Being the boss of Death Incorporated has its challenges, you need to keep an eye on everything, but the Sorrows have been out of control on Earth leaving the company with a pile of paperwork, you are now Death and you need to get a grip of things before it is too late, you still have a trusty staff in the office, but you will have to visit Earth and sort out this mess. Find out more on Have A Nice Death here; #HaveANiceDeath #Death #SoulCollector #DeathIncorporated #Afterlife #Gearbox #TheSorrows
Tag: #Death
You Are Death So Try To Be Nice
You might have thought that being Death might be an easy job, but it can be stressful and eventually, you are going to need a break from it. This is a nice 2D game where you must collect those souls, manage your team and answer to the boss too! This has to be the hardest job on earth can you handle being Death? Find out more on Have A Nice Death here; #HaveANiceDeath #NintendoSwitch #Death #2DGames #CollectingSouls #RoguelikeGame
Dead Cells Your Return To Castlevania
As you might expect there are vampires living in Castlevania and you have a simple mission, storm Dracula’s castle and defeat the vampire menace for once and for all. Along the way, you meet some familiar heroes and you will have to fight to some monsters too! It’s just what you might expect to find in Castlevania.
Find out more on Dead Cells Your Return To Castlevania here;
#DeadCells #Castlevania #NintendoSwitch #DeadCellsReturnToCastlevania #Nintendo #Death #Dracula #Vampires