Tag: #PlayStationVR2

  • Alien Rogue Incursion On Meta Quest

    Alien Rogue Incursion On Meta Quest

    Just imagine what it would be like getting up close and personal with the dreaded Xenomorph well in the Alien Rogue Incursion you can as it is available for Meta Quest VR players this is where you can actually get a feel for what it would like to be right in there when the action begins. The Alien Rogue Incursion VR game has been available before today but now it is available for the Meta Quest.

    To find out more about the Alien Rogue Incursion game go to the official game website here https://bit.ly/AlienRI_Meta

    #AlienRogueIncursion #Alien #MetaQuest #VR #VRGames #VirtualReality #Survios #Xenomorph #SciFi #PlayStationVR2 #PCVR #Steam #NewGames #VRHeadset

  • Starship Troopers Continuum is out now in VR

    Starship Troopers Continuum is out now in VR

    Get ready to get up close and personal with the Starship Troopers: Continuum game in VR, this definitely takes the game to another level where you get to see the game from a completely different perspective. Are you ready to serve and save the world from the dreaded Arachnid invasion that always seems to be a threat to humanity? Starship Troopers: Continuum is out now on Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 3S and Meta Quest 2, and arrives on PlayStation VR2 on November 25th, 2024.


  • Metro Awakening VR Game Out Now

    Metro Awakening VR Game Out Now

    The much awaited Metro Awakening is out now for VR players to enjoy for the first time. Based in the Metro universe this game takes players into the tunnels of the Metro where anything can happen. To make things even more scarier there is a spider mode arriving soon. Metro Awakening is now available for the PlayStation VR2, Meta Quest, SteamVR and Viveport.

    To find out more about the Metro Awakening VR game go to the official game website here https://metroawakening.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2669410/Metro_Awakening/

    #MetroAwakening #VRGame #MetroUniverse #PlayStationVR2 #MetaQuest #SteamVR #Viveport #Games #Gaming #Gamers #VertigoGames #DeepSilver #VR

  • Prison Boss Prohibition VR Game

    Prison Boss Prohibition VR Game

    VR games are still slow at coming out and getting into the hands of players, but those that are becoming are proving to be good but still not brilliant. In this case, we are talking about the Prison Boss Prohibition VR Game where you play the role of a chicken who is on a mission to build a business that is in the market to sell just about anything that comes your way. This is a great example of how a small business can grow or a large business can fail, where to come in the grand scheme of things? Prison Boss Prohibition will be launching on the Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest Pro, PC VR and PlayStation VR 2 in the spring of next year.

    To find out more about the Prison Boss Prohibition VR game go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2973830/Prison_Boss_Prohibition/

    #PrisonBossProhibition #VRGame #PrisonBoss #Steam #MetaQuest #PCVR #PlayStationVR2 #Games #Gaming #VRHeadset #Trebuchet #CoopGames #Business

  • Zombie Army in VR

    Zombie Army in VR

    Here is the chance to get up and close to the scariest enemy ever in the midst of World War Two, Europe has been ravaged by the Nazis and now there is a bigger threat to the world an army of zombies is walking the shattered cities in the Zombie Army game in VR. This is a brilliant hands-on game and it is available this year on PlayStation VR2, Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro, Oculus Rift, and PC headsets too, get ready for the best adventure for a long while.

    Find out more about the Zombie Army game in VR here; http://reb.to/ZAVR

    #ZombieArmyVR #ZombieArmy #VR #PSVR2 #rebellion #Zombies #PlayStationVR2 #MetaQuest #Games #VRHeadset #OculusRift #WWII #Warfare

  • Border Bots VR Gameplay

    Border Bots VR Gameplay

    In the future, AI has taken over most of the mundane tasks that humans feel are below them, as such there is an increase in the use of robots in the workplace and this means that they must travel around from place to place in order to fulfil this work. Unfortunately, there are some robots whose credentials are not up to date this is where the Border Bots come in.

    You are a Border Bot working in a booth at the AI travel border checking robots as they come into your sector to work. Most of these robots will be perfectly legal and up to date with their credentials, but occasionally there will be that one robot who is trying to get into the zone without the right paperwork in place, it is your job to find these rogue robots.

    Find out more about the Border Bots VR game here; https://www.borderbotsvr.com/

    #BorderBotsVR #Gameplay #BorderBots #VR #AI #PlayStationVR2 #SteamVR #Robots #AITravelBorder