Tag: #GameUpdates

  • Destiny 2 Heresy Act I Out Now

    Destiny 2 Heresy Act I Out Now

    The guardians and the dreadnaught are back in the brilliant and exciting Destiny 2 Heresy Act I as the mission is to gather the troops and allies to set off into the darkness and put an end to the chaos that has risen. These are exciting times for the players of the Destiny game. Standby as the Destiny 2: Heresy will be launching on the 4th of February.

    To find out more about the Destiny 2 Heresy Act I game go to the official game website here https://bung.ie/heresy

    #Destiny #Destiny2 #HeresyActI #Destiny2HeresyActI #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Bungie #Guardians #Dreadnaught #NewGames #GameUpdates

  • New Update for Parking Tycoon

    New Update for Parking Tycoon

    Anyone who drives will know that parking is a booming business and with the Parking Tycoon business simulator game you too can exploit the demand for parking and build your business into a mega business. This game has just been given an update that brings in drones, autosave and even a smarter AI to help out with running such a complicated business.

    To find out more about the Parking Tycoon game go to the official game website here https://midnight.works/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/RmAiT

    #ParkingTycoon #CustomizeControls #Autosave #SmarterAI #Drone #Games #Gaming #GameUpdates #MidnightWorks #Cars #CarParking #Business #Parking

  • Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Here is a game that will remind players of those classics from the past, It is called Stellar Warfare and it is a real-time strategy game similar to the likes of Homeworld. Before its launch, the game has had an important language update that would allow players to travel the galaxy using their native language, which for some players will make a lot of difference. The Stellar Warfare game will be available at the Steam RTS Fest.

    To find out more about the Stellar Warfare game go to the official game website here https://www.stellarwarfare.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/4f0oH

    #StellarWarfare #RTS #TenseGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Steam #Spaceships #SpaceExploration #GameUpdates #Tactics #SpaceTravel

  • Lil Gator Game In the Dark DLC on Nintendo Switch!

    Lil Gator Game In the Dark DLC on Nintendo Switch!

    There is something brilliant coming to the Nintendo Switch, it is the Lil Gator Game with the In the Dark DLC that brings in a different level of gaming to this classic. This is a new adventure with new challenges and toys that will add different levels of excitement to the game.

    To find out more about the Lil Gator Game In the Dark DLC go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/u5tHQ

    #LilGatorGame #IntheDark #DLC #NintendoSwitch #Games #Gaming #GameUpdates #LilGatorGameIntheDarkDLC #ClassicGame #Consoles

  • PUBG Battlegrounds Spring Fest 2025 and Sanhok updates

    PUBG Battlegrounds Spring Fest 2025 and Sanhok updates

    It is always an exciting time when there is an update to the PUBG Battlegrounds game and in this case, there is a lot taking place such as the Spring Fest 2025, updates to the Sanhok map, loot truck, Greek mythology rewards and new gunplay labs. These updates will become available from the 23rd of this month, so roll on next week and these great updates.

    To find out more about the PUBG Battlegrounds game, patch notes and recent game updates go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/en/news/8119

    #PUBGBattlegrounds #PUBG #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #Krafton #SpringFest #Sanhok #BattleRoyale #LootTruck #Games #Gaming #GameUpdates

  • Ready or Not Dark Waters DLC Is Available Now

    Ready or Not Dark Waters DLC Is Available Now

    There is a new game update available now for the Ready or Not game, it is called the Dark Waters it brings in three new missions, five new weapons, a support helicopter and of course there are some cosmetic changes too, everything that players need from an update is here. The Ready or Not Dark Waters DLC Is Available Now.

    To find out more about the Ready or Not game and the Dark Waters DLC go to the official game website here https://voidinteractive.net/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/DEvw5

    #ReadyorNot #DarkWaters #ReadyorNotDarkWaters #LSPD #SWAT #UnitedPeoplesFront #VOIDInteractive #DLC #Games #Gaming #Steam #GameUpdates

  • New Granvir Game Update

    New Granvir Game Update

    There is a new update for the Granvir game, it brings in holsters, upgrades, customisation and an improved UI for better user gameplay and with this game, all help is welcomed as getting the edge on the competitors is all that matters. There are some times ahead too, so it is not all about winning, well it is we all know that! This game might have a basic look to it, but that is all of the fun of the Granvir.

    To find out more about the Granvir game go to the official website here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2743460/Granvir/

    #Granvir #AirborneGames #Robots #SciFi #Machines #Battles #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Steam #Newgames #GameUpdates

  • World of Warships Gets A Winter Update

    World of Warships Gets A Winter Update

    Even during a war, there is time for some festive celebrations and that is why the brilliant World of Warships has released a winter update to the game, not that it means a cessation of hostilities it just means that sometimes there might be a bit of time to take time out and maybe even do a bit of decorating here and there. The festive rewards will be running from the beginning of December right through to the 9th of January.

    To find out more about the World of Warships game and the winter update go to the official game website here https://wo.ws/website

    #WorldofWarships #WorldofWarshipsUpdate #Wargaming #Battleships #War #NavalWarships #NewMissions #Games #Gaming #Gamers #GameUpdates

  • Last Starship New Demo Available Now!

    Last Starship New Demo Available Now!

    Even though the Last Starship game is still in development it hasn’t stopped the developers from showing it off to players through Steam Early Access and now there is another demo available that really does show players exactly what this game is going to be all about, so get ready to take your starship on a journey of exploration.

    The Last Starship is currently on Early Access and now there is the cool demo below.

    To find out more about the Last Starship game and to check out the new demo head on over to the official game website here – https://www.introversion.co.uk/last-starship/

    #TheLastStarship #GameDemo #SteamEarlyAccess #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Introversion #GameUpdates #SciFi #NewGames #CombatGames

  • Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Surviving in outer space is not easy nor is finding a planet that might be habitable, but this is what the Astroneer game is all about and now this game is getting its first DLC the Glitchwalkers, so now the game continues as it began with new biomes, new technology, new gameplay and more importantly the game first villain, this update is going to take this game out of this world and onto a different world. The Astroneer Glitchwalkers DLC will be launching in Nov.

    To find out more about the Astroneer game and DLC called the Glitchwalkers go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ASTRONEER/ or go to the official game website here https://astroneer.space/

    #Astroneer #DLC #Glitchwalkers #IndieGames #DevolverDigital #Steam #Games #Gaming #SciFi #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #GameUpdates #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Once Human The Way of Winter Update

    Once Human The Way of Winter Update

    Here is some new content for the Once Human game, it’s The Way of Winter update that brings in new monsters, maps and scenarios that are not to be missed. This is the largest update for the game and is well worth it. The game map is larger with the deviants getting more powerful and some serious vultures waiting to pick on those who have lost. The Once Human The Way of Winter game update will add more to the game than before, details are below.

    To find out more about the Once Human game and The Way of Winter update head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2139460/Once_Human/ or go to the official game website here https://www.oncehuman.game/

    #OnceHuman #thewayofwinter #NetEaseGames #OnceHumanTheWayofWinter #Games #Gaming #NewGames #SciFi #NewGameContent #GameUpdates

  • Halloween come to Dead by Daylight

    Halloween come to Dead by Daylight

    You might already think that Dead by Daylight is scary enough, but it is that time of the year when Halloween creeps into our lives including gaming. In this new addition to the game players will be getting access to a new event, some new very sinister stories and what all players want more rewards, after all, what is a game without some cool rewards as you pass certain levels or complete those difficult tasks. Finally, there is the much-awaited for Haunted by Daylight Event that will be running from October 17th and continues onto November 7th in the Dead by Daylight game.

    To find out more about Halloween on Dead by Daylight take a look at the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/381210/Dead_by_Daylight/ or the official game website here https://deadbydaylight.com/

    #Halloween #Horror #DeadbyDaylight #Steam #VoidRealm #HauntedbyDaylightEvent #GameUpdates #Games #Gaming #Castlevania #BehaviourInteractive #Tome21DOMINUS?

  • Warhammer 40000 Darktide free update available now

    Warhammer 40000 Darktide free update available now

    Here is something that Warhammer players might have been waiting for its the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide game update and it is available now for PC and Xbox. This free update brings in a new mission and a new objective, these are the main points there are a couple of other features but they are not as important as these. Some may say that Warhammer is not the same as other games and they would be right for this is more than just a game and for the players, it is a way of life.

    To find out more about the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide game update go to the official game website here https://bit.ly/3Uswpyh

    #Warhammer #GamesWorkshop #Fatshark #Warhammer40000Darktide #PC #Steam #MicrosoftStore #Xbox #Games #Gaming #SciFi #GameUpdates #NewGames

  • The final Remnant II The Dark Horizon DLC

    The final Remnant II The Dark Horizon DLC

    This is it the final DLC for the Remnant II game called the Dark Horizon offering players a new Archetype known as the Warden that comes with a powerful weapon a drone that can act as a shield, for healing or as a weapon. So you can see that this is going to make a significant change to the gameplay. There is not long to wait either as The Dark Horizon DLC for Remnant II will be launching on September the 24th for players on PC, PlayStation and Xbox are you ready for it?

    To find out more about the Remnant II The Dark Horizon DLC go to the official game website here https://www.remnantgame.com/en/editions

    #RemnantIITheDarkHorizon #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #Remnant #RemnantGame #SciFi #DLC #Archetype #Warden #GameUpdates #Drones #Warfare #Battles

  • Major Game Update For Pixel Starships

    Major Game Update For Pixel Starships

    Players of Pixel Starships will be getting an update to the game that promises to bring in a whole load of features such as new ship components, advanced weapons, upgrades for defence, expanded ship customization, new missions and challenges. This is one of those updates that really does reward players for sticking with the game, it will also encourage new players and so the story will grow and grow. So if you are looking for some brilliant 2D gaming action then you are in luck.

    To find out about the Pixel Starships game update go to the official game website here http://www.pixelstarships.com

    #SavySoda #PixelStarships #PvP #PvE #Games #Gaming #NewGames #2DGames #RetroGames #SciFi #GameUpdates #StrategyGames #FreeToPlayGames

  • PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    PUBG Patch Report Clan Month New Weapons

    There is a new update for PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds that brings in Clan Month and some new weapons, with new rewards too. This is season 31 and it is just as exciting as ever. The mission remains the same, become the last team standing and win, it is really that simple and yet there is some serious fun to be had along the way, maybe that is why this game has been going for so long and attracts so many players, what’s your clan?

    To find out more about the PUBG Patch Report here on the official website https://pubg.com/en/news/7582

    #PUBG #PatchReport #ClanMonth #NewWeapons #PUGBBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBGClanMonth #KRAFTON #PCGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PUBGPatchReport #GameUpdates

  • Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus has been given a big update that will improve many of the game’s features such as core system changes, new content, better mechanics and some little balance tweaks here and there. The game actually takes place aboard a damaged deep space colony ship that has been crewed by robots while most of the crew and passengers are in hibernation. The problem is that the robots are making decisions that will affect the humans and therefore someone has to take command and that person is you! The future of the crew and passengers is in your hands now and you must ensure that everything is done to make this possible, you might have some difficult decisions to make, but it’s all in the name of survival.

    Find out more about the Stardeus game and the Bioverse update here on Paradox https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/ or here on the games page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380910/Stardeus/

    #Paradox #ParadoxInteractive #Stardeus #BioverseUpdate #SciFi #KodoLinija #AI #GameUpdates #StardeusBioverseUpdate #ParadoxArc #SpaceExploration #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • Killing Floor 3 Coming to PC and Consoles

    Killing Floor 3 Coming to PC and Consoles

    Here is something to get your heart pumping a bit, it is the Killing Floor 3 game or more accurately it’s the Cyst Reveal and it is a bit dark, yet this is the sort of thing that some of us are waiting for. Luckily there are plenty of troops and some serious weapons to get your hands on, so that makes things just a little bit more even or so you would think. Are you ready to join the Killing Floor?

    Find out more about the Killing Floor 3 game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/killing-floor-3

    #EGS #KillingFloor3 #PC #Consoles #NewGames #GameUpdates #SciFi #KillingFloor3CystReveal #Battles #BioWeapons #Infantry #BiologicalProjectile

  • Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    There is nothing like a look back into the past in order to understand the future or the present, in this we are looking at the Year 9 of Rainbow Six Siege and it has to be said there is a lot to talk about, yet we are lucky that there is the video above to help us with the recap of the year and as we always say there is nothing better than a video to tell a story. So sit back and take a look at the Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 overview.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    It is time to take a closer look at the Rainbow Six Siege game with this Deadly Omen Operator gameplay video featuring the masked villain Deimos, with plenty of tricks up his sleeve to take the battle to the enemy and win. This is a brilliant piece of gameplay to watch as it gives you an insight into how this next season is going to work out, are you ready for this much excitement?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    It can never be said that Rainbow Six Siege is one of those games that becomes boring or even dated after a while, in fact, there is the Elite Ying set that is available now just goes to show that things are always changing and getting better, in this case, you will be getting the Augmented Reality headgear, uniform, victory dance, gadget skin, operator cards and cool weapon skins, so this just goes to show that you never call Rainbow Six Siege boring or a bit of the same thing going on, if you dont believe us check it out for yourself.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Welcome to the Rainbow Six Siege game and the upcoming Operation Deadly Omen that is coming soon, your skills and courage will be tested to the limit as this game will take you to new limits beyond what you might expect from Rainbow Six Siege and the new Operation Deadly Omen addition to the gameplay, there is only one question, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    To become victorious in the future it is sometimes a good idea to look into the past in order to learn from mistakes and make the changes necessary to gain the advantage in order to win the fight. After all, isn’t that what Rainbow Six Siege is all about, learning, adapting and taking on the enemy in all sorts of locations?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game series here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Fallout 76 – Season 15: The Big Score

    Fallout 76 – Season 15: The Big Score

    You might think that playing any game is a bit of a gamble, but when it comes to the Fallout 76 – Season 15: The Big Score game update you will find yourself in a strange alternate reality where it looks like a scene from a classic film noir but with the addition of strange technologies such as robots and advanced weapons, well this is Fallout 76 and we wouldn’t expect anything else.

    There is not long to wait to try out Fallout 76 – Season 15: The Big Score as it releases on the 5th of December although this update might not be available in certain locations, so it is best checked first. Fallout has always been an exciting and interesting game, this update just reinforces this, check out the video above for more.

    Find out more about the Fallout 76 – Season 15: The Big Score game here; https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/3Y1M6mWgVNavKJNoS7F5x/fallout-76-season-15-preview

    #Fallout76TheBigScore #Fallout76 #NewSeason #TheBigScore #Bethesda #NewGame #SciFi #GameUpdates #Fallout76NewSeason #Casino #Fallout

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive Gameplay

    The Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive Gameplay

    If you already have The Elder Scrolls Online game then you are going to love the Endless Archive update for two reasons, the first being that this update offers some great new content and secondly its free! We all love something that does not cost us anything, so if you have the base game then jump in and get going.

    The Elder Scrolls Online game is one of those massive games with a great following, one of the reasons for its continued success is the updates that are added and the Endless Archive is no different. Face up to some serious enemies and tough bosses as you work your way around the game, this update is live now so what are waiting for?

    Find out more about the Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive game update here; https://www.elderscrollsonline.com

    #TheElderScrollsOnline #EndlessArchive #Gameplay #TheElderScrollsOnlineEndlessArchive #Game #PvE #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #GameUpdates

  • Killing Floor The Deep Blue Z

    The Zeds are back and so it is time to deep dive into the dark waters and save the world from an invasion that could mean the end of life as we know it.

    The Killing Floor 2 gives you a chance to explore the deep caverns and with new maps, there are going to be challenges behind every door and hiding in the shadows.

    Find out more on the Killing Floor 2: Deep Blue Z here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/

    #KillingFloor2 #DeepBlueZ #KillingFloor2DeepBlueZ #EpicGames #PCGames #GameUpdates

  • Metroid Prime Remastered On Switch

    You are Samus Aran in the remastered version of Metroid Prime, you have the benefit of the visors and weapons provided, but you are facing up against some serious space pirates while having to solve the mysteries on Tallon IV this is not an easy mission, but it is going to be some great gaming fun. Find out more on Metroid Prime Remastered here; http://www.nintendo.com/ #MetroidPrimeRemastered #MetroidPrime #SpacePirates #GameUpdates #NintendoSwitch #SamusAran