Tag: #Military

  • Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi Sniper Combat Simulation

    Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi Sniper Combat Simulation

    Only a few can experience the real pressures of being behind enemy lines on a mission to take out the leadership of one group or another, this is the Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi a sniper combat simulation that puts players right in the heart of the mission. With realism and weapons that will blow your mind, this game really does put players on the front line.

    To find out more about the Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/BVIO9 or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/DGW9B

    #CenterMassStreetsofRamadi #Sniper #Military #SpecialOps #CenterMass #StreetsofRamadi #Games #Gaming #SEAL #MaximumEntertainment

  • The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red

    The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red

    This is the Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red where Keener has given himself in and is being held in the White House, a deal has been made and the Division must work together in order to locate the rest of the team. The Division game is a massive world that seems to just keep going and updating providing the players with a new adventure with the Shades of Red agents will be working hard to prevent what terrors await the Division. The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red is available now.

    For more details on The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red head on over to the official game website here https://thedivision2.com/shades-of-red

    #TheDivision #TheDivision2 #Ubisoft #TheDivisionShadesofRed #TomClancy #RPG #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PvP #Military #Warfare #SpecialOps

  • Red Rocket Defencism available on Steam

    Red Rocket Defencism available on Steam

    Coming next year is the Red Rocket Defencism game, you play the part of a soldier whose job it is to protect the rockets that are still under construction in your base from the enemy who are out to destroy your country’s first line of defence. These weapons are secret and yet you must work through the different stages before eventually being in possession of a fully operational rocket! Do you have what it takes to take on this role?

    To find out more about the Red Rocket Defencism game here at the games page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2854440/Red_Rocket_Defencism/

    #Steam #IndieStudio #TinyCactusStudio #BaseBuildingStrategy #RedRocketDefencism #NewGames #Rockets #Revolution #SecretWeapons #Military #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Update 1.26 For World of Tanks

    Update 1.26 For World of Tanks

    This is something that has been much anticipated and some might even say much needed for some time, it’s the latest 1.26 update for the World of Tanks game. This update will bring in some great new features and some interesting new game effects that will add a new layer to the game with new maps, new tanks and perks for the crew. The update is available now and now all that is needed for you to decide which is your favourite part of the update!

    To find out more about the World of Tanks game visit the official game website here http://worldoftanks.com

    #GameUpdate #WorldofTanks #Tanks #Warfare #Battles #Maps #Army #Military #Wargames #Weapons #Wargaming #TankCrew #BattlePass #Multiplayer #NewGames

  • Rainbow Six Siege: Year 9 Cinematic Trailer

    Rainbow Six Siege: Year 9 Cinematic Trailer

    This is the much anticipated Six Invitational 2024, it has become the pinnacle event in the Rainbow Six Siege calendar and the players are already getting involved so what are you waiting for? This something that is simply too good to miss and it blends perfectly into the Rainbow Six Siege game, you might have thought that gaming could not get any more exciting, but the Six Invitational 2024 proves that gaming is just the best thing ever and this event must not be missed.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege

    #RainbowSixSiege #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #Ubisoft #R6Siege #R6S #TacticalGame #SciFi #Warfare #Military #Games #Gaming

  • Classified: France ’44 Deep Dive: Every Shot Counts

    Classified: France ’44 Deep Dive: Every Shot Counts

    Welcome the occupied zones of northern France during the 2nd World War, this is Classified: France ’44 and you are on a mission to cause chaos and havoc amongst the occupying Nazi forces ahead of the D-Day landings, which makes these missions an important factor in bringing the war to an end and freeing Europe from tyranny.

    This is one of those games that actually is like being involved in real warfare where every action has a consequence. With every shot fired, bomb dropped and building destroyed there will be someone affected. The horrors of war are unforgiving and the memories of these events last forever. Are you ready to end the war and set the world free?

    Find out more about the Classified: France 44 game here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #ClassifiedFrance44 #DeepDive #EveryShotCounts #WWII #Battlefield #DDay #Warfare #Army #Missions #Military #WarGames

  • Remastered Quake II On All Platforms

    Remastered Quake II On All Platforms

    This could be classed as a step back into gaming history with a remastered version of the classic game Quake being made available for all platforms so you no longer have an excuse not to play this classic game based on an alien invasion of Earth by the Strogg. This is a game that is full-on action and the great thing is you and your friends get involved.

    The new game will offer some new campaign action, original mission packs, a new Call of the Machine expansion, the classic Quake II 64 and so much more too. Can you afford to miss out on this gaming spectacular? No, so what are you waiting for check out Quake II and save the planet from invasion.

    Find out more about the remastered Quake II game here; https://bethesda.net/en/article/450N8MVDARIvpjK8nbhKlF/quake-ii-release-notes-and-faq

    #Quake #QuakeII #QuakeRemastered #Strogg #Aliens #Military #SciFi #FPS #QuakeII64 #OnlineMultiplayer

  • The Rise Of The Machines Is Real!

    If there has ever been a better example of the saying “You have been warned!” the development of military robots has to be it. Despite all of the warnings and we are not talking about sci-fi here, we are talking about scientists and experts who have warned us about combining artificial intelligence and robots.

    UNKNOWN: Killer Robots is a four-part docuseries coming to Netflix that brings all of the facts and information together from experts, theorists and the military as they look at the battlefield of the future, where armed robots controlled by artificial intelligence enter a warzone and make decisions on what action to take without any input from humans.

    Find out more on UNKNOWN: Killer Robots on Netflix here; https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/81473681

    #Netflix #UNKNOWNKillerRobots #UNKNOWN #KillerRobots #ArtificialIntelignece #Robots #Military #RiseoftheMachines

  • Battlefield 2042 Warfare Escalation

    The years roll on and yet warfare seems to carry on, in Battlefield it is no different, this is season three and there is an escalation going on. Your mission is to bring an end to the war and yet we know that there will always be wars and there will always be a Battlefield. More details are available here; http://x.ea.com/75666 #battlefield #eagames #escalation #battlefield2042 #warfare #wearenopats #military