Tag: #Sniper

  • Sniper Elite: Resistance Mark of the Eagle Survival Guide

    Sniper Elite: Resistance Mark of the Eagle Survival Guide

    Being stuck behind enemy lines on a mission to take out as many of the Nazi leadership as possible might seem like an impossible task but with the Sniper Elite: Resistance there are some tips, tricks and a handy survival guide that will make sure that players have as much help as possible, which is just as well that this handy guide is waiting for players who would love the odd tip and trick to get the upper hand over those Nazis who are mostly deserving of the punishment being dished out by the sniper. Sniper Elite: Resistance is out now on Game Pass.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite: Resistance game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperEliteResistance #SniperElite #Resistance #Rebellion #sniper #games #gaming #warfare #battles #warfare #nazis #allies #SniperEliteResistanceNews #SniperEliteResistanceGameplay

  • DigiGods: Warzone gunplay and tactical update

    DigiGods: Warzone gunplay and tactical update

    There is a new game update DigiGods: Warzone that will make the gunplay and tactics more comprehensive with an enhanced weapon feel and better precision that makes the player feel how the weapon is working from recoil to impact. This is a brilliant update to a really cool game that puts players right in the middle of the action. It is time to lock and load with the DigiGods: Warzone.

    To find out more about the DigiGods: Warzone go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/EZpfm or go to the games page on Meta here https://shorturl.at/w642b

    #DigiGodsWarzone #DigiGods #Warzone #Games #Gaming #SciFi #SquidoStudio #Combat #Weapns #Tactics #Gunplay #Battles #Ballistics #Sniper #Shooter

  • New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    New Content Update For Atomic Picnic

    Here is a game that is based on anime and science fiction, it is Atomic Picnic and this game has just got its first major content update. This update comes while the game is still in Early Access on Steam, it brings in a new character, an improved discoveries system and new weapon mods, together these changes make the game enjoyable, UI improvement and a few tweaks here and there.

    To find out more about the Atomic Picnic game go to the official game website here https://www.bitcake.studio/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/oMGbX

    #AtomicPicnic #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames #Sniper #CoopGame #RoguelikeShooter #BitCakeStudio #GameUpdate #MadMushroom #SteamEarlyAccess

  • Sniper Elite Resistance Super Snipers

    Sniper Elite Resistance Super Snipers

    As the brilliant Sniper Elite Resistance game moves on there are some interesting clips being sent into Rebellion from players who just love to share their victories against the Nazis. It has to be said that some of these clips are so cool that they really do deserve recognition and so the developer has released this great video of just a few gameplay clips that have been submitted. But do not despair if you have a cool clip send it in so we can all see it.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite Resistance game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/ or you can submit your super sniper clips here https://shorturl.at/PIVKh

    #SniperEliteResistance #SniperElite #Resistance #Rebellion #WWII #Sniper #Assassin #Nazis #Allies #Invasion #Games #Gaming #SniperEliteClips

  • Sniper Elite Resistance Launch Trailer

    Sniper Elite Resistance Launch Trailer

    At last players will be able to get their hands on the Sniper Elite: Resistance game and take the war to the Nazis in a way that they never thought would happen, by taking out the leadership from a distance and others at close quarters. In this game, players are behind enemy lines with one mission and that is to make the Nazi’s lives hell. Naturally, it is not going to be easy, there are many lines of defence to get around but the end goal remains the same take out the Nazi leadership are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite: Resistance game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/mTWFV or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/FMXLw

    #SniperEliteResistance #SniperElite #Resistance #Steam #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #Nazis #Allies #Rebellion #Sniper #Assassin #WWII #NewGames

  • Sniper At Work Coming To PC Soon

    Sniper At Work Coming To PC Soon

    Being an assassin is not your average job, but someone has to do it and it would seem that there is much more to making the perfect hit than just grabbing a rifle and pulling the trigger. This is Sniper At Work and every time a job comes in the player must plan the job and have a strategy for getting out of the area in one piece. The Sniper At Work game will be launching later on in the year and can be added to player’s wishlists on Steam now.

    To find out more about the Sniper At Work game go to the official game website here https://sniperatwork.co/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/9jSzP

    #SniperAtWork #Sniper #Assassin #Hitman #Games #Gaming #NewGames #CherrypickGames #Steam #PCGames #Missions #Jobs #Targets

  • Sniper Elite Resistance Some Of The Best Kills

    Sniper Elite Resistance Some Of The Best Kills

    The thing about the Sniper Elite Resistance game is not that players are alone behind enemy lines taking advantage of the arrogance of the German army leadership it is fast becoming a content between players on who can take the best shot, best kill or in many cases it is just both. Players are able to work their way around a location and take out a General, SS officer or any other target from a long-range or even up close and personal, check out some of the best below.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite Resistance game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperEliteResistance #SniperElite #Resistance #Rebellion #WWII #Warfare #Battles #Assassin #Nazis #Allies #SpecialOps #Sniper

  • Super Shots On Sniper Elite

    Super Shots On Sniper Elite

    If there is one thing about the Sniper Elite game it is the way it allows players to take both risky and unbelievable shots, some of which seem to make us doubt everything we understand about long-range shots, yet here we have the evidence in this brilliant video from Rebellion where they have collated some of the best once in a lifetime shots. Take a look and see how cool these shots are and then maybe try them yourself.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperEliteResistance #Sniper #SniperElite #Rebellion #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #WWII #Nazis #Allies #Assassin #Target

  • The Top Sniper Elite Brutal Takedowns

    The Top Sniper Elite Brutal Takedowns

    When you think of the Sniper Elite game it is the war that first springs to mind and yet there is much more to this game as the player is behind enemy lines on a mission to cause chaos amongst the Nazis by taking out as many soldiers and officers as possible, in order to make sure that they are all afraid these kills must be brutal and imaginative, so here are some of the best.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperElite #Takedowns #Sniper #SpecialOps #Rebellion #Games #Gaming #Melee #Stealth #Warfare #Battles #Allies #Nazis #Resistance #WWII

  • Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi Sniper Combat Simulation

    Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi Sniper Combat Simulation

    Only a few can experience the real pressures of being behind enemy lines on a mission to take out the leadership of one group or another, this is the Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi a sniper combat simulation that puts players right in the heart of the mission. With realism and weapons that will blow your mind, this game really does put players on the front line.

    To find out more about the Center Mass: Streets of Ramadi game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/BVIO9 or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/DGW9B

    #CenterMassStreetsofRamadi #Sniper #Military #SpecialOps #CenterMass #StreetsofRamadi #Games #Gaming #SEAL #MaximumEntertainment

  • Sniper Elite 4 for iPhone iPad and Mac

    Sniper Elite 4 for iPhone iPad and Mac

    The brilliant Sniper Elite 4 is coming to iOS devices next year, so players will be able to take on the high-ranking Nazi officers and even take a crack at Hilter himself anywhere they like, work, home or even on the commute. The Sniper Elite 4 game will be available for iPhone, iPad and Mac from the end of January.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite 4 game for iOS go to the official game website here http://reb.to/SE4AppPreOrderYT

    #SniperElite4 #SniperElite #Games #Gaming #Warfare #WWII #SpecialOps #iOS #iPhone #iPad #Mac #Rebellion #Sniper #Assassin

  • New Gameplay Video For The Sniper Elite Resistance

    New Gameplay Video For The Sniper Elite Resistance

    The Nazis have developed new weapons that could swing the war in their favour, this cannot happen and so in the new Sniper Elite: Resistance game, players must help the resistance to target the enemy and you never know there might even be a chance of taking out Hitler too. The Sniper Elite: Resistance game will be launching at the end of January on Xbox, PlayStation and PC.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite: Resistance game go to the official game website here https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperEliteResistance #SniperElite #Rebellion #WWII #Sniper #Warfare #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest

    Gamers who know Rebellion will also know about the Sniper Elite game where you are behind enemy lines on mission to cause as much havoc and destruction as possible, well now there is the Project Archipelago game a sniper battle royale game that will really push your skills to the limit and beyond. The good news is that this new game is going into a Pre-Alpha PC Playtest. So check it out on the official page and sign up for the three-day Pre-Alpha Access that will be running from Aug 16th to the 18th starting at 20:00-24:00 CEST are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Project Archipelago Pre-Alpha PC Playtest here on the official sign-up page https://archipelago.antidote.gg/?n=ryt

    #gaming #rebelliondevelopments #gamingnews #playtest #sniperbattleroyale #battleroyale #games #gamers #sniper #battleroyale #pcgames #newgames #ProjectArchipelago #rebellion

  • Sniper Elite VR Winter Warrior Meta Quest

    Sniper Elite VR Winter Warrior Meta Quest

    Get up close and personal with the Sniper Elite VR: Winter Warrior game for Meta, this is one game that really suits VR as it has always put the gamer in the position of being right there with their finger on the trigger and following the track of the bullet right through to the target and beyond.

    The Sniper Elite VR: Winter Warrior will be launching at the end of the month for the Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro. This is a great game that provides lots of action, strategy and with a bit of history thrown in for good measure. The idea of putting this out in VR is just the beginning VR gaming is transforming this type of gameplay for the better.

    To find out more about the Sniper Elite VR Winter Warrior game here; http://reb.to/WishlistWW

    #SniperEliteVRWinterWarrior #SniperEliteVR #WinterWarrior #MetaQuest #Sniper #VRGaming #Warfare #WWII #VRGames #SniperElite

  • Sniper Elite New Season Intel

    Ahead of the launch of Sniper Elite 5 season two, we join Rebellion’s resident Sniper experts to go over the highlights of season one and gain some intel on what to expect from season two, in this game you can never have enough intel!

    Find out more on Rebellions Sniper Elite here; https://sniperelite.com/

    #SniperElite #Rebellion #Sniper #Weapons #Intel #SniperEliteSeasonTwo

  • Get Up Close With Sniper Elite

    As if being dropped behind enemy lines was not enough you have a list of targets to take out in order to bring an end to the war. Of course, assassinating high-ranking officers is not an easy task are you up for the mission ahead? Find out more here; https://sniperelite.com/ #sniperelite #assassin #targets #worldwar #sniper #behindenemylines #weapons #rebellion #game