Tag: #roguelikeshooter

  • New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    Here is a game that is based on anime and science fiction, it is Atomic Picnic and this game has just got its first major content update. This update comes while the game is still in Early Access on Steam, it brings in a new character, an improved discoveries system and new weapon mods, together these changes make the game enjoyable, UI improvement and a few tweaks here and there.

    To find out more about the Atomic Picnic game go to the official game website here https://www.bitcake.studio/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/oMGbX

    #AtomicPicnic #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames #Sniper #CoopGame #RoguelikeShooter #BitCakeStudio #GameUpdate #MadMushroom #SteamEarlyAccess

  • DIESELDOME Oil and Blood demo on Steam

    DIESELDOME Oil and Blood demo on Steam

    Imagine the gladiators entering the ring and now skip forward to the future where the battles are still taking place but the weapons and rules are somewhat different, this is DIESELDOME Oil and Blood the first game from the Turkey-based developer GHST Studios who have just launched a cool demo of the game at the Steam Next Fest and players can catch up with the game on Steam right now.

    Find out more about the DIESELDOME Oil and Blood game and the demo on the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/3249480/DIESELDOME_Oil__Blood_Demo/ or go to the official game website here https://dieseldome.com

    #GHSTStudios #DIESELDOMEOilandBlood #RomanPunkGladiators #BloodyBeatdown #Survivors #games #gaming #roguelikeshooter #SteamNextFest #FPS