Tag: #ParadoxInteractive

  • Can you Escape the Mad Empire

    Can you Escape the Mad Empire

    This is one of those games that suits players who love the retro style and feel of platform games, but make no mistake the Escape the Mad Empire game is a hardcore adventure where players can loot everything, grab or steal resources and ultimately survive. Yet escaping the Mad Empire may not be as easy as it sounds, so this is the time to knuckle down and take on the Mad Empire and escape.

    To find out more about the Escape the Mad Empire game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/gVAQ5 or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/5dtP7

    #EscapetheMadEmpire #games #gaming #newgames #scifi #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #retrogames #tactical #pixel #dungeon #platformgames #steam #fighting #battles #retrogamers

  • Celebrating Ten Years Of Cities: Skylines

    Celebrating Ten Years Of Cities: Skylines

    It seems astonishing that the Cities: Skylines game has been around for over ten years now with expansion packs, content updates and even a sequel all thrown in for good measure. In the video below there is a brilliant run down of the history of the game from the players and developers who are giving their take on the game and what it has meant to them all over the years. There will be new premium and free anniversary content arriving throughout month of March including a free weekend from the 20th to the 24th of March.

    To find out more about the Cities: Skylines game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/eWnh4

    #CitiesSkylines #Cities #Skylines #ParadoxInteractive #Games #Gaming #ColossalOrder #NewGames #PCGames #CityBuilding #Cities #GameSequel #ExpansionPack #ContentPacks

  • New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    It is not that often that you get the chance to change history for the better or for the worse yet in the Hearts of Iron IV – Graveyard Of Empires this is what the players can do, in this case, the war has moved to the region that includes Iran, British Raj, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In this area, the countries are not just fighting in the Second World War they have an eye on independence too! So there is a lot at stake here and every move and decision has its consequences. The Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Expansion Pass 1 is available right now.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/TZI4G or go to the games page on Steam here https://pdxint.at/GoEStore

    #HeartsofIronIV #HeartsofIron #HOI4 #GraveyardOfEmpires #War #ParadoxInteractive #Strategy #Wargame #WorldWarII #Games #Gaming #HeartsofIronIVGraveyardofEmpires

  • Play the Escape the Mad Empire demo now

    Play the Escape the Mad Empire demo now

    If you are looking for something weird, bizarre and exciting then the Escape the Mad Empire game could be just what you have been waiting for. In this game, players must build up a team of characters and a base from which they can take on the biome and reach the end game. The great news is that this game has a playable demo available on Steam so why not give it a go?

    To find out more about the Escape the Mad Empire game go to the official game website https://www.paradoxinteractive.com or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/HAhvq

    #EscapetheMadEmpire #XperimentalZGames #RPG #Games #Gaming #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SteamNextFest #NewGames #Strategy

  • Victoria 3 Play for Free This Weekend

    Victoria 3 Play for Free This Weekend

    When it comes to games that require strategy and forward-thinking you cannot go wrong with the Victoria 3 game, players can rewrite history to suit their needs and plans. But more than this the game is free to play this weekend and that is something that really does not come around that often, it’s ideal if players are new to the game too. The free weekend of Victoria 3 starts this weekend and will run until the end of the 25th November.

    To find out more about the Victoria 3 game and the free weekend gameplay go to the official game website here https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/victoria-3/about

    #Victoria3 #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #StrategyGames #History #Victoria3PlayforFree #ChangeHistory #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Stellaris Console Edition First Contact and Galactic Paragons are out now

    Stellaris Console Edition First Contact and Galactic Paragons are out now

    Out now on Stellaris is an expansion pack that brings in Galactic Paragons and First Contact games that add an additional layer to the game such as finding civilisations that are yet to reach the level of being able to travel into space. The Stellaris Console Edition First Contact and Galactic Paragons expansions are out now.

    To find out more about the Stellaris Console Edition with the First Contact and Galactic Paragons games, go to the official game website here https://pdxint.at/4flwn6Y

    #StellarisConsoleEdition #FirstContact #GalacticParagons #SciFi #Stellaris #ParadoxInteractive #NewGames #Origins #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    The Second World War was made up of many battles everyone being different and with a different conclusion, with hindsight, it is possible to refight these battles to come up with a different ending and therefore the outcome of the war. This is Hearts of Iron IV and players will be able to rewrite the second world war one battle at a time. The future of the world is at stake and this time things could end up completely different. The Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung expansion is available now.


  • Space Trash Scavenger out now on Steam Early Access

    Space Trash Scavenger out now on Steam Early Access

    Working in Outer Space is never going to be easy and playing Space Trash Scavenger might seem like an easy game, but looks can be deceiving especially when you are on a space rig that requires constant maintenance and for the players to find more resources in order to keep it going. Players are going to need to be smart and resourceful to pull this off, are you ready for this? The Space Trash Scavenger is out now for PC players on Steam Early Access.


  • Darfall strategy survival city-builder

    Darfall strategy survival city-builder

    This is Darfall where you start off with a small settlement, but over time and with careful planning and a lot of luck you could soon be seeing your community grow and become prosperous, however this success can bring threats from nature and from those who would like to think that they could take your city instead of doing all of the hard work themselves. Darfall is available for your wishlist on Steam and will be launching soon.

    Check out the new video for the Darfall game here on YouTube https://youtu.be/EVBXlI9-hNA?si=oZoxZGQq65HyqtOM To find out more about the Darfall game go to the official game website here https://www.darfall.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1961600/Darfall/

    #Darfall #RPG #strategy #survival #citybuilder #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Steam #Newgames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Castles #Battle #SIM

  • Stellaris Grand Archive available now

    Stellaris Grand Archive available now

    Paradox Interactive has launched a new story pack for the science fiction strategy game Stellaris called the Grand Archive where treasures from around the galaxy are stored and dislayed in a museum style research centre. However some of these creatures and even plantlife are dangerous and should they somehow find their way out of the Grand Archive this could mean serious issues for everyone. The Stellaris: Grand Archive is available now for PC players on Steam.

    To find out more about the Stellaris: Grand Archive game go to the official game website here https://stellaris.com

    #StellarisGrandArchive #Stellaris #GrandArchive #ParadoxInteractive #SciFi #Aliens #Space #SpaceFauna #Vivarium #AlienCreatures #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    Hearts of Iron IV The Gotterdammerung Expansion

    The second world war is raging throughout Europe and in the Hearts of Iron IV game the Germans are on the verge of total control of the continent, this may seem like history but it only seems like that, this is The Gotterdammerung Expansion for the game and it is your chance to change history with new tactics that could change the course of the war in the favour of the Third Reich. Take command of your army and see how far you can go before the allies retaliate.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV Gotterdammerung expansion pack go the game page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3152810/Hearts_of_Iron_IV_Expansion_Pass_1/

    #hoi4 #heartsofironiv #gotterdammerung #HeartsofIronIVGotterdammerung #ParadoxInteractive #Games #Gaming #Warfare #SecondWorldWar #GermanReich #WWII

  • Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for Stellaris

    Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for Stellaris

    Out now is the brilliant Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for the Stellaris game giving players to experience eight types of storms, storm chaser origins, new civics and narratives. This is really going to expand the game for players and obviously should interest players who are yet to explore the Stellaris game for the first time. For all players this is the chance to embrace the storm, so are you ready to take on the Cosmic Storms in the Stellaris game?

    To find out more about the Cosmic Storms mechanical expansion for the Stellaris game here on the official website https://pdxint.at/47paa4v

    #Stellaris #StellarisCosmicStorms #paradoxinteractive #cosmicstorms #mechanicalexpansion #SciFi #PCGames #GameUpdate #BehaviourInteractive #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Mineral mining in deep space with Starminer

    Mineral mining in deep space with Starminer

    One day mining fleets will be deployed to deep space on a mission to mine for minerals and sell them for a profit, until that is a reality we have the Starminer game where you assemble your mining fleet, deploy warships and build defence platforms, in space there are many dangers and where there are valuable minerals there are those who are willing to steal at any cost. There is no release date for this game yet, but you can wishlist it on Steam now.

    To find out more about the Starminer game here on the official website https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/our-games/paradox-arc or here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1116050/Starminer/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #STARMINER #MiningTrailer #ParadoxArc #Starminer #StarminerGame #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #InterstellarMiningFleet #CoolAndGoodGames

  • Mechabellum Play Early Access On Steam

    Mechabellum Play Early Access On Steam

    The mechanised warfare game Mechabellum is available now on Steam Early Access with the official launch of the game coming on the 26th of September, in this game, you must attack, adapt and keep going in order to win the battles. Playing against humans or AI this game requires a good deal of strategy in order to advance, finding the enemy’s weakness and striking before they can adapt. Take command of your mechanised army, place them where you want on the battlefield and destroy the enemy, sounds easy doesn’t it?

    To find out more about the Mechabellum game visit the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/669330/Mechabellum/ or go to the official Paradox Interactive developers page here https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Mechabellum #EarlyAccess #Steam #TacticalWargame #SciFi #Wars #MechanizedArmy #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Strategy #Battle #Machines

  • Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus has been given a big update that will improve many of the game’s features such as core system changes, new content, better mechanics and some little balance tweaks here and there. The game actually takes place aboard a damaged deep space colony ship that has been crewed by robots while most of the crew and passengers are in hibernation. The problem is that the robots are making decisions that will affect the humans and therefore someone has to take command and that person is you! The future of the crew and passengers is in your hands now and you must ensure that everything is done to make this possible, you might have some difficult decisions to make, but it’s all in the name of survival.

    Find out more about the Stardeus game and the Bioverse update here on Paradox https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/ or here on the games page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380910/Stardeus/

    #Paradox #ParadoxInteractive #Stardeus #BioverseUpdate #SciFi #KodoLinija #AI #GameUpdates #StardeusBioverseUpdate #ParadoxArc #SpaceExploration #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • Age of Wonders 4 Eldritch Realms expansion release

    Age of Wonders 4 Eldritch Realms expansion release

    Coming in a couple of weeks time is the latest expansion pack for the brilliantly conceived game Age of Wonders 4 from Paradox Interactive this is the Eldritch Realms expansion that is supposed to turn things inside out or upside down within the Eldritch Realms. The main things are new layers to the game, new magic, playable rulers, new physical forms and much more, this is a massive addition to the game and it will become available from the 18th of June, can we hold out until then?

    Find out more about the Age of Wonders 4: Eldritch Realms major expansion here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/age-of-wonders-4/about

    #ageofwonders4 #aow4 #paradoxinteractive #AgeofWonders #EldritchRealms #ExpansionPack #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #NewMaps #Steam #Magic #Mystic

  • The Machine Age for Stellaris on PC

    The Machine Age for Stellaris on PC

    There is a new and free expansion available for the science fiction stategy game Stellaris, the game update will offer some interesting features to help the machine empires such as the endgame crisis, a new endgame path and there are three new origins. This is something that will be welcoming players to the machine age and this is going to be a great update for this already exciting game, which is just as well as there is a threat heading to the game unlike anything ever seen before, get ready for this as this is going to epic.

    Find out more about the Stellaris game and The Machine Age expansion here; https://pdxint.at/3QyqwAP

    #Stellaris #paradoxinteractive #machineage #StellarisTheMachineAge #SciFi #PCGames #Gaming #Gamers #Andromeda #SciFiStrategyGame #GameExpansion

  • Paradox Arc Nexus 5X Release

    Paradox Arc Nexus 5X Release

    In space, the battle lines have been drawn and that is something that should concern everyone, but some people are just too busy making deals and trying to survive than worry about that. Your mission on Nexus 5 is to explore new worlds and expand your territory, this is the only way to survive the war in space and prevent the downfall of the human race forever. Are you ready to take command of the fleet?

    Find out more about the Paradox Arc Nexus 5X release here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1983990/Nexus_5X/

    #ParadoxArcNexus5X #ParadoxArc #Nexus5X #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Spaceships #Strategy #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #EarlyAccess

  • Crusader Kings III Welcomes New Players With New Introductions

    Crusader Kings III Welcomes New Players With New Introductions

    Paradox Interactive’s award-winning medieval grand-strategy game Crusader Kings III has long been a favorite of newcomers to the Paradox stable of dynamic historical games. Its deft mix of deep strategy, period flavor, and character-centered role-playing appeals to a wide range of game-playing styles. Today, the Crusader Kings III team is launching a month-long activation on their channels aimed at making the game even more welcoming to curious people – with a free update coming in May. No need to be intimidated by the map, the numbers, or the sea of scowling faces.

    Over the next month, Crusader Kings III will reintroduce a few familiar characters from one of the game’s most popular starting bookmarks. This campaign is designed to highlight the diversity of play options and story-telling possibilities available in the game. Even the most warlike of players must deal, from time to time, with other role-playing approaches if they want to get the most out of their experience.

    “At Paradox, we’re not under any illusions that our grand strategy games are immediately approachable, but we’ve always been proud that Crusader Kings III has been able to attract a wide range of types of players,” says Crusader Kings III Game Director, Alex Oltner. “Its ‘story generator’ qualities have proven very effective at getting a certain type of player into the larger themes that typify our largest titles. Legends of Crusader Kings III is intended to further lower the barriers by putting the different playstyles up front, showcasing the potential variety to curious people intimidated by taking that first step into historical grand strategy.”

    Legends of Crusader Kings III takes advantage of the game’s most distinctive feature – rich character personalities and biographies that encourage different play styles. In Crusader Kings III, a warrior-king is encouraged to pursue different goals with different advantages than a ruler adept at managing money or scheming against their foes. Legends of Crusader Kings III revises the popular 1066 “Rags to Riches” game start by highlighting five rulers as exemplars of the five key traits of Crusader Kings III characters.

    Diplomacy: Petty King Murchard of Munster in Ireland uses his strong relationship-building skills to anchor his drive to unite the island under one crown.

    Stewardship: Duke Vratislav of Bohemia rules a rich land at the heart of Central Europe, helping development and construction in his realm.

    Learning: Duchess Matilda of Tuscany promotes scholarship in her Italian lands, leading to better education and quicker research.

    Intrigue: Emir Yahya of Toledo is at the center of scheming and manipulation in the combative arena of Iberian politics.

    Martial: Duke Robert of Apulia has his sights set on the conquest of the rich lands of Sicily, and is just the warlord for the job.

    Each leader is recontextualized with greater emphasis on their different playstyles, including a few new events for some of these characters to deepen immersion. They will have updated appearances and biographies, setting them apart from the hundreds of other possible characters to choose from.

    The Legends of Crusader Kings III update will be available in May to everyone who owns the game. Meanwhile, visit the website to discover the five legends and their stories, or forge your own!

    About Paradox Interactive

    Paradox Interactive is one of the premier developers and publishers of strategy and management games for PC and consoles. The players are located all over the world but some of the biggest markets are North America, Western Europe and Asia.

    The game portfolio consists of popular franchises such as Stellaris, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron, Crusader Kings, Cities: Skylines, Prison Architect, the Surviving games, Age of Wonders and Victoria. Paradox Interactive also owns the World of Darkness brand catalog.

    For more information, please visit http://www.paradoxinteractive.com or gamespress.com/Crusader-Kings-III-Welcomes-New-Players-With-New-Introductions

    #CrusaderKings #ParadoxInteractive #MedievalGrandStrategyGame #Games #Gaming #Gamers #NewGames #NewPlayers #Crusaders #History

  • Foundry Game Early Access on Steam in May

    Foundry Game Early Access on Steam in May

    The much-awaited launch of the Foundry is almost upon us, well in May for anyone wanting to get it on Steam, but never the less this game is coming and it offers us the chance to automate everything and get your factory producing some cool stuff. Build anywhere and make sure that you are keeping a close eye on things because no matter how well you plan things there is always something waiting to go wrong.

    Find out more about the Foundry game early access on Steam here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/foundry/news/dev-blog-50-early-access-release-date

    #foundrygame #factorygame #sandbox #automation #factory #paradoxinteractive #channel3 #basebuildinggame #earlyaccess

  • Millennia Game Pre-Purchase Trailer

    Millennia Game Pre-Purchase Trailer

    This is one of those game where you are able to set your own history through planning and strategy. While this sounds like an easy task, there are plenty of things that can go wrong and then all of your careful planning comes tumbling down around you. This is history in the making and you chance to guide a civilisation through the ages, embracing science and technology along the way. The future is in your hands now.

    Find out more about the Millennia Game for pre-purchase now on Steam here; https://pdxint.at/MillenniaStore

    #millennia #strategygames #paradoxinteractive #millenniagame #civilization #history #newgames #scifi

  • Millennia First Look At Gameplay

    Millennia First Look At Gameplay

    Welcome to a glimpse into the world of the Millennia game, this is where you are not only in charge of your own destiny but your nations too. Starting at the dawn of mankind this historical turn-based game grows as you take advantage of science, invention and discovery to grow a civilisation from a small village into a massive nation. However, it is not always going to be easy, there are problems, disasters and even enemies waiting for you, one mistake and the whole thing can come tumbling down around you.

    Find out more about the Millennia game here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/millennia/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Millennia #MillenniaGameplay #MillenniaGame #StrategyGame #History #TurnBasedGame #CreateANation #Science #Invention #Discovery

  • Stellaris Nexus Coming To Steam Soon

    Stellaris Nexus Coming To Steam Soon

    The wait for the Stellaris Nexus game is nearly over as it will soon become available on Steam Early Access. This is going to be a massive multiplayer game where domination of the galaxy is the final goal. However, to get there you will need a good team and forge alliances in order to come out on top at the end of the game.

    Paradox Interactive has said that Stellaris Nexus will be available on Steam from the 5th of December, so with only a few days to go you have time to plan and prepare for victory, the galaxy is ripe for taking and the ultimate goal is to control, but it’s not as easy as it first sounds as you are not the only player that wants to rule the galaxy.

    Find out more about the Stellaris Nexus game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1983990/Stellaris_Nexus/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Steam #StellarisNexus #TurnBasedGame #MultiplayerGame #4XGame #SciFi #NewGame

  • Build Your Starminer Business

    Build Your Starminer Business

    Coming soon is Starminer a game that puts you in control of a mining operation in space, where the risk is high, but the rewards make it worth risking the dangers that mining in space can throw at you now and then. Yet as your business grows so does the pressure, profits seem to take over as demand for valuable resources increases.

    Starminer will be coming next year, it promises to offer players to feel in real time what it could be like living and working in space. You start off small with a single craft, but as your business grows so does your space fleet and all of the issues that come with running a large organisation.

    Find out more about the upcoming Starminer game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1116050/Starminer/

    #Starminer #StarminerGame #SciFi #Mining #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Steam #SpaceMining #Aliens #SpaceCraft

  • Victoria 3 Play For Free Now

    Victoria 3 Play For Free Now

    This is a nice opportunity to find out what the Victoria 3 game is all about for free, but only for a couple of days. If you have ever wondered just what this game is then this is the chance to find out, build your settlement and grow it into a sprawling metropolis in no time at all, making deals, squashing enemies and fighting wars are just part of what is needed to build a nation.

    Head over to Steam to see what Victoria 3 is offering, you can play it for free until the 20th of November, it’s not long, but it should be long enough to decide if this is a game that you can really get stuck into, you have nothing to lose, try out Victoria 3 for free right now.

    To find out more about the Victoria 3 game visit here; https://pdxint.at/2UPgQYk

    #VictoriaIII #Victoria #StrategySimulation #ParadoxInteractive #FreetoPlay #Steam #Games #PDXVictoria #NationBuilder #Civilisation

  • The Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC

    The Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC

    Get ready for the Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC that will force you and your crew to step into the unknown on a voyage of discovery and exploration through rifts in space that can transport your spacecraft over great distances to places that are uncharted and unknown. What will be waiting for you when you arrive at a new destination?

    The Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC comes out on the 16th of this month and will offer players of the Stellaris game a new direction to explore. Using the rifts in space to travel great distances offers an opportunity to visit places that were considered just too far away to even consider exploring.

    Find out more about the Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC here; https://bit.ly/472NFkV

    #Stellaris #AstralPlanes #DLC #StellarisAstralPlanes #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SciFi #NewGame #RiftworldOrigin #Games

  • Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    In space as on Earth, it seems that trash is becoming a problem, in the 31st century space trash has become a serious problem and yet while trash of any kind is a problem some trash can be very valuable, especially the trash abandoned in space. All you need to do is retrieve this space treasure in the most hostile of environments.

    Here is a cool game created by a couple of designers, it shows that you do not have to be a massive game developer to produce a great game. This game has imagination and substance, it has a retro look, that is the charm of this game and you can get early access on Steam right now!

    Find out more about the Space Trash Scavenger game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1759350/Space_Trash_Scavenger/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SpaceTrashScavenger #Steam #SquarePlayGames #SpaceTrash #Game #Scavengers #Space #SpaceTravel

  • Space Trash Scavenger

    Space Trash Scavenger

    It seems like you cannot get away from space survival games today, but this one is slightly different and that is what makes it worth a look! This is Space Trash Scavenger and it has an important message regarding the amount of junk that is currently surrounding the Earth and it seems like there are not really any plans to change that, for the moment.

    In Space Trash Scavenger we are moving beyond the Earth and into deeper space where it seems there are plenty of rich pickings just floating around, there could be satellites, damaged spacecraft and even abandoned space stations. Everything has a value and yet this is no easy job and there is plenty of competition out there too.

    Find out more about the Space Trash Scavenger game here; https://www.squareplaygames.com/space-trash-scavenger

    #SpaceTrashScavenger #SpaceTrash #Scavenger #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SciFi #SurvivalCraftingGame #SquarePlayGames #ParadoxArc

  • Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings

    Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings

    This is your chance to take part in historical events, even though we may know the outcome of these events there are some things that could change the path of history and therefore change the future. This is Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings it takes place when the Ottoman Empire begins to grow and influence change throughout the lands.

    In this game you are able to change things that happened in history, but will these changes actually change the course of history as sometimes it seems that history has a knack of following its path no matter what gets in its way, empires come and go, but history will always remain a constant.

    Find out more about the Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings game here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/europa-universalis-iv/add-ons/europa-universalis-iv-king-of-kings

    #EuropaUniversalisIV #KingofKings #EuropaUniversalisIVKingofKings #History #Games #Gaming #Tactics #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox

  • Welcome to the Foundry

    Welcome to the Foundry

    The Foundry is open and as it is fully automated so all that is needed here is a little bit of maintenance now and then in order to keep the machine running smoothly. However, it is not as easy as it sounds, because mechanical things tend to break down and then everything is delayed, which is not what the Foundry has been designed for.

    With the Foundry game you play on your own or with friends, you must plan the expansion of the self-sustaining plant where machines are building machines. If you are not sure about the game, no problem as you can try out the demo for free on Steam from October 9th to October 16th, get ready for the Foundry.

    Find out more about the Foundry game here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/foundry/about

    #foundry #foundrygame #factorygame #sandbox #managementgame #paradoxinteractive #buildinggame #channel3entertainment #basebuilding