Tag: #PUBGSanhok

  • PUBG Sanhok is open for Destruction

    PUBG Sanhok is open for Destruction

    Get ready to take on the PUBG Sanhok map, despite there being some new textures and terrain features this map has been rigged to blow. So take a look around to take in the map, but don’t take too long as the map is going to destruct in a big way. The latest update Patch #33.1 is out now on PC and will be coming out on the 12th of December on consoles.

    To find out more about the PUBG Sanhok map and game go to the official game website here https://pubg.com/en/main

    #PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds #BattleRoyale #PUBGSanhok #PUBG #BATTLEGROUNDS #PUBGBattlegrounds #Games #Gaming #SanhokDestruction