Tag: #Game

  • Touch Type Tale Strategic Typing game available now

    Touch Type Tale Strategic Typing game available now

    This is Touch Type Tale a brilliant game from Pumpernickel Studio that allows the players to become the next generation of keyboard warriors, every command that they type will make a change to the game, such as creating buildings, mining for resources such as gold and of course controlling your armies. Players will also face mini-game challenges these could include cooking, shooting or even a grand strategy game. This might seem like a step back into gaming history, but in one it is and yet this is a lovely little game that is well worth a look at.

    To find out more about the Touch Type Tale game head on over to the official game website here https://www.pumpernickel-studio.com/touchtypetale or go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/909470/Touch_Type_Tale__Strategic_Typing/

    #TouchTypeTale #StrategicTyping #PumpernickelStudio #Mythwright #PvP #WindowsPC #Steam #Game #Games #Gaming #ClassicGames #RetroGames

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus New Gameplay

    Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus New Gameplay

    The zombie apocalypse is here and only you and your squad stand between this terror from spreading, yes Call of Duty: Black Ops is taking players into a dark and scary place with this one. Zombies are unlike any other enemy as they seem to just keep coming for you and what could be worse than a member of your squad being infected and becoming the enemy right before your eyes? There is only one thing to do fight, survive and then repeat it all over. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus can be pre-ordered now!

    To find out more about the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus game visit the official website here http://a.atvi.com/PreOrderBO6

    #CallofDutyBlackOps6ZombiesTerminus #CallofDuty #BlackOps6 #ZombiesTerminus #Gameplay #Game #Gamers #Gaming #SciFi #Zombies #Warfare #Apocalypse #Deathmatch #NewGames #PreOrder

  • Kitfox Games reveals the Streets of Fortuna

    Kitfox Games reveals the Streets of Fortuna

    At the PC Gaming Show games developer, Kitfox Games announced a new game they are calling The Streets of Fortuna where you can play as one of the many characters available such as; a thief, a blacksmith, a rebel, a priest, a smuggler, a lover, a cook, or even a street rat, but this life is tough and there is an Overlord ruling over the city, maybe you can get a team together and overthrow this tyrant and bring peace to the city, who knows?

    Find out more about the Streets of Fortuna game here; https://bit.ly/3WQ6aqE

    #KitfoxGames #StreetsofFortuna #FreeRoaming #Megasim #Sandbox #RPG #Game #Games #Gaming #PCGamingShow #City #Stories #Overlord #Challenges #NewGames #Steam #PCGames

  • 63 Days Warsaw Uprising Action Strategy Game

    63 Days Warsaw Uprising Action Strategy Game

    It is sometimes hard to understand the plight of those caught up in war, but this is normally glamorised in stories and movies, yet in this game it is as close as you can get to what it feels like to be invaded, enslaved and living in fear from those invading forces. This 63 Days and its a real time tactic game that follows the people’s uprising in Warsaw in 1944. You must plan your revenge on the invaders and make sure that they pay for what they have done, are you ready to play the 63 Days Warsaw Uprising game?

    Find out more about the 63 Days Warsaw Uprising game here; https://destructivecreations.com and on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2202120/63_Days/

    #63Days #WarsawUprising #ActionStrategyGame #Game #Strategy #RealTimeTactics #WWII #Warfare #DestructiveCreations #SoloGames #MultiplayerGames

  • MANIAC Enjoying A Joyride On Steam

    MANIAC Enjoying A Joyride On Steam

    Imagine a game that is a bit like Grand Theft Auto on steroids and you have found Maniac, this is a game where you spend most of your time trying to get away from the police, FBI and even the Army because your crimes are that serious. So grab your car, tank or whatever vehicle you think is capable of causing as much havoc as possible, do you have what it takes? Well, this game is not going to break the back as it’s only around £4 on Steam, you cannot argue with that, can you?

    Find out more about the Maniac game on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1482380/Maniac/

    #Game #Games #Gaming #Maniac #ManiacGame #Steam #TranshumanDesign #SkystoneGames #Vampires #Survivors #CrimeWave #CarChase #WreakHavoc

  • Fallout 76 Atlantic City America’s Playground

    Fallout 76 Atlantic City America’s Playground

    There is no doubt that Atlantic City is the playground of America but what does it have to do with the Fallout 76 game, good question! The answer is everything, this is the next instalment for Fallout 76 and it promises to be just as twisted and mindbending as any other game within the Fallout genre of games. So if you are looking for the weird and wonderful then you will have definitely found it with this game. So what are you looking for in the world of Fallout 76?

    Find out more about the Fallout 76: Atlantic City game and all of the past seasons here; https://fallout.bethesda.net/en

    #Fallout #Fallout76 #Game #Gaming #Gamers #AtlanticCity #Fallout76AtlanticCity #Bethesda #SciFi #NewGames #GameUpdate

  • Rebirth Island returns to Call of Duty Warzone

    Rebirth Island returns to Call of Duty Warzone

    Finally there is something familiar coming to Call of Duty it is the return of the Rebirth Island Call of Duty: Warzone and so this is the beginning of Rebirth Day are you ready to be reborn and take the battle to the enemy? Well, we all know that scenario and so it is merely a matter of getting your squad together and taking the battle to the enemy wherever they may be hiding, it sounds easy when you say it like that doesn’t it?

    Find out more about the Rebirth Island on Call of Duty: Warzone here; https://www.callofduty.com/playnow/warzone

    #CallofDuty #Warzone #RebirthIsland #CallofDutyWarzone #WarzoneMobile #CoD #RebirthDay #Game #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Warfare

  • Voidwrought Cosmic Horror Game

    Voidwrought Cosmic Horror Game

    We are about to enter the strange, weird and very dangerous world of the Voidwrought, this game is due out this year although that we need to wait for the exact date to be confirmed. In the meantime we can sit back and enjoy the game announcement video which will give you a clue into what you can expect from the game developers, all we know is that this game is going to be exciting and very tricky at times, just how we like it.

    Find out more about the Voidwrought game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2014550/Voidwrought/

    #Voidwrought #Cosmic #Horror #Game #VoidwroughtGame #HorrorGame #EpicGames #SciFi #Gaming #Gamers #2DActionPlatformer

  • Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Game

    Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Game

    It seems that Hydra is one of those organisations that simply cannot be put down, even time travel cannot stop the rise of this organisation. In this new Marvel game coming out next year we find a group comprising of the Black Panther, Captain America, a Wakandan spy and Gabriel Jones, a U.S. soldier in Paris under Nazi rule, along with the French Resistance they must stop the Nazis and prevent the rise of Hydra, you can play as any one of the four main characters, are ready for this mission?

    Find out more about the Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra game here; https://www.marvel.com/articles/games/marvel-1943-rise-of-hydra-unveils-cast-and-composer

    #Marvel #Marvel1943 #RiseofHydra #Marvel1943RiseofHydra #Azzuri #BlackPanther #SteveRogers #CaptainAmerica #Nanali #HowlingCommandos #FrenchResistance #HowardStark #Game #Gaming

  • Fallout 76 Season 16 Duel with the Devil

    Fallout 76 Season 16 Duel with the Devil

    The world as we knew it may have changed and yet while some lucky people had the luxury of living it up in well equipped shelters the world outside and above has moved on. Only when those living in the vaults are forced to search for resources do they realise that there is a new exciting, wonderful and sometimes dangerous world thriving on the surface. But all is not what it might seem. This is Fallout 76 and the world is waiting for you!

    Find out more about the Fallout 76 game and the season updates here; https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/2DYDC3V2xXAbO11gg9FVjq/seasons-updates-coming-with-fallout-76-season-16-duel-with-the-devil

    #Fallout #Fallout76 #BethesdaSoftworks #RipDaring #JerseyDevil #NurseGuinevere #Percival #Cryptid #VaultDweller #SciFi #Game #Gamers #Gaming

  • Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked

    When it comes to certain games, it seems that killing the enemy is the goal and we think nothing of it, but in this game, you can play the role of a killer, while the others play the role of the survivors. While the struggle is to get away, the killer is out to stop them and sacrifice the survivors in order to ensure that you are the last player to survive. This is one game that is really messed up and totally thrilling, can you handle this?

    Find out more about the Dead by Daylight game and pre-order it here; https://buythegame.deadbydaylight.com/

    #DeadbyDaylight #AllThingsWicked #Horror #Mystery #Thriller #Game #Gaming #Gamers #NewGames #Survivors #EpicGames #Escape #Killer

  • Drive To Survive In Pacific Drive

    Drive To Survive In Pacific Drive

    Welcome to Pacific Drive, it sounds like a lovely place to live on the West Coast of the USA, but in reality, this is a game of survival where you must trust your old estate car to take you from place to place in order to gather resources before returning to the old abandoned garage that acts as your base. The world outside is as hostile as it can get with radiation, and hidden threats, while there is even a paranormal angle to the game too, prepare to drive to survive.

    Find out more about the Pacific Drive game here; https://www.pacificdrivegame.com/

    #PacificDrive #Paranormal #Survival #Game #ParanormalSurvivalGame #EpicGames #DrivingGame #DriveToSurvive #Supernatural #Wilderness

  • Sand Land Game Hover Scooter

    Sand Land Game Hover Scooter

    This is the Sand Land game and it is coming with a cool Hover Scooter that is capable of transporting you over land and water, this is a great addition to the game and this scooter will enable you to travel, fight and get to where you want to be in double quick time, you are guaranteed to find yourself flying over the land at great speeds, but don’t forget to weapon up too.

    Find out more about the Sand Land Game with the Hover Scooter here; www.sandlandgame.com

    #SandLand #Game #HoverScooter #SandLandHoverScooter #AkiraToriyama #Motorcycle #SciFi #Gaming #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Gameplay #Scooter

  • Mario versus Donkey Kong on Nintendo Switch

    Mario versus Donkey Kong on Nintendo Switch

    This is a classic get ready for Mario versus Donkey Kong on the Nintendo Switch console bringing you all the classic gameplay action that we seem to have been playing for years and of course, many of us have been. What never ceases to amaze us is the longevity of these characters and how they are still going strong after all this time, it has to be because these are games that you pick up and play without any fuss even after a long time, that is what makes a classic gaming experience, enjoy!

    Find out more about the Mario versus Donkey Kong game on Nintendo Switch here; https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/nintendo-switch-game-vouchers/

    #MariovsDonkeyKong #NintendoSwitch #Mario #DonkeyKong #Nintendo #Switch #ClassicGames #Game #Gaming #Gamers #ArcadeGames #PlatformGames

  • Grime Definitive Edition on Nintendo Switch

    Grime Definitive Edition on Nintendo Switch

    There is a new explorable area for the Grime game in the Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch, this game is one of those that really challenges you right every level and you get to fight with living weapons and once you have defeated your enemies you can gain their strengths by consuming their essence. This is a brilliant game that will challenge your gaming and thinking skills to the limit.

    Find out more about the Grime Definitive Edition game on Nintendo Switch here; https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/grime-definitive-edition-switch/

    #Grime #DefinitiveEdition #NintendoSwitch #GrimeDefinitiveEdition #Nintendo #Switch #Game #SciFi #Metroidvania #GameTrailer

  • TEKKEN 8 Panda Reveal and Gameplay

    TEKKEN 8 Panda Reveal and Gameplay

    The fight lives on in TEKKEN 8 the grudges are real and it is not just a matter of honour that is at stake here, it is a battle to the end where there will be only one winner. There are plenty of old scores to settle here and believe it or not there is a Panda too, check that one out in the gameplay trailer video above. Its all going to be happening when the game is released on the 25th of this month, are you ready to take on Tekken 8?

    Find out more about the TEKKEN 8 game here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8

    #TEKKEN8 #Panda #Game #BandaiNamcoEnt #Tekken #TekkenGame #GameUpdate #ArcadeGames #Battles #FightingGame #NewGame #Gameplay

  • Anomaly Agent cyberpunk action-platformer

    Anomaly Agent cyberpunk action-platformer

    This is the Anomaly Agent game that is coming out in a couple of weeks time and it promises to be a wonderous adventure into a world of cool cyberpunk action with a great synth soundtrack and plenty of action happening all around for you to get involved with. This is a classic-looking game that comes with all of the latest technology which means that this is as smooth as it gets when it comes to a platform game.

    Find out more about the Anomaly Agent game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2378620/Anomaly_Agent/

    #AnomalyAgent #CyberpunkActionPlatformer #SynthwaveSoundtrack #SciFiAdventure #Game #Gaming #SciFi #PlatformGames

  • Batman Arkham Trilogy For The Nintendo Switch

    Batman Arkham Trilogy For The Nintendo Switch

    This is your chance to put on the bat-suit, protect the public and fight crime, yes this is the Batman: Arkham Trilogy. There are plenty of villains in Arkham and Gotham City to tackle but what happens if they all join forces in order to take control and prevent Batman from taking the villains out before they even get started?

    The Batman: Arkham Trilogy will become available for the Nintendo Switch from the 1st of December, it has all of the games and all of the DLC’s too. So this is one package that is bound to make the criminals think twice or maybe not, for some crime pays and it is the only way of life that they know!

    Find out more about the Batman: Arkham Trilogy for Nintendo Switch here; https://go.wbgames.com/ArkhamTrilogy

    #Batman #ArkhamTrilogy #BatmanArkhamTrilogy #NintendoSwitch #Arkham #Gotham #DLC #Game #Comics #SciFi #DC #DCComics

  • Ship Of Fools Fish And Ships Update

    Ship Of Fools Fish And Ships Update

    Get on board your ship and set sail into the unknown in search of treasure, but this is the Ship Of Fools game and so that means not everything is going to be what may seem at first, especially with the Fish and Ships game update that will provide you with some interesting opportunities and a new crew mate to help out when then ship needs some repairs.

    The Ship Of Fools game is a fun seafaring adventure that puts you in command of a sailing ship with a motley crew and plenty of dangers ahead on the deep sea. This Fish And Ships update to the game adds a new shipwright Otto, who just happens to be an octopus with many hands and tools to make repairs easy and quick.

    Find out more about the Ship Of Fools game and the Fish And Ships Update here; https://shipoffoolsgame.com/

    #ShipOfFools #FishAndShips #GameUpdate #Game #Gaming #Ships #SeaMonsters #ShipOfFoolsFishAndShips #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation

  • Survival Against The Storm

    Survival Against The Storm

    Against the Storm will be coming in early December and with the game you will be able to build a new civilization from nothing, building in the wilderness, reclaiming land from nature in order for you and the last humans to survive in a hostile post-apocalyptic type of world. It is not going to be easy and you must learn from the mistakes that were made in the past.

    This is not your standard civilization builder, you have to build from nothing which means making use of any natural materials and whatever limited resources there are available, but in Against the Storm, there are dangers too, such as dangerous weather, wildlife and even your fellow survivors.

    Find out more about the Against the Storm game here; https://eremitegames.com/

    #AgainsttheStorm #CityBuilder #Survivors #Civilization #Rebuild #NewWorld #Game #Gaming #SciFi #Wilderness

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive Gameplay

    The Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive Gameplay

    If you already have The Elder Scrolls Online game then you are going to love the Endless Archive update for two reasons, the first being that this update offers some great new content and secondly its free! We all love something that does not cost us anything, so if you have the base game then jump in and get going.

    The Elder Scrolls Online game is one of those massive games with a great following, one of the reasons for its continued success is the updates that are added and the Endless Archive is no different. Face up to some serious enemies and tough bosses as you work your way around the game, this update is live now so what are waiting for?

    Find out more about the Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive game update here; https://www.elderscrollsonline.com

    #TheElderScrollsOnline #EndlessArchive #Gameplay #TheElderScrollsOnlineEndlessArchive #Game #PvE #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #GameUpdates

  • Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    In space as on Earth, it seems that trash is becoming a problem, in the 31st century space trash has become a serious problem and yet while trash of any kind is a problem some trash can be very valuable, especially the trash abandoned in space. All you need to do is retrieve this space treasure in the most hostile of environments.

    Here is a cool game created by a couple of designers, it shows that you do not have to be a massive game developer to produce a great game. This game has imagination and substance, it has a retro look, that is the charm of this game and you can get early access on Steam right now!

    Find out more about the Space Trash Scavenger game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1759350/Space_Trash_Scavenger/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SpaceTrashScavenger #Steam #SquarePlayGames #SpaceTrash #Game #Scavengers #Space #SpaceTravel

  • Earthless game demo playthrough

    Earthless game demo playthrough

    This is your chance to take command of a fleet of starships on a mission to find a home for humankind. You might think that having starships capable of travelling great distances finding a suitable Earth-like planet should be easy, but in fact, it is the opposite. Every move the fleet makes could put the whole mission in danger, it could also bring them face to face with the new Earth.

    This is a great game where you need to plan ahead, plot a course and avoid anything that is going to put the fleet in danger. Yet we know very little of deep space, is there life out there, what are the dangers or are we totally alone in the universe? These are the questions that will always be at the forefront of any decision that you make.

    Find out more on the Earthless game here; https://www.team17.com/games/earthless/

    #Earthless #GameDemo #GamePlaythrough #EarthlessGame #Team17 #Steam #SciFi #Roguelike #Game #Deckbuilder #Starships #FleetCommander

  • Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake II Launches Tomorrow

    Alan Wake is a successful writer who has found himself in the living nightmare of his own writing. Trying to escape from these visions he seeks some downtime in small town, but the nightmare has followed him as the normally quiet town is rocked by a series of ritualistic murders.

    He is joined by FBI agent Saga Anderson who is sent to the town to find out what is happening, together they must find out about the victims, the murderer and who is going to be struck down next. This is a dark and scary story that not only requires great gaming skills, it needs a lot of thinking too, are you ready for Alan Wake II?

    Find out more about the second Alan Wake game here; https://alanwake.com

    #AlanWake #FBIAgent #SagaAnderson #AlanWakeII #PCGames #EpicGamesStore #Horror #Murders #Game #Nightmare

  • Warframe Grendel Prime Access

    Warframe Grendel Prime Access

    This is something for all of those gamers who just love Warframe, its where Grendel Prime joins the Prime Access and that means there are new weapons to add to your kit. This is a limited-time event that starts in a couple of day’s time on the 18th. It’s a chance to weapon up and increase your firepower, so what are you waiting for?

    It has to be said that Warframe is one of those games where cunning, skills and planning can help, but there is no getting away from the fact this is a game where you can never have enough weapons, so this is your chance to boost your firepower and take the battle to enemy before they are able to take over for good.

    Find out more about the Warframe Grendel Prime Access event here; https://www.warframe.com/prime-access

    #WarframeGrendelPrimeAccess #Warframe #Gameplay #Trailer #WarframeGrendelPrime #Game #SciFi #FreeGames #GrendelPrime

  • Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations

    Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations

    Coming out tomorrow is Battlefield 2042 Season 6: Dark Creations this is where you must put aside everything that you think the Battlefield game is all about and just watch out for what is going to be happening right in front of your eyes, for this is a new and twisted direction for the game as you step into the unknown.

    EA say that Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations is both dark and unnerving, which gives you a clue as to how this game is going to play out. However, you do have help and there are some strange new weapons and the battlepass to help you along the way. So get ready to step into the unknown with Dark Creations.

    Find out more about Battlefield 2042 here; https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042

    #Battlefield #Battlefield2042 #WeAreNoPats #DarkCreations #Game #Gaming #Battles #Battlepass

  • Ghost Detective Game On Netflix

    Ghost Detective Game On Netflix

    Being a detective does not always mean that you are going to be safe and in this case, you might be playing the part of a good detective but unfortunately, you have been murdered. However, in a strange twist of fate, you are a ghost and you have a chance to help solve not only your murder but other crimes too.

    Netflix is fast becoming a great place to find games and not just any old game, these games are created by Netflix for their subscribers. In this case, the game is for mobile phones and is available to download now.

    Find out more about the Ghost Detective game here; https://www.netflix.com/game/81680595

    #GhostDetective #Game #Netflix #MobileGames #Murder #Detective #SolveCrimes #FindYourMurderer

  • Among Us The Fungle Map

    Among Us The Fungle Map

    This is one of those games that has the appearence of being a fun-filled adventure but actually turns out to be a game where betrayal and teamwork are paramount when you and the crew crash land on a deserted island, well it might seem to be deserted at first, but there are marshmallows, mushrooms and plants in abundence here.

    So as you and the crew settle down to surviving in isolation on this mysterious island there is a murder! Suddenly things begin to change and there is an air of fear, anger and a need to find the killer before they strike again. Who is the murderer, when can we get off this island and what’s for lunch? These are all important questions when this new map is released next month.

    Find out more about the Among Us game here; https://www.innersloth.com/new-map-the-fungle-coming-this-october/

    #AmongUs #NewMap #TheFungle #Crewmates #Innersloth #Spacecraft #DesertedIsland #Plants #Game #Gaming

  • Roll It Marble It Up Ultra

    Roll It Marble It Up Ultra

    For some people, a game of marbles would take them back to their early school days playing for keeps in the playground, but these days gaming is different and the playground has been replaced by a screen. However the gaming experience is the same and the stakes are high, as you take on players from all around the world in the massive marble challenge.

    Marble It Up! Ultra is out now for PC gamers who are looking for a new challenge in the marble arena and there are plenty of challenges ahead such as a single-player campaign, multiplayer mode, add to your collection, achievements and leaderboards. So are you ready to roll with it?

    Find out more about the Marble It Up Game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/marble-it-up-ultra-7b5692

    #MarbleItUpUltra #MarbleItUp #MarbleGame #MarblePlatformer #Game #Games #Gaming #EpicGames

  • Vampire Survivors Gothic Horror Game

    Vampire Survivors Gothic Horror Game

    Sometimes there is nothing that can beat a classic game and Vampire Survivors is one of the best as it has that classic gaming look and it is available now on the Nintendo Switch, so you are getting the best of both worlds, vampires, monsters and survivors with that old style arcade game look to it.

    Vampire Survivors isn’t going to break the bank either currently you can pick it up for around £4 now at that price who wouldn’t want to give it a go, just think, classic game, vampires, monsters and survivors, can you handle all of this in one little package, well they do say that some of the best things come in small packages!

    Find out more about the Vampire Survivors game here; https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Vampire-Survivors-2401343.html

    #VampireSurvivors #NintendoSwitch #Vampire #Gothic #Horror #Game #RogueLite #Nintendo #Monsters