Tag: #Space

  • Stellaris: Season Nine Expansion Pass Out Now

    Stellaris: Season Nine Expansion Pass Out Now

    It is always good news when a new expansion pack is released for the Stellaris game and now somehow we are entering season nine of the game that bends space and reality. In the new season, players will be treated to some new and exciting stories such as Biogenesis, Shadows of the Shroud, Infernals Species Pack and the exclusive Stargazer Species Portrait. The Stellaris season nine expansion pass is available now with updates coming out throughout the year.

    To find out more about the Stellaris game, go to the official game website here https://pdxint.at/4iQjW4R or go to the game page on Steam here https://pdxint.at/4kPDI1H

    #Stellaris #scifi #games #gaming #newgames #pcgames #steam #StellarisSeasonNine #StellarisExpansionPass #BioGenesis #gameupdate #gameplay #outerspace #space

  • Outworld Station Launching In April

    Outworld Station Launching In April

    In the Outworld Station game players will take on the role of a space station commander in a system far away so resources are rare and the danger can be high. Like any business players must build supply lines, gather resources, make deals and grow the space station into a viable business, sounds easy doesn’t it? The Outworld Station will have a free demo on Steam from the 24th of February to the 3rd of March and will be going into early access on Steam from the 22nd of April.

    To find out more about the Outworld Station game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/GgKCe

    #OutworldStation #SciFi #TrickjumpGames #Space #Steam #SteamNextFest #NewGames #Demo #Games #Gaming #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Alien Market Simulator coming to Steam

    Alien Market Simulator coming to Steam

    This is Alien Market Simulator after securing their release from prison players must take over a run-down space station and turn it into a viable business in order to repay the authorities the debt that they owe to society. However running a business in outer space is not that easy and there are some dangerous and undesirable aliens who are looking for easy targets, could you make a success of this space station in the Alien Market Simulator?

    To find out more about the Alien Market Simulator game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/FgJ4c

    #AlienMarketSimulator #Aliens #space #business #store #shop #gametrailers #indiegame #supermarketsimulator #SillySlothStudios #KheddoEntertainment #ShadowOwlStudios

  • Public Access Event for EVE Vanguard Starts Today

    Public Access Event for EVE Vanguard Starts Today

    Get ready for this, it is the public access event for the EVE Vanguard game, players will be able to become part of an elite fighting force taking on enemies of the state, there are plenty of those just turning up within the game, so the missions are going to fast and furious. The Eve Vanguard public access event will be running from November 28th to December 9th players will be able to acquire access via Discord.

    To find out more about the EVE Vanguard game and the public access event go to the official game website here https://evevanguard.com/

    #EVEVanguard #PublicAccessEvent #MMO #FPS #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #CCPGames #EVEOnline #Space #SpaceExploration #Vanguard

  • Stellaris Grand Archive available now

    Stellaris Grand Archive available now

    Paradox Interactive has launched a new story pack for the science fiction strategy game Stellaris called the Grand Archive where treasures from around the galaxy are stored and dislayed in a museum style research centre. However some of these creatures and even plantlife are dangerous and should they somehow find their way out of the Grand Archive this could mean serious issues for everyone. The Stellaris: Grand Archive is available now for PC players on Steam.

    To find out more about the Stellaris: Grand Archive game go to the official game website here https://stellaris.com

    #StellarisGrandArchive #Stellaris #GrandArchive #ParadoxInteractive #SciFi #Aliens #Space #SpaceFauna #Vivarium #AlienCreatures #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • The Alien RPG coming to Kickstarter

    The Alien RPG coming to Kickstarter

    This is something that has been in the works for almost five years, but now the work is paying off with the Alien role-playing game coming to Kickstarter very soon. This game is going to be based on the well-known movie franchise, where we come to know that “In space, nobody can hear you scream!” let us hope that this game is going to live up to what we have come to expect. The Alien RPG will be launching on Kickstarter this Autumn, are you ready?

    Find out more on how you can get involved with the Alien RPG on Kickstarter here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192053011/alien-rpg-second-edition-and-rapture-protocol

    #TheAlienRPG #FreeLeague #Kickstarter #Alien #Xenomorph #Aliens #SciFi #Space #Spacecraft #SpaceExploration #RPG #AlienRolePlayingGame #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    If you are looking for something different then you may have just found it here with the Great Fluctus game, here you can travel in space, meet aliens, discover new planets and so on, this is a lovely game where you can enjoy the surroundings and be at peace with yourself. This is a new game that is currently in development, but it will be launching soon on Steam Early Access, so if you are looking for a game that is different from most others then this could be the game that you have been waiting for.

    Find out more about the Great Fluctus Game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3085280/The_Great_Fluctus/ or on the official game website here https://www.fluctusgame.com

    #indiegame #gamedev #gaming #games #fluctus #thegreatfluctus #scifi #newgame #steam #gamers #space #spaceexploration #spacetravel #aliens #newworlds #planets #discovery #DmitriyVasilyev

  • Space for Sale get Early Access

    Space for Sale get Early Access

    This is the future that we have all been promised, space travel for all and the possibilities for this business in space are literally endless now that space for sale is a thing. In this game, you can build your property empire from almost nothing, meet aliens and see how they do business, buy a plot, build your base and start developing the space for sale. This sounds a lot easier than it actually is, as we know the property business is hard and there are even more hazards when building a property empire in space. Space for Sale is out now on Steam Early Access, take a look you might be pleasantly surprised.

    Find out more about the Space for Sale game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1624060/Space_for_Sale/ or on the official game website here https://spaceforsale.thqnordic.com

    #SpaceForSale #MirageGameStudios #Steam #EarlyAccess #Space #Rocket #Business #Property #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Aliens #Planets #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #RealEstate

  • Space for Sale Early Access The Great Pivot

    Space for Sale Early Access The Great Pivot

    In the future space will just be a massive property market with vast parcels of land and even planets being up for sale, the problem is that in order to buy your slice of space you will need to go through all the normal procedures that we have to today, so grab yourself a piece of the galaxy and begin to build up your Space Real Estate Empire in the wonderfully interesting and funny Space for Sale game that is launching early this summer!

    Find out more about the Space for Sale game here; https://miragegamestudios.com/ or on Steam here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1624060/Space_for_Sale/

    #SpaceforSale #EarlyAccess #TheGreatPivot #MirageGameStudios #SpaceRealtors #Business #Sales #SpaceRealEstateEmpire #Planets #Property #Investments #RealEstate #Space

  • Star Wars The Bad Batch Point of no Return

    Star Wars The Bad Batch Point of no Return

    This is the point of no return for The Bad Batch from the Star Wars stories, this is the final episodes on approach for the series on Disney Plus and the final stories for the characters from this story. The end is always a sad time for any series and yet we live in hope that there could be a promising for the characters as they attempt to leave the clutches of the Empire and start new lives beyond the stars.

    Find out more about the Star Wars: The Bad Batch series on Disney Plus here; https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/series/star-wars-the-bad-batch/4gMliqFxxqXC

    #StarWars #TheBadBatch #StarWarsTheBadBatch #Empire #Rebels #Jedi #Sith #Galaxy #Space #Spacecraft #TheForce #DisneyPlus

  • Star Wars The Bad Batch Identity Crisis

    Star Wars The Bad Batch Identity Crisis

    The end is coming for the Bad Batch, with the final episodes coming soon. This series has been a great way to look beyond the main Star Wars characters that we have grown up with and now could be true that The Bad Batch will eventually break free from the grip of the empire and finally be free. As we know anything can happen in these stories and we are expecting an explosive end to The Bad Batch.

    Find out more about the Star Wars: The Bad Batch series on Disney Plus here; https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/series/star-wars-the-bad-batch/4gMliqFxxqXC

    #StarWars #TheBadBatch #StarWarsTheBadBatch #Empire #Rebels #Jedi #Sith #Galaxy #Space #Spacecraft #TheForce #DisneyPlus

  • Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    This is Heavenly Bodies the game where are a cosmonaut on a space station where zero gravity is in charge available for the Nintendo Switch right now. It’s been a long wait since the game became available for the PC, PS5 and PS4 players. In this game, you play alone or as a team to ensure that the space station is in safe hands and that means working to keep the station working within its limits and surviving all of the problems that space can throw at you from time to time.

    Find out more about the Heavenly Bodies game coming to Nintendo Switch here; https://heavenlybodiesgame.com/

    #HeavenlyBodies #NintendoSwitch #HeavenlyBodiesGame #2ptstudio #Cosmonaut #Space #SpaceTravel #ZeroGravity #Games #Gaming

  • Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    In space as on Earth, it seems that trash is becoming a problem, in the 31st century space trash has become a serious problem and yet while trash of any kind is a problem some trash can be very valuable, especially the trash abandoned in space. All you need to do is retrieve this space treasure in the most hostile of environments.

    Here is a cool game created by a couple of designers, it shows that you do not have to be a massive game developer to produce a great game. This game has imagination and substance, it has a retro look, that is the charm of this game and you can get early access on Steam right now!

    Find out more about the Space Trash Scavenger game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1759350/Space_Trash_Scavenger/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SpaceTrashScavenger #Steam #SquarePlayGames #SpaceTrash #Game #Scavengers #Space #SpaceTravel

  • Yuri Milner’s Breakthrough Listen Initiative Teams Up With MeerKAT Observatory to Search for Technosignatures

    Yuri Milner’s Breakthrough Listen programme is searching for life — but not as we know it. Scanning the skies with the world’s top telescopes, Listen is on the hunt for radio signals that may prove the existence of alien civilisations.

    A technology investor, Giving Pledge signatory, and writer of Eureka Manifesto, Yuri Milner launched the project (one of five Breakthrough Initiatives) back in 2015 with Stephen Hawking.

    Now, Breakthrough Listen has teamed up with the MeerKAT Observatory in South Africa to supercharge the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

    Eureka Manifesto: A Mission for Humanity

    Yuri Milner is passionate about space exploration and the possibility of life beyond Earth, as his short book, Eureka Manifesto, makes clear. Published in 2021, Eureka Manifesto is an inspiring ride through the Israeli billionaire’s philosophy about humanity’s place in the Universe.

    The Breakthrough Foundation and the Breakthrough Initiatives

    Yuri Milner and his wife Julia are the founders of the Breakthrough Foundation, an organisation that helps spread scientific ideas, supports researchers in the fundamental sciences and mathematics, and invests in scientific work. Some of this work takes the form of the Breakthrough Initiatives.

    The five Breakthrough Initiatives include:

    1. Breakthrough Listen — the largest-ever scientific programme aimed at discovering evidence of alien civilisations.
    2. Breakthrough Watch — a project searching nearby planets for proof of primitive cellular organisms.
    3. Breakthrough Starshot —  the first attempt to design and build a space probe that could reach our nearest star system.
    4. Breakthrough Message — a competition (with a prize pool of $1 million) to create a message for an alien civilization.
    5. Breakthrough Discuss — a yearly conference for academics to discuss life in the Universe and space exploration.

    The Giving Pledge

    The Breakthrough Initiatives, along with other projects like the Breakthrough Prize, represent part of the Milners’ Giving Pledge commitment. Founded by Warren Buffett and Melinda and Bill Gates to encourage the world’s richest to donate their wealth to charitable works, the Giving Pledge has over 230 signatories from 28 countries.

    By signing the Giving Pledge in 2012, the Milners publicly promised to fund and support scientific causes.

    Listening to a Million Stars

    In December 2022, Breakthrough Listen announced the start of observations using a new instrument positioned at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory’s (SARAO) MeerKAT telescope. The new search will scan more than a million stars in two years, boosting the number of targets Listen will observe by a factor of 1,000.

    MeerKAT’s 64 dishes allow an unprecedented view of the Universe’s stars, which are the technosignature targets of most interest to Listen. Proxima Centauri, Earth’s nearest neighbour star, is amongst the first targets to scan, owing to its orbiting planets. These small, rocky worlds live in the star’s habitable zone, which means there is a higher chance that life could have evolved there.

    As Breakthrough Listen has helped SETI gain momentum and attention in recent years, this programme has become a major area for international research. Listen and SARAO plan to collaborate on creating research opportunities for data processing experts and astronomers to work with the Africa-based programme.

    The Breakthrough Initiatives continue to lead the way in the hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence, and SARAO Chief Scientist Dr. Fernando Camilo is eager for South Africans to participate.

    “The telescope was planned and developed here in South Africa,” Camilo said. “It’s very exciting that young South Africans will have the chance to be involved at the forefront of the search for life beyond Earth.”

  • Fabular Once Upon a Spacetime

    This is Fabular it’s like a mash-up of Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, this is one place where you need to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Space, knights and battles, what’s not to like here? More details are available on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/645720/Fabular_Once_Upon_a_Spacetime/ #fabular #space #knights #battles #onceuponaspacetime #steam #epicgames

  • Space Survival Horror Game Dead Space

    Deep Space game returns to put a chill into your gaming experience, this game puts space, sci-fi and horror all in one scary package, we are daring you to play it. To find out more go here; http://x.ea.com/74825 #DeepSpace #Space #SciFi #Horror #EAGames #Survival #SpaceTravel #Spacecraft #ScienceFiction

  • The Alternative History Of Marauders

    Image the world where the first great war did not end, the world became industrialised and eventually, space was the only place left to expand into. This is Marauders and you are a space pirate, are you ready for this? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1789480/Marauders/ #Marauders #SpacePirate #AlternativeHistory #Space #AI #SciFi #SpacePrison #Missions #BlackMarket #StolenSpaceShips #Salvage #ShipWrecks #Team17

  • Standby For Marauders Early Access

    Space has been industrialised and so there are opportunities for pirates and scavengers to raid, loot and steal just about anything they want, space is big, while the rewards and dangers are just as big are you ready for Marauders? Find out more here; https://www.marauders.game/ #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #Marauders #Space #Pirates #Looting #Raiders #FPS #Team17 #LooterShooter #Salvage #MultiplayerGame #SpacePirates #Colonies #SpaceShips

  • Mobile Suit Gundam Delta Kai PV

    Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Players are able to check out the Gundam Delta Kai PV option here to suit up and spring into action. Find out more here http://spr.ly/6056MkdNY @TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #MobileSuit #Gundam #Battle #Operation #Players #GundamDeltaKaiPV #BandaiNamco #Robots #War #Fighters #Space #MobileSuitGundam #Games #Gamers #Gaming