Tag: #Game

  • GigaBash And Godzilla DLC On Nintendo Switch

    For some, this could be gaming heaven playing with up to four players in settings that are fully destroyable, but for others, this is a nightmare yet we still play it and love it. This is the Gigabash game on Nintendo Switch and it has Godzilla in it with this new DLC that is out now, so there is no waiting for this, are you ready?

    Of course, there is more to this game, such as the Mayhem Mode, Onslaught Mode and Story Mode to get on with, each has its own features and challenges, while these mini-games offer some light relief, the main game is waiting for you and you know what that means, let’s get ready to Gigabash!

    Find out more about the Gigabash DLC here; https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/gigabash-switch/

    #GigaBash #NintendoSwitch #Godzilla #DLC #Nintendo #Brawler #Battle #Game #Gaming

  • Sand Land A World Without Water

    In a world that is so short of water that it is almost completely a desert world, there is still hope. A sheriff, a demon and a prince form an unlikely alliance to search for something so valuable that they face dangers beyond imagination, despite the desert-like terrain there is a hidden spring that could once more bring life to the world.

    This is the Sand Land project based on the work of the popular manga artist Akira Toriyama this is a game that has yet to get a release date but it will be available on PlayStation, Xbox and PC, but there is more, it will be games, toys and more, this is the beginning of something special!

    Find out more about the Sand Land project here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/sand-land/sand-land

    #SANDLAND #AkiraToriyama #BandaiNamcoUS #Water #Desert #Demon #Game #Toy #WaterShortage #RPG

  • The Horrors Of The Gord

    The Gord is one of those games that just gets bigger and better, now there are some different challenges to meet as the game takes you deeper into the story and introduces us to the horrors that are awaiting us hiding in every dark corner of the game.

    This is a challenge that will test you and play with your mind all at the same time. This is the Gord and should you cross the line there are always consequences that must be faced up to, do you have what it takes to face the Gord and beyond?

    Find out more about the Gord here; https://www.gord.game/

    #TheGord #Gord #Challenge #Game #Gaming #Horror #NewGames #Forest #Darkness #GordGame

  • Its Crime O’Clock

    Many people fancy themselves as being able to become brilliant detectives, in reality, this dream only becomes real for a few, but when it comes to Crime O’Clock you can realise your dreams and become one of the top detectives solving crimes around the city and putting those criminals behind bars.

    This game has a unique idea of how to solve crimes with the help of your AI assistant you can actually prevent crimes from happening in the first place because you are not just a detective, you are a time detective who is able to travel back to before the crime has been committed, unplan it and prevent crimes from happening in the first place.

    Find out more on Crime O’Clock here; https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/crime-oclock-switch/

    #CrimeOClock #TimeDetective #Nintendo #Crimes #Detectives #Game #Criminals #AI #SolvingCrimes

  • Take On Deadly Creatures In Remnant

    Coming next month is Remnant 2, this is one game that you need to play with a team as there are monsters and creatures just waiting for you to make a mistake. You could play solo, but where is the fun in that? You need a team to overcome the challenges that lie in waiting in the darkest recesses.

    The gameplay is based on what is left of humanity, where there are dangerous creatures roaming the lands and demi gods that oversee this devastation in order to fulfil their own dream of importantly and ruling the world.

    Find out more on the next instalment of Remnant here; http://www.RemnantGame.com

    #Remnant #Game #CoopGame #Remnant2 #Monsters #Gods #Survivors #RemnantGame #Creatures

  • Into The Gord Mythology and Lore

    Behind every story, there is some sort of connection to history, folklore or myth, this is true with the Into The Gord game. The game is based on Slavic fantasies and myths, but to get the full story of how this converts into a playable game, we can now listen to writer Anna Sokalska explain how these myths convert smoothly into a game. Find out more on Into The Gord here; https://gord.game/ #Folklore #Mythology #Game #IntoTheGord #AnnaSokalska #Gord

  • Tchia Gameplay Series Open World Activities

    Are you ready for an adventure, following a long time in development Tchia is almost ready to launch and there is so much for you to do in this game. Being an island naturally, there are diving competitions, treasure hunts and of course why not test out your slingshot skills? Find out more on the Tchia game here;https://store.epicgames.com/p/tchia #Tchia #Game #Adventure #Diving #TreasureHunt #SlingShot

  • TEKKEN 8 Watch Marshall Law In Action

    There are plenty of cool action heroes in Tekken 8 but who is the best? Many would say that it’s down to the gamer’s own skills, but it is also down to the character’s own abilities so let’s a look at what makes Marshall Law so special. Find out more on Tekken 8 and Marshall Law here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8 #Tekken8 #MarshallLaw #Game #Bandai #FightingGame #Tekken

  • Tiki Towers Flythrough Crash Team Rumble

    Here is something exciting for fans of the Crash Team gang, its a visit to the Tiki Towers and of course, it might be a different location, but the gameplay remains the same, with plenty of wumpa action to go around and if you are not sure about this new edition to the game then take a look at the video. Find out more on Tiki Towers here; http://www.crashbandicoot.com #TikiTowers #Flythrough #CrashTeamRumble #CrashBandicoot #Game #Gaming #Wumpa

  • The Settlers With New Allies 

    Starting a civilisation from nothing is not easy, you need to inspire people to become allies and you need to have the right place to start laying down the foundations. But you cannot relax because there is always another group that will want what you have built! Do have what it takes to become a leader? Find out more on The Settlers New Allies here; https://thesettlers.com/ #TheSettlersNewAllies #TheSettlers #NewAllies #Civilisation #Game #StrategyGame #EpicGames

  • The Incredible Story Of Tetris

    Most people know of the Tetris puzzle game, but what many people do not know is the story behind it. This is the story of how software engineer Alexey Pajitnov created the game in 1984 and the struggle he had not only to get it published but to outsmart the KGB at the same time. Find out more about the Tetris movie here; https://apple.co/_Tetris_ #Tetris #Game #KGB #Puzzle #AlexeyPajitnov #GamesDevelopment #NewGames

  • Dead by Daylight Tools of Torment

    If you are looking for a great multiplayer sci-fi horror game then you are in luck with the Dead by Daylight game coming in March from Epic Games. You can play the part of the evil killer or one of the survivors, what part do you fancy playing? Find out more on Dead by Daylight here; https://buythegame.deadbydaylight.com/ #DeadbyDaylight #ToolsOfTorment #Game #Horror #MultiplayerGame #EpicGames #HorrorGames #Survivors

  • Tomb Raider Reloaded Netflix

    Lara Croft is back as the Tomb Raider game is reloaded this time by Netflix. As expected you will be discovering ancient relics while avoiding the traps that have been hidden along the way. Are you up for this challenge? Find out more on Tomb Raider Reloaded here; https://bit.ly/tombraidernetflixgame #TombRaiderReloaded #TombRaiderGame #TombRaider #Game #Netflix #LaraCroft

  • Sims Four Growing Together

    The instalment of the Sims will be coming soon, it’s the Sims Four Growing Together coming in March it’s based in the quaint town of San Sequoia where you will be able to build a life, family and even a massive treehouse if you have the skills! Find out more on the Sims 4 Growing Together expansion pack here; https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims #Sims #TheSims #Game #TheSims4GrowingTogether #SimsExpansionPack #PCGames #EpicGames

  • Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Space Invaders

    Coming soon is the Puzzle Bobble Everybubble game, which is cool and yet there is something else that is guaranteed to make it better, the addition of a Space Invader game, hour classic is that? Find out more on the Puzzle Bobble Everybubble game with the Space Invader feature here; https://www.iningames.com/games/puzzle-bobble-everybubble/ #SpaceInvaders #Game #Bubbles #PuzzleBobbleEverybubble #Gameplay #Puzzle #Bobble #Everybubble #Iningames #TAITO

  • Evil Dead The Game Splatter Royale

    Get your team together, grab your weapons and get out there on the streets for the splatter royale game update for the Evil Dead! There can be up to forty players in this game and as ever at the end, there will be only one gamer left standing, could it be you? Find out more on the Evil Dead The Game Splatter Royale update here; https://www.evildeadthegame.com/en/ #EvilDead #Game #SplatterRoyale #EvilDeadSplatterRoyale #EvilDeadTheGame #EpicGames #Gaming #GameUpdate

  • Retro Gaming With Wonder Boy

    Some classic games are so cool that they need to be rereleased so that everyone can enjoy how games used to be. This is Wonder Boy a classic from the Sega library that really put platform and role-playing games in hands of everyone! Find out more on the Wonder Boy Anniversary Edition here; https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/concept/10004636/ #Sega #Game #WonderBoy #MonsterIsland #WonderBoyAnniversaryEdition #Nintendo

  • Guardians Awake In PUBG

    The Guardians are awaking and you should be on guard, currently, this is a teaser on Player Unknowns Battlegrounds but we know that this is going to be awesome and of course, beating the Guardians is not going to be easy, but then again we wouldn’t want it any other way. Find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #PUBG #Guardians #Deathmatch #Game #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #OnlineGames #Battlegrounds

  • Knight Witch Crash Course In Progression

    Being a witch is not an easy life, so when it comes to the Knight Witch that we know as Rayne you will have some choices to make as you progress through the game do you improve body or mind, for instance, both abilities are useful but you must decide your preferences. Find out more on the Knight Witch here; https://supermegateam.com/our-games/the-knight-witch/ #KnightWitch #CrashCourse #Progression #Rayne #SuperMegaTeam #Team17 #Game #Gaming

  • Dezatopia And Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo Games

    Here are two cool games from Strictly Limited Games, both have that classic arcade feel about them and as ever these games are extremely frustrating, which is brilliant. Dezatopia And Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo offers the player a chance to visit a world far away and challenges that have to be overcome before you can celebrate completing the game. Find out more here; https://www.strictlylimitedgames.com/en-gb/blogs/strictly-limited-games-releases/drainus #game #newgames #nintendoswitch #Dezatopia #MechaRitz #SteelRondo #strictlylimitedgames

  • PUBG Snowmobile For Frozen Vikendi

    Vikendi is frozen and there is only one way of getting around fast, the snowmobile! Luckily there is a new and improved version of the vehicle just waiting for PUBG players to grab hold and shoot off over the snow and ice. Yet it’s not that easy Vikendi might look like a festive scene but there are still enemies out there waiting for you to enter their crosshairs. Find out more here; https://global.battlegrounds.pubg.com/ #PUBG #Vikendi #Game #PlayersUnknownBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #VikendiReborn #Survivors

  • Fantastical Frenzied Fusion Intrepid Izzy

    Join Intrepid Izzy on a quest that takes in a variety of themes and challenges that will test your gaming skills to the limit. The game is out soon, so what are you waiting for? Find out more here; https://intrepid-izzy.senileteam.com/ #game #newgames #ratalaikagames #classicgames #2dgames #senileteam #fantasygames

  • Oddworld Soulstorm Launching on Nintendo Switch

    The revolution has begun and this is your chance to get involved with the uprising at the RuptureFarms as the Mudokons feel freedom the chances are that it may not last for long and soon they will be enslaved once more. Find out more here; https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/oddworld-soulstorm-switch/ #oddworld #soulstorm #nintendo #mudokons #rupturefarms #revolution #game

  • Drainus Shoot ‘em Up Game

    The war has started and your mission is to command the starship Drainus and use the energy captured during attacks from other starships for counterattacks, timing is crucial and the fate of civilisation is in your hands. More details here;
    https://www.strictlylimitedgames.com/collections/drainus #drainus #starship #shootemup #game #spacewars #nintendoswitch #nintendo

  • Chained Echoes! Medieval Steampunk Fantasy!

    Release the Chained Echoes with this steampunk-inspired medieval fantasy JRPG game. A lot of work has gone into this brilliant game and will be released in the summer of 2023 when you can encounter humanoids and humans seeking to control Valandis are you ready for this? More details can be found here; https://firstpressgames.com/ #chainedechoes #game #firstpressgames #prhound #jrpg #newgames

  • Netflix Stranger Things Puzzle Tales

    Just because Stranger Things has finished, that does not mean that you cannot enjoy some fun from Hawkins by visiting the Upside Down or even battling with the dreaded Demogorgon in the Stranger Things Puzzle Tales game, you know that want to, so find out more here; https://www.strangerthingspuzzletales.com/ #netflix #strangerthings #upsidedown #demogorgon #hawkins #game #netflixgame #strangerthingspuzzletales #mobilegaming

  • Run A Cafe With Lemon Cake

    For many people running a cafe is a dream come true, but what is it really like and what could possibly go wrong? This is Lemon Cake and in this game, you will be running a nice cafe, are you ready for this? https://www.soedesco.com/games/lemon-cake #lemoncake #cafe #game #soedesco #food #manager #runyourowncafe #cafemanagement

  • Climb Charon’s Staircase In The Ministry

    Welcome to the Ministry, a place where unspeakable things have taken place, you must search through documents and find other clues to solve the mystery. It’s not going to be easy though as there are hidden surprises waiting for you along the way. https://www.soedesco.com/games/charons-staircase #Ministry #charonsstaircase #soedesco #mysterygames #game #horrorgaming #solvethemystery

  • The Evil Dead Hail To The King

    When it comes to the Evil Dead game you know what you are getting and with this Hail to the King update you get to meet a new survivor, known only as the Blacksmith. This game just gets better, find out more here; https://www.evildeadthegame.com/en/ #EvilDead #Game #Update #Blacksmith #HailtotheKing #Zombies #Horror #Survivors #Undead

  • The Bones Of Halloween Are Here

    When it comes to scary games the Bones of Halloween might not look like it’s up there, but it is. This game is out tomorrow and it is guaranteed to scare you to the core. Scared you should be! Find out more here; https://www.ratalaikagames.com/games.php?id=bonesofhalloween #bonesofhalloween #horror #game #survive #ratalaikagames #halloween #nintendoswitch #newgames