Tag: #fantasygames

  • Raidborn Gets A Sanctuary Update

    Raidborn Gets A Sanctuary Update

    Players of the Raidborn game will be able to get a little extra with the latest game update that brings along the Sanctuary update that provides improved gameplay that will make the game an even more immersive experience. With an improved base, security seems to be at the forefront, but players will still need to gather resources in order to survive and to expand. The new game update for the Raidborn game will be available from the 25th of January.

    To find out more about the Raidborn game go to the official game website here https://raidborn.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/cvTpA

    #Raidborn #Sanctuary #GameUpdate #NewGames #Games #Gaming #RPG #PhodexGames #BaseBuilding #Outpost #Crew #FantasyGames #Dungeons

  • Grimguard Tactics Available Now On Mobile

    Grimguard Tactics Available Now On Mobile

    At last Grimguard Tactics players will be able to take their gaming to wherever they are going, work, college or just relaxing, from now on this game is going where they are going and that is not a bad thing. The Grimguard Tactics game has a million pre-registrations and so that goes to prove just how popular this game is going to be for mobile players. The game is story story-driven role-playing game where players travel around the land meeting new friends and making enemies too. The downfall of the gods has cleared the way for a new and more powerful foe to contend with.

    To find out more about the Grimguard Tactics mobile game go to the official game website here https://www.outerdawn.com/ or you can download it on Google Play here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outerdawn.grimguard or the app store here https://apps.apple.com/us/app/grimguard-tactics-fantasy-rpg/id1496893856

    #GrimguardTactics #MobileGames #Android #iOS #RPG #GooglePlay #PlayStore #FantasyGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #NewGames

  • The Adventurers New Turn-Based Tactical RPG

    The Adventurers New Turn-Based Tactical RPG

    If you are looking for something of an epic saga to get started on then you might be in luck with this game The Adventurers, which is basically a turn based tactical role-playing game that comes with quests to take on mythical beasts, missions to protect travellers and just about everything else in between! The Adventurers is not available just yet but it will be going into early access on Steam soon.

    To find out more about The Adventurers game and for details on early access go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3062500/The_Adventurers/

    #TheAdventurers #TurnBasedGame #TacticalGame #RPG #EternalVigilanceEntertainment #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Steam #FantasyGames

  • AFK Journey New Season: Waves of Intrigue

    AFK Journey New Season: Waves of Intrigue

    This is the AFK Journey New Season: Waves of Intrigue bringing in new maps, characters and game modes, the update is available now and will take players to a dangerous place known as Rustport, which is full of gangs and where you will need to decide who are your friends and who are not! This game is pretty addictive as it takes you on a journey that seems to get darker and more dangerous as you move along. There are some fun items too, such as the mini fishing game but you never know what you are going to catch!

    For more details on the AFK Journey New Season: Waves of Intrigue go to the official website here https://afkjourney.farlightgames.com/ or to download on iOS go to the Apple App Store here https://apps.apple.com/us/app/afk-journey/id1628970855 or the Google Play Store here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farlightgames.igame.gp

    AFKJourneyWavesofIntrigue #AFKJourney #WavesofIntrigue #FarlightGames #LilithGames #RPG #FantasyGames #AppleAppStore #GooglePlayStore #MobileGames #Games #Gaming

  • Tarisland Launches Globally

    Tarisland Launches Globally

    It is time to embark on a journey into the Tarisland and you can play anywhere, as this game is not only for PC gamers it comes as a mobile game too, so there are no excuses now. The Tarisland game covers a massive world full of different and diverse characters, some you can trust, while others you cannot and as with real life this is all part of the journey. Tarisland is out now for PC and mobile, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Tarisland game here; https://tarisglobal.com/en/home.html

    #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #CrossPlatform #MMORPG #Tarisland #MobileGames #PCGames #FantasticalJourney #Dungeons #LevelInfinite #FantasyGames #MMO #Twitch

  • Surviving The Unliving

    Surviving The Unliving

    What better game is there to take a look at during the Halloween season is there than The Unliving, the title itself tells you that this is going to be a fight against evil and as we know this time of the year is when good and evil clash. The idea is simple, it’s a battle of the undead and to make things even more interesting there could be a conspiracy at the heart of it all.

    In order to stop the rise of evil, you must become the leader of an army of the undead, the battle is everywhere, cities will be burned, magic is power and there are some seriously tough bosses to overcome too! Are you ready to lead the fight to defeat the forces of evil? The Unliving launches on the 26th of October.

    Find out more about the Unliving game here; https://theunlivinggame.com/

    #Necromancer #TheUnliving #Demons #UndeadArmies #FantasyGames #RogueLite #RPG #Monsters #Church #Bosses

  • Fantastical Frenzied Fusion Intrepid Izzy

    Join Intrepid Izzy on a quest that takes in a variety of themes and challenges that will test your gaming skills to the limit. The game is out soon, so what are you waiting for? Find out more here; https://intrepid-izzy.senileteam.com/ #game #newgames #ratalaikagames #classicgames #2dgames #senileteam #fantasygames