helps a nation grow. With the Rail Meets Road update to the game, it gives the player the opportunity to plan how goods are transported from supplier to retailer and then on to the consumer.

    Plan where your railway connects with the roads in towns and cities, this will need some serious planning as you will need to plan where tracks, platforms and stations are built, as well as connecting these transport hubs to the road network. With the Sweet Transit Rail Meets Road Update planning is key and the results can be seen from any changes that you make immediately.

    Find out more about the Sweet Transit Rail Meets Road Update game; https://www.team17.com/games/sweet-transit/

    #SweetTransitRailMeetsRoad #Transit #Rail #Road #Update #Transport #Towns #Civilisation #Trains #Travel #Team17

  • Victoria 3 Play For Free Now

    Victoria 3 Play For Free Now

    This is a nice opportunity to find out what the Victoria 3 game is all about for free, but only for a couple of days. If you have ever wondered just what this game is then this is the chance to find out, build your settlement and grow it into a sprawling metropolis in no time at all, making deals, squashing enemies and fighting wars are just part of what is needed to build a nation.

    Head over to Steam to see what Victoria 3 is offering, you can play it for free until the 20th of November, it’s not long, but it should be long enough to decide if this is a game that you can really get stuck into, you have nothing to lose, try out Victoria 3 for free right now.

    To find out more about the Victoria 3 game visit here; https://pdxint.at/2UPgQYk

    #VictoriaIII #Victoria #StrategySimulation #ParadoxInteractive #FreetoPlay #Steam #Games #PDXVictoria #NationBuilder #Civilisation

  • Build An Empire In Millennia

    Build An Empire In Millennia

    Throughout history there have been those who have wanted to rule the world and as we know they all eventually fall from power and their empires crumble into history. What could have been done differently that would build an empire that could last forever from the early cities to exploring space?

    This is Millennia the game that puts you in control, you will plan, build and expand your empire, and watch it grow over the centuries. However, it is not going to be easy with many issues to face, disasters to handle and resources to manage, who ever said that building a last empire was going to be easy?

    Find out more on the Millennia game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1268590/Millennia/

    #millennia #newgame #paradoxinteractive #civilisation #history #steam #buildanation #empire

  • Stranded Alien Dawn The Art Of Survival

    Crash landing on an unknown alien planet is not the best start for a civilisation, but who knows maybe that is how we started on Earth! Initially, it is all a matter of finding shelter, water and food. Over time it means building camps and farming, over the years a basic camp becomes a village and eventually a city, your early decisions forge the foundations of this new civilisation. Find out more on Stranded Alien Dawn here; https://www.strandedaliendawn.com/ #Stranded #AlienDawn #StrandedAlienDawn #Civilisation #Survivors

  • SteamWorld Build By Steambots

    Being stranded on a dying planet would normally be the end, but we are talking about Steambots and they are able to survive in these circumstances, so SteamWorld is now becoming a thing and you are in there making things happen. Will your Steambots create a viable SteamWorld or will it crash and burn? Find out more on SteamWorld Build here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/steamworld-build-71ee6c #SteamWorldBuild #Steambots #Bots #SteamWorld #Civilisation #Mining #Towns

  • The Settlers With New Allies 

    Starting a civilisation from nothing is not easy, you need to inspire people to become allies and you need to have the right place to start laying down the foundations. But you cannot relax because there is always another group that will want what you have built! Do have what it takes to become a leader? Find out more on The Settlers New Allies here; https://thesettlers.com/ #TheSettlersNewAllies #TheSettlers #NewAllies #Civilisation #Game #StrategyGame #EpicGames

  • Travel Beyond These Stars

    It is time to gather your supplies, enter the spaceship and travel to the stars and beyond with the Beyond These Stars game from Epic Games. But first, you must build your civilisation up to a point where space travel is possible, now that is a challenge! Find out more on Beyond These Stars here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/beyond-these-stars-a5b977 #SpaceTravel #BeyondTheseStars #Civilisation #SpaceWhale #SpaceShip #EpicGames