Tag: #hoi4

  • New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    It is not that often that you get the chance to change history for the better or for the worse yet in the Hearts of Iron IV – Graveyard Of Empires this is what the players can do, in this case, the war has moved to the region that includes Iran, British Raj, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In this area, the countries are not just fighting in the Second World War they have an eye on independence too! So there is a lot at stake here and every move and decision has its consequences. The Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Expansion Pass 1 is available right now.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/TZI4G or go to the games page on Steam here https://pdxint.at/GoEStore

    #HeartsofIronIV #HeartsofIron #HOI4 #GraveyardOfEmpires #War #ParadoxInteractive #Strategy #Wargame #WorldWarII #Games #Gaming #HeartsofIronIVGraveyardofEmpires

  • Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    The Second World War was made up of many battles everyone being different and with a different conclusion, with hindsight, it is possible to refight these battles to come up with a different ending and therefore the outcome of the war. This is Hearts of Iron IV and players will be able to rewrite the second world war one battle at a time. The future of the world is at stake and this time things could end up completely different. The Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung expansion is available now.


  • Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    The second world war is raging throughout Europe and in the Hearts of Iron IV game the Germans are on the verge of total control of the continent, this may seem like history but it only seems like that, this is The Gotterdammerung Expansion for the game and it is your chance to change history with new tactics that could change the course of the war in the favour of the Third Reich. Take command of your army and see how far you can go before the allies retaliate.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV Gotterdammerung expansion pack go the game page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3152810/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Expansion_Pass_1/

    #hoi4 #heartsofironiv #gotterdammerung #HeartsofIronIVGotterdammerung #ParadoxInteractive #Games #Gaming #Warfare #SecondWorldWar #GermanReich #WWII