Tag: #SpaceExploration

  • EarthX 2 Launching Soon On PC

    EarthX 2 Launching Soon On PC

    Imagine owning your very rocket startup with all of its challenges and doubters, now take a look at the EarthX 2 game. This is a game that has all of the look and feel of SpaceX, with a mission to travel to Mars, build a base there and then travel on further into deep space, who knows what could happen and what could be found out there? The EarthX 2 game will be launching on PC through Steam sometime this year.

    To find out more about the EarthX 2 game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/1MHRh

    #EarthX2 #Spacex #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #Games #Gaming #SciFi #MesoteGames #RocketStartUp #Colony #PCGames #Steam #Terraforming

  • Outworld Station Launching In April

    Outworld Station Launching In April

    In the Outworld Station game players will take on the role of a space station commander in a system far away so resources are rare and the danger can be high. Like any business players must build supply lines, gather resources, make deals and grow the space station into a viable business, sounds easy doesn’t it? The Outworld Station will have a free demo on Steam from the 24th of February to the 3rd of March and will be going into early access on Steam from the 22nd of April.

    To find out more about the Outworld Station game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/GgKCe

    #OutworldStation #SciFi #TrickjumpGames #Space #Steam #SteamNextFest #NewGames #Demo #Games #Gaming #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Here is a game that will remind players of those classics from the past, It is called Stellar Warfare and it is a real-time strategy game similar to the likes of Homeworld. Before its launch, the game has had an important language update that would allow players to travel the galaxy using their native language, which for some players will make a lot of difference. The Stellar Warfare game will be available at the Steam RTS Fest.

    To find out more about the Stellar Warfare game go to the official game website here https://www.stellarwarfare.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/4f0oH

    #StellarWarfare #RTS #TenseGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Steam #Spaceships #SpaceExploration #GameUpdates #Tactics #SpaceTravel

  • Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Here is a game that will take players on a journey to the vastness of space, this is Astrometica it has already had a successful wishlist on Steam and had some brilliant reviews too. So now as the game prepares to launch what’s it all about? Players are trapped in an escape pod following an explosion on a mining operation, they must survive by exploring, gathering resources and building a base to operate from, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Astrometica game go to the official game page on Steam here http://cutt.ly/gwo3IPye

    #Astrometica #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #BaseBuilding #SciFi #Games #Gaming #RockGame #Survival #Steam #NewGame

  • Public Access Event for EVE Vanguard Starts Today

    Public Access Event for EVE Vanguard Starts Today

    Get ready for this, it is the public access event for the EVE Vanguard game, players will be able to become part of an elite fighting force taking on enemies of the state, there are plenty of those just turning up within the game, so the missions are going to fast and furious. The Eve Vanguard public access event will be running from November 28th to December 9th players will be able to acquire access via Discord.

    To find out more about the EVE Vanguard game and the public access event go to the official game website here https://evevanguard.com/

    #EVEVanguard #PublicAccessEvent #MMO #FPS #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #CCPGames #EVEOnline #Space #SpaceExploration #Vanguard

  • Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam

    Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam

    Welcome to the Void Crew, your ship is waiting for you to command. This game has been out on Steam Early Access for a while, the game has gained many fans and players over the launch time, but now it is about to launch for good, are you ready to take your ship into the dark vastness of space? Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam!

    To find out more about the Void Crew game go to the official game website here https://www.focus-entmt.com/en/games/void-crew

    #VoidCrew #Steam #FocusEntertainment #HutlihutGames #SciFi #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Spaceship #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Play Star Citizen Free For A Couple Of Weeks

    Play Star Citizen Free For A Couple Of Weeks

    Welcome Star Citizen this is your chance to play the game for free until the 5th of December so this is time to get a move on before it is too late. The game is a great adventure waiting to happen, where you can build your ships, create a fleet even and see how far you are able to travel, discover and survive in the galaxy while protecting the Star Citizens from danger.

    To find out more about the Star Citizen game and how to play the free game go to the official game website here play.sc/intrepid

    #StarCitizen #PlayForFree #FreeGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #CloudImperiumGames #Squadron42 #Spaceships #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Stardust Exile The Galaxy Exploration Game Out On Steam

    Stardust Exile The Galaxy Exploration Game Out On Steam

    Travel the galaxy exploring planets and civilisations in the new Stardust Exile game. Players are able to travel throughout the galaxy and discover new unexplored worlds, but this is an MMORTS game and so there are plenty of other players to be competing with and against in many cases. The game puts the players in this massive galaxy where they are able to build ships with the funds that they are able to raise from selling resources, skills and just about anything else that they are able to. Stardust Exile is out now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Stardust Exile game head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858900/Stardust_Exile/ or go to the official game website here https://stardustexile.com/

    #StardustExile #RTS #Apseren #Steam #PCGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #SpaceShips

  • Exoforge coming to Steam Early Access in March

    Exoforge coming to Steam Early Access in March

    This is the Exoforge cooperative game where players band together to form a squad grab a vehicle you can either drive or go along as a passenger and head into the action. This is an alien world, an undiscovered country with plenty of resources just waiting to be found and there could be the odd alien or two just hanging around and waiting for you to leave yourself open to attack. Exoforge is available to wish list on Steam now and will be coming to Steam Early Access in March next year.

    To find out more about the Exoforge game head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2623630/Exoforge/ or go to the official game website here https://www.exoforge.io/

    #Exoforge #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess #LoftyRobot #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #NewGames #Aliens #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Surviving in outer space is not easy nor is finding a planet that might be habitable, but this is what the Astroneer game is all about and now this game is getting its first DLC the Glitchwalkers, so now the game continues as it began with new biomes, new technology, new gameplay and more importantly the game first villain, this update is going to take this game out of this world and onto a different world. The Astroneer Glitchwalkers DLC will be launching in Nov.

    To find out more about the Astroneer game and DLC called the Glitchwalkers go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ASTRONEER/ or go to the official game website here https://astroneer.space/

    #Astroneer #DLC #Glitchwalkers #IndieGames #DevolverDigital #Steam #Games #Gaming #SciFi #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #GameUpdates #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • EVE Online Revenant launching next month

    EVE Online Revenant launching next month

    Get ready for this, its the EVE Online Revenant expansion that brings together old threats and new emerging to take what you have built up. Build and pilot your ships to distant planets on a journey of discovery and maybe there is some extra cash to be made in the process. This is a brilliant game that just grows and grows, the good news is you can grow along with it. The EVE Online Revenant expansion will be launching on the 12th of November.

    To find out more about the EVE Online Revenant expansion go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1872800/EVE_Vanguard/ or visit the official games website here https://www.eveonline.com/now/revenant

    #EVEOnlineRevenant #EVEOnline #Revenant #CCPGames #scifi #MMO #expansion #newgames #games #gaming #NewEden #PvP #PvE #spaceships #spaceexploration

  • Star Citizen Alpha 3.24: Cargo Empires Introduces Cargo 2.0 Systems

    Star Citizen Alpha 3.24: Cargo Empires Introduces Cargo 2.0 Systems

    This is the much-awaited Star Citizen Alpha 3.24: Cargo Empires with new Cargo Management, Trade Simulation and Personal Hangars opens up a customizable world among the stars. From the video it is clear that there is a lot going on within the game, It is how you would imagine space commerce to be, busy, cutthroat and also profitable for those who are willing to take the risk, let’s face it the risks are high one mistake and everything can go wrong very quickly. Luckily this is a game and not real life, maybe in the future they will look back and decide how close we were to the truth.

    Find out more about the Star Citizen Alpha 3.24: Cargo Empires game here on the official games website https://play.sc/CargoEmpires

    #StarCitizenAlpha #CargoEmpires #Cargo20Systems #RobertsSpaceIndustries #Spacecraft #SciFi #SpaceExploration #CargoManagement #TradeSimulation #Games #Gaming #Gamers #CloudImperiumGames

  • The Alien RPG coming to Kickstarter

    The Alien RPG coming to Kickstarter

    This is something that has been in the works for almost five years, but now the work is paying off with the Alien role-playing game coming to Kickstarter very soon. This game is going to be based on the well-known movie franchise, where we come to know that “In space, nobody can hear you scream!” let us hope that this game is going to live up to what we have come to expect. The Alien RPG will be launching on Kickstarter this Autumn, are you ready?

    Find out more on how you can get involved with the Alien RPG on Kickstarter here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192053011/alien-rpg-second-edition-and-rapture-protocol

    #TheAlienRPG #FreeLeague #Kickstarter #Alien #Xenomorph #Aliens #SciFi #Space #Spacecraft #SpaceExploration #RPG #AlienRolePlayingGame #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    If you are looking for something different then you may have just found it here with the Great Fluctus game, here you can travel in space, meet aliens, discover new planets and so on, this is a lovely game where you can enjoy the surroundings and be at peace with yourself. This is a new game that is currently in development, but it will be launching soon on Steam Early Access, so if you are looking for a game that is different from most others then this could be the game that you have been waiting for.

    Find out more about the Great Fluctus Game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3085280/The_Great_Fluctus/ or on the official game website here https://www.fluctusgame.com

    #indiegame #gamedev #gaming #games #fluctus #thegreatfluctus #scifi #newgame #steam #gamers #space #spaceexploration #spacetravel #aliens #newworlds #planets #discovery #DmitriyVasilyev

  • Space for Sale get Early Access

    Space for Sale get Early Access

    This is the future that we have all been promised, space travel for all and the possibilities for this business in space are literally endless now that space for sale is a thing. In this game, you can build your property empire from almost nothing, meet aliens and see how they do business, buy a plot, build your base and start developing the space for sale. This sounds a lot easier than it actually is, as we know the property business is hard and there are even more hazards when building a property empire in space. Space for Sale is out now on Steam Early Access, take a look you might be pleasantly surprised.

    Find out more about the Space for Sale game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1624060/Space_for_Sale/ or on the official game website here https://spaceforsale.thqnordic.com

    #SpaceForSale #MirageGameStudios #Steam #EarlyAccess #Space #Rocket #Business #Property #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Aliens #Planets #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #RealEstate

  • Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus gets a Bioverse Update

    Stardeus has been given a big update that will improve many of the game’s features such as core system changes, new content, better mechanics and some little balance tweaks here and there. The game actually takes place aboard a damaged deep space colony ship that has been crewed by robots while most of the crew and passengers are in hibernation. The problem is that the robots are making decisions that will affect the humans and therefore someone has to take command and that person is you! The future of the crew and passengers is in your hands now and you must ensure that everything is done to make this possible, you might have some difficult decisions to make, but it’s all in the name of survival.

    Find out more about the Stardeus game and the Bioverse update here on Paradox https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/ or here on the games page on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380910/Stardeus/

    #Paradox #ParadoxInteractive #Stardeus #BioverseUpdate #SciFi #KodoLinija #AI #GameUpdates #StardeusBioverseUpdate #ParadoxArc #SpaceExploration #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Prepare to take on the galaxy as you lead your crew of space mercenaries around the galaxy looking for work and maybe the odd opportunity here and there. This game has the look and feel of an anime with a touch of arcade gaming thrown in for good measure. This is one of those games that is going to drive you crazy and fill you with enjoyment, not many games can offer that, so are you ready to get into some action in deep space with the Starmetal Crusaders?

    Find out more about the Starmetal Crusaders game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881630/StarMetal_Crusaders/ or on the games website here; https://www.starmetalcrusaders.com

    #StarmetalCrusaders #Gaming #RTS #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Mercenaries #SpaceTravel #Battles #SpaceExploration #CombatGames #Steam #X1Games #Anime #NewGames #GameTrailer #GameDemo

  • SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    Here is a game that sort of sits in two eras, firstly its a game with a retro feel to it and secondly it is a game that is totally new, therefore you will be getting the thrills of classic gaming, but with the knowledge that this game has been created using the latest technology and so unlike those old game this new game will be fast and smooth, just like a good game should be, are you ready for SpaceSlog?

    Find out more about the SpaceSlog game here on Steam; https://s.team/a/2133570

    #SpaceSlog #2D #spaceship #colony #sim #indiegame #indiedev #colonysimulator #2DGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #ProdunoGamesStudios #Steam #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Block Strategy RTS Base Defence game

    Block Strategy RTS Base Defence game

    Coming soon is Block Strategy from Marc Makes Games, its an RTS game that puts in a battle against a race of enemy robots as you battle it out for the last habitable planet around, this is literally the fight for the survival of the human race.

    This game is set for release in the third quarter of the year and will also be at the Steam Next Fest, which is going on during June. Take a look at the video and stand by to save the human race.

    Find out more about the Block Strategy game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2642070/Block_Strategy/

    #BlockStrategy #RTS #RealTimeStrategy #MarcMakesGames #Steam #NewGames #SciFi #GameDemo #Gameplay #Robots #Planets #Humanity #SpaceExploration #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • ASTRA Journey Beyond the Stars

    ASTRA Journey Beyond the Stars

    The universe is a massive place and there is a lot to be seen, yet until now we have been able to travel to distant galaxies in movies and games. Now you are able to experience the vastness of space in VR with Meta. With Astra, you are able to experience just how it feels to travel in space, visit new worlds and experience meeting the inhabitants of these planets. This could be the only way to find out what space travel could be like, are you ready to start your voyage?

    Find out more about the Astra VR game here on Meta; https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/9075777875829512/

    #Astra #MixedRealityExperience #AtlasV #JourneyBeyondtheStars #metaquest #SciFi #Spacecraft #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #QuestForLife #VRGames

  • Why We Should Embrace the Mission in Yuri Milner’s Eureka Manifesto

    Why We Should Embrace the Mission in Yuri Milner’s Eureka Manifesto

    Yuri Milner’s Eureka Manifesto: The Mission for Our Civilization is a short read that discusses grand, galactic ideas. In the book, Milner argues that humanity must unite to explore and understand our Universe and outlines how we can advance this mission. He also explains why we must embrace the mission and what we risk by failing to pursue it.

    The Risks and Rewards of Ignoring or Embracing the Mission

    It’s taken around 13.7 billion years for the Universe to arrive at this moment in time. Humans have made impressive scientific and technological progress since we first emerged in Africa approximately two million years ago.

    However, there are still many cosmic mysteries to solve. Physicists and mathematicians continue to unpick the complexities of reality. Researchers in the life sciences are unlocking the wonders of genetics and the human body. And we’ve only started exploring our immediate cosmic neighborhood.

    Eureka Manifesto emphasizes that we shouldn’t rest on our laurels, content with the progress human civilization has made so far. Instead, we should continue our mission to explore and understand the Universe, expanding the scope of our discoveries.

    According to Milner, there are two main reasons why we must embrace the mission:

    1. The costs of failure, which include risking the future of our civilization.
    2. The rewards of success, which include fulfilling our civilization’s potential.

    Celebrating Scientists to Avoid Failed Enlightenments

    Eureka Manifesto mentions the possible risks of not embracing the mission to explore and understand our Universe. One of these risks is the possibility of failed enlightenments.

    Milner explains that scientific progress isn’t guaranteed, and enlightenments can fail. For example, in 1616, the pope decided Galileo’s theory of the Earth’s motion was heretical and ordered the polymath to stop teaching or discussing it. Less than a century ago, Nazis attacked Einstein’s work as “Jewish science.”

    Even today, we tend to celebrate the stars of sports, entertainment, and business more than we celebrate scientists or their discoveries. Instead, Eureka Manifesto proposes celebrating scientists as heroes, recognizing their contributions and raising their profile.

    To this end, Milner co-founded the Breakthrough Prize, the world’s largest set of scientific awards. Breakthrough Prize laureates receive $3 million prizes in recognition of their ground-breaking work.

    Many A-list celebrities attend the annual Breakthrough Prize ceremony, aka the “Oscars of Science.” Additionally, the organizers broadcast the ceremony globally so the laureates’ achievements can inspire as many people as possible.

    Aliens: Friend or Foe?

    Another cost of failing to embrace the mission relates to our cosmic neighbors. We don’t yet know if intelligent beings exist beyond Earth (and the theory of the Great Filter suggests that alien life is exceedingly rare). But if alien civilizations do exist, they could be technologically more advanced than humanity — and potentially hostile.

    For this reason, Milner believes it would be prudent for us to advance our civilization as fast as possible. On the other hand, if aliens exist and they’re friendly, we wouldn’t want to miss out on the possibility of discovering and communicating with them.

    Similarly, one of the rewards of embracing the mission could be to accelerate humanity’s exploration of the Universe and mature into a galactic civilization.

    With this in mind, Milner launched the Breakthrough Initiatives. The group of space science programs advance research and development into space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

    Discovering whether we’re alone in the Universe would be one of the biggest discoveries in human history. With over $200 million in funding from Milner, the Breakthrough Initiatives are at the cutting edge of SETI research.

    Download, read, or listen to Yuri Milner’s Eureka Manifesto for free.

    About Yuri Milner

    Yuri Milner is a former theoretical physicist turned tech entrepreneur. He is now a billionaire who has committed to donating most of his wealth to philanthropic, mostly scientific, causes. His Giving Pledge letter spells out his focus on investing in science’s leading minds and humanity’s shared future.

    Milner is one of the founders of the Breakthrough Prize. Other founders include Julia Milner, Priscilla Chan, Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin. His other non-profit ventures include the Breakthrough Initiatives, the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, and Tech For Refugees.

  • Kerbal Space Program For Science

    Kerbal Space Program For Science

    Join the Kerbal Space Program For Science, travel to distant planets and explore a new region of space all in the name of science. The Kerbal Space Program is the next generation of space travel and exploration into the unknown, what will you find? There are plenty of missions and experiments to keep you busy during the long space flight into the unknown, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Kerbal Space Program For Science here; https://store.privatedivision.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2

    #KerbalSpaceProgramForScience #KerbalSpaceProgram #ForScience #KSP2 #KSP #SpaceExploration #PrivateDivision #SpaceCraft #Astronauts

  • The Invincible Game Out Now

    The Invincible Game Out Now

    Out now is The Invincible a game that places you in the space suit of scientist and engineer Yasna who is part of an expedition to the unknown planet of Regis III where you will need to search for lost crewmates and face up to a threat not only to the expedition but the future of mankind too. This is a mission of a lifetime, the space race is real and you are there in the centre of it.

    This is one of those games that have things unravelling right in front of you and every decision that you make has an effect on the outcome, learn from your mistakes and you will survive on this hostile planet that could become the future home for the human race or maybe it could become a living hell. who knows, play the game to find out!

    Find out more about the Invincible game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/the-invincible

    #TheInvincible #TheInvincibleGame #SciFi #SpaceExploration #Astronaut #Robots #Planet #SpaceCraft #AdventureGame #NewGames

  • Star Trek Resurgence Ready For Launch

    Welcome to the Star Trek universe where it starts with a choice, who are you going to be? There are plenty of stories to join in with and there are some great characters to engage with.

    The mission remains the same, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Take your seat Captain and see what is out there.

    Find out more on Star Trek Resurgence here; https://www.startrek-resurgence.com/

    #StarTrek #StarTrekResurgence #StarTrekGame #Starship #SpaceExploration

  • Infinitesimals In The Land Of The Giants

    Coming soon from Epic Games is Infinitesimals where you play the main character Captain Awkney Relinrake commander of a spaceship that has landed on an unknown planet and set out to explore it. It is not long before they realise that this is a massive place and that they are only millimetres tall and therefore there are dangers with every step. Find out more on Infinitesimals here; epic.gm/Infinitesimals #Infinitesimals #SpaceExploration #Planet #SpaceExploration #UnrealEngine5 #CubitStudios #SciFi

  • Join The Void Crew On An Adventure

    The Void Crew are on a journey of exploration, discovery and adventure, the galaxy is vast and there are opportunities everywhere, but there are also dangers. Navigate the galaxy find the loot and avoid the aliens who can be very hostile at times. Find out more on The Void here; https://www.focus-entmt.com/en/games/void-crew #VoidCrew #Mavericks #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #CoopGame #FocusEntertainment #HutlihutGames

  • Stellaris First Contact Available Now

    There must be nothing more exciting than first contact with an advanced alien race or so you would think, but sometimes the intentions of the advanced race might not be beneficial for all concerned. When it comes to first contact on Stellaris and you can expect underhanded deals, agreements and even all-out war. Find out more on Stellaris First Contact here; https://pdxint.at/3IenHQm #Stellaris #FirstContact #StellarisFirstContact #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Your Mission Deliver Us Mars

    A mission to Mars has always been one of the things in science fiction, but now the Red Planet is within reach and the race is on to get there and stake a claim. However, going on the journey of your life comes with many dangers are you ready for life on Mars? Find out more here; https://www.deliverusmars.com/ #Mars #DeliverUsMars #MarsMission #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #SpaceCraft #EpicGames