Tag: #Players

  • Ashes of Mankind Citadels Opening Closed Beta

    Ashes of Mankind Citadels Opening Closed Beta

    This is the Ashes of Mankind Citadels game set on a world that is more like a warzone, where players form up into squads before getting ready to engage the AI enemies by savaging around for valuable resources in order to eventually ascend into the Citadel and end this war once and for all.

    To find out more about the Ashes of Mankind Citadels game go to the official game website here https://ashesofmankind.com/

    #AshesofMankindCitadels #Games #gaming #FPS #fpsgames #gameonultra #closedbeta #players #UltraCorporation #BlackIceStudios #TacticalShooter

  • Update 31.2 for PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS is now available

    Update 31.2 for PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS is now available

    There is nothing like an update on PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds to get players talking, sometimes its bad, but it has to be said that most of the updates go down well and make the game better for players, In this case, it is the Update 31.2 that we are looking at and it is pretty good with a South Korean inspired map with the local hospital buildings, shipyards, and prisons have been transformed, there is even a new bridge across the river to make it easier for players to move around more freely.

    To find out more about PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds and the latest game update go to the official website here https://pubg.com/en/news/7624

    #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #Taego #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #PUBGBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #Krafton #SouthKorea #Players #Gamers #Games #Gaming

  • GTA Online Assault on ATT-16 Mode

    GTA Online Assault on ATT-16 Mode

    As ever there are high stakes on offer in GTA Online, this new game mode will take you from an airbase to an aircraft carrier and over the skies of the southern area of San Andreas you just know that this is going to be a spectacular addition to the game that has been going for a long time now in its different variations, from a 2D overhead view to the latest gaming experience in HD and beyond. One thing is for sure we will never tire of playing GTA Online, will you?

    Find out more about GTA Online on the official website here https://rsg.ms/b173bbc

    #GTAOnline #Assault #ATT16Mode #GTA #GrandTheftAuto #RockstarGames #GTAOnlineGameModes #FortZancudo #AircraftCarrier #SouthernSanAndreas #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Players

  • Celebrating The Elder Scrolls Online Ten Year Anniversary

    Celebrating The Elder Scrolls Online Ten Year Anniversary

    For a game to last for ten years and to be able to keep going and growing the amount of players joining in, it has to be special! Well, Elder Scrolls Online is celebrating its tenth anniversary so what better way is there than to find out what the players think of the game and why they love it so much? This video is made for the gaming community of Elder Scrolls Online and maybe even more players may be encouraged to join up and see what is going on in Tamriel.

    Find out more about the Elder Scrolls Online game here on the official website https://www.elderscrollsonline.com

    #ElderScrollsOnline #ElderScrolls #Players #ElderScrollsOnline10YearAnniversary #Bethesda #BethesdaSoftworks #ElderScrollsCommunity #Games #Gamers #Gaming #Tamriel

  • Survive The Pest Apocalypse Pizza Delivery On Steam

    Survive The Pest Apocalypse Pizza Delivery On Steam

    After the collapse of the world as we know it, there are still remnants of the human race surviving in the wastelands and despite there being hordes of pests around, these guys need to be fed and so this is Pest Apocalypse Pizza Delivery. Your mission is to gather a team, arm up and feed the survivors. There are no rules, smash through buildings, kill the pests and get those pizzas delivered. The Pest Apocalypse Pizza Delivery game is going to be one of those games that you cannot stop playing, it even has short games for those times when you have a few minutes spare. So get ready to start delivering those pizzas, the survivors are counting on you!

    Find out more about the Pest Apocalypse Pizza Delivery game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2506810/Pest_Apocalypse/ or on the developer’s website here https://www.kikimora.games/newsletter/

    #PestApocalypse #PizzaDelivery #Pizza #Wasteland #KikimoraGames #PestControl #Steam #Food #Survivors #Pests #FeedingTheSurvivors #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Players

  • Here Comes Pokemon Ultimate Journeys

    Coming to Netflix soon is the Pokemon Ultimate Journeys TV Series, join the gang as they take on new challenges and complete their journey. More details are here; https://www.pokemon.com #Pokemon #Netflix #Anime #PokemonUltimateJourneys #Challenges #TVSeries #Games #Heroes #Gamers #Players

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Delta Kai PV

    Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Players are able to check out the Gundam Delta Kai PV option here to suit up and spring into action. Find out more here http://spr.ly/6056MkdNY @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #MobileSuit #Gundam #Battle #Operation #Players #GundamDeltaKaiPV #BandaiNamco #Robots #War #Fighters #Space #MobileSuitGundam #Games #Gamers #Gaming