Tag: #RiskofRainReturns

  • Risk of Rain Returns Drifter Survivor

    The Risk of Rain Returns is a great retro-looking game, but that is where the similarities end, this is a game that offers all of the fun of a classic game coupled with the latest technology to ensure that there are no bugs, slip-ups or lagging, somehow does that take all of the fun out it?

    The game continues on from the first edition and right from the start you are under pressure as each run that you make is going to be different, so there is no point in trying to remember where the pitfuls are because each game will hit you with a different scenario, sounds like a challenge doesn’t it?

    Find out more about the Risk of Rain Returns Drifter Survivor here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1337520/Risk_of_Rain_Returns/

    #RiskofRainReturnsDrifterSurvivor #RiskofRainReturns #DrifterSurvivor #RiskofRain #Drifter #Survivor #Steam #NintendoSwitch