Tag: #PandorasWesternFrontier

  • Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Survival Guide

    Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Survival Guide

    There is no doubt that living on the planet Pandora has become increasingly difficult for the indigenous people the Na’vi and in a way it reflects on our own history where advanced societies take advantage of those less developed societies in the name of progress and to fulfil the need for valuable resources. So for the Na’vi there is this survival guide, but will it work and will it save Pandora from the RDA?

    The Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora game is just as epic as the movies, you have a people that are living as one with nature and you have the corporate invaders that build great industrial plants to refine the planet’s resources backed up by the military. In this Survival Guide for the game, there are tips and tricks to slow down the destruction of the planet once and for all.

    Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora: Survival Guide https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/avatar/frontiers-of-pandora

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