Tag: #Planes

  • Build Your Own Transport Business In Worldwide Rush

    Build Your Own Transport Business In Worldwide Rush

    Transport is one of those businesses that is truly global and can be very profitable too. This is the Worldwide Rush game and players are in charge of a global transportation business that could be planes, ships or even buses, whatever way is chosen there are plenty of opportunities for profits, expansion and challenging routes to explore. While there is little information available about the launch date for this game, rest assured that Worldwide Rush will be launching soon, standby for announcements.

    To find out more about the Worldwide Rush game go to the official game website here https://www.worldwiderush.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/CtRbH

    #WorldwideRush #transport #planes #buses #ships #games #gaming #newgames #MemelGames #passengertransport #transportmanagement #gamedemo #gameplay #globaltransport

  • Take To The Skies With Oscar Guzman On GTA Online

    Take To The Skies With Oscar Guzman On GTA Online

    In the brilliant Grand Theft Auto, we are so used to driving around in cool cars that we forget that there is a bigger story going on in GTA Online. In this case, we are talking about the business of trafficking weapons into San Andreas through the McKenzie Field Hangar. Making a return to his smuggling roots is Oscar Guzman, join him as he begins to take on the law by bringing in some weapons into a place where weapons are everything. GTA Online is available now.

    To find out more about the GTA Online game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/4M7U0

    #GTA #GTAOnline #GrandTheftAuto #RockstarGames #Games #Gaming #ArmsTrafficker #McKenzieFieldHangar #OscarGuzman #Aircraft #Planes #Pilot #Gangs