Tag: #SpaceTravel

  • Gate Project Sci-fi Game Demo Available Now

    Gate Project Sci-fi Game Demo Available Now

    Imagine being able to dial up almost any planet in the galaxy and by stepping through the gate, you are able to almost step onto that planet instantly, you think that you have heard of those before, but this is the Gate Project game where players travel to distant worlds not knowing if they are safe, friendly or just deadly. Visit new worlds and see if they have life, resources or are just dead this is a best way to travel in space. The Gate Project has a demo on Steam right now and the full game is set for release very soon.

    To find out more about the Gate Project game, go to the official game website here https://www.gate-project.com or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/IyL1G

    #GateProject #scifi #games #gaming #gamedemo #Tactical #Action #Adventure #RTS #ExploretheGalaxy #gatetravel #spacetravel #surveyalienplanets #PiotrGburzynski #TestOneDev

  • Airlock Arena Profit or Perish interstellar co-op smuggling action out now!

    Airlock Arena Profit or Perish interstellar co-op smuggling action out now!

    It’s not every day that you get to become a space slug, but in the Airlock Arena Profit or Perish game, this is exactly what is in store. One thing is for sure, there are lots of resources, contracts and opportunities just waiting to be liberated, even by space slugs. Being a smuggler is not an easy life, so there is planning, tactics and strategies to put in place in order to make a decent profit. The Airlock Arena: Profit or Perish game is out now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Airlock Arena: Profit or Perish, go to the official game website here http://www.Frostbane.com or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/5E9Le

    #AirlockArena #games #gaming #scifi #newgames #coop #smuggler #cargo #interstellar #spacetravel #spacecraft #roguelike #FrostbaneStudios #interstellarcargosmuggler #SpaceSlug #AirlockArenaProfitorPerish

  • Ephemeris space strategy game gets funding

    Ephemeris space strategy game gets funding

    When it comes to developing games it is not always about just getting the game made, sometimes developers need help in the finance department and in the case of the development team behind Ephemeris the space strategy game this is something that they no longer have to worry about as they have announced that the game has secured funding that will allow the game to be developed at a faster pace and so we can expect to be seeing the game within the year.

    To find out more about the Ephemeris game go to the official game website here https://yrdvaab.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/VDYQ5

    #Ephemeris #Visionist #YrdvaabOy #Games #Gaming #SciFi #NewGames #SpaceStrategy #TuomasPöyhtäri #IndieGoGo #Crowdfunding #SpaceCombat #SpaceTravel #Spacecraft

  • EarthX 2 Launching Soon On PC

    EarthX 2 Launching Soon On PC

    Imagine owning your very rocket startup with all of its challenges and doubters, now take a look at the EarthX 2 game. This is a game that has all of the look and feel of SpaceX, with a mission to travel to Mars, build a base there and then travel on further into deep space, who knows what could happen and what could be found out there? The EarthX 2 game will be launching on PC through Steam sometime this year.

    To find out more about the EarthX 2 game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/1MHRh

    #EarthX2 #Spacex #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #Games #Gaming #SciFi #MesoteGames #RocketStartUp #Colony #PCGames #Steam #Terraforming

  • Outworld Station Launching In April

    Outworld Station Launching In April

    In the Outworld Station game players will take on the role of a space station commander in a system far away so resources are rare and the danger can be high. Like any business players must build supply lines, gather resources, make deals and grow the space station into a viable business, sounds easy doesn’t it? The Outworld Station will have a free demo on Steam from the 24th of February to the 3rd of March and will be going into early access on Steam from the 22nd of April.

    To find out more about the Outworld Station game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/GgKCe

    #OutworldStation #SciFi #TrickjumpGames #Space #Steam #SteamNextFest #NewGames #Demo #Games #Gaming #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Here is a game that will remind players of those classics from the past, It is called Stellar Warfare and it is a real-time strategy game similar to the likes of Homeworld. Before its launch, the game has had an important language update that would allow players to travel the galaxy using their native language, which for some players will make a lot of difference. The Stellar Warfare game will be available at the Steam RTS Fest.

    To find out more about the Stellar Warfare game go to the official game website here https://www.stellarwarfare.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/4f0oH

    #StellarWarfare #RTS #TenseGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Steam #Spaceships #SpaceExploration #GameUpdates #Tactics #SpaceTravel

  • Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Astrometica Space Survival and Base-Building game

    Here is a game that will take players on a journey to the vastness of space, this is Astrometica it has already had a successful wishlist on Steam and had some brilliant reviews too. So now as the game prepares to launch what’s it all about? Players are trapped in an escape pod following an explosion on a mining operation, they must survive by exploring, gathering resources and building a base to operate from, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Astrometica game go to the official game page on Steam here http://cutt.ly/gwo3IPye

    #Astrometica #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #BaseBuilding #SciFi #Games #Gaming #RockGame #Survival #Steam #NewGame

  • You Are Alone On The Dark Side Of Ceclon

    You Are Alone On The Dark Side Of Ceclon

    The Dark Side Of Ceclon follows an astronaut who finds himself abandoned on what appears to be an uninhabited planet, alone he must find a way of surviving until a rescue mission is launched, however what if there is no rescue mission, can he survive all alone on a planet where there is almost nothing? The Dark Side Of Ceclon will be launching in the early part of next year.

    To find out more about The Dark Side Of Ceclon game go to the official game website here https://solidsstudiosolo.wixsite.com/thedarksideofceclon

    #TheDarkSideOfCeclon #SolidsStudio #SciFi #SpaceTravel #SpaceCraft #Games #Gaming #Gamers #RPG #Survival #NewGames

  • Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam

    Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam

    Welcome to the Void Crew, your ship is waiting for you to command. This game has been out on Steam Early Access for a while, the game has gained many fans and players over the launch time, but now it is about to launch for good, are you ready to take your ship into the dark vastness of space? Void Crew 1.0 is out on Steam!

    To find out more about the Void Crew game go to the official game website here https://www.focus-entmt.com/en/games/void-crew

    #VoidCrew #Steam #FocusEntertainment #HutlihutGames #SciFi #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Spaceship #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Play Star Citizen Free For A Couple Of Weeks

    Play Star Citizen Free For A Couple Of Weeks

    Welcome Star Citizen this is your chance to play the game for free until the 5th of December so this is time to get a move on before it is too late. The game is a great adventure waiting to happen, where you can build your ships, create a fleet even and see how far you are able to travel, discover and survive in the galaxy while protecting the Star Citizens from danger.

    To find out more about the Star Citizen game and how to play the free game go to the official game website here play.sc/intrepid

    #StarCitizen #PlayForFree #FreeGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #CloudImperiumGames #Squadron42 #Spaceships #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Stardust Exile The Galaxy Exploration Game Out On Steam

    Stardust Exile The Galaxy Exploration Game Out On Steam

    Travel the galaxy exploring planets and civilisations in the new Stardust Exile game. Players are able to travel throughout the galaxy and discover new unexplored worlds, but this is an MMORTS game and so there are plenty of other players to be competing with and against in many cases. The game puts the players in this massive galaxy where they are able to build ships with the funds that they are able to raise from selling resources, skills and just about anything else that they are able to. Stardust Exile is out now on Steam.

    To find out more about the Stardust Exile game head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858900/Stardust_Exile/ or go to the official game website here https://stardustexile.com/

    #StardustExile #RTS #Apseren #Steam #PCGames #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #SpaceShips

  • Exoforge coming to Steam Early Access in March

    Exoforge coming to Steam Early Access in March

    This is the Exoforge cooperative game where players band together to form a squad grab a vehicle you can either drive or go along as a passenger and head into the action. This is an alien world, an undiscovered country with plenty of resources just waiting to be found and there could be the odd alien or two just hanging around and waiting for you to leave yourself open to attack. Exoforge is available to wish list on Steam now and will be coming to Steam Early Access in March next year.

    To find out more about the Exoforge game head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2623630/Exoforge/ or go to the official game website here https://www.exoforge.io/

    #Exoforge #Steam #SteamEarlyAccess #LoftyRobot #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #NewGames #Aliens #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel

  • Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Astroneer DLC the Glitchwalkers Launches in Nov

    Surviving in outer space is not easy nor is finding a planet that might be habitable, but this is what the Astroneer game is all about and now this game is getting its first DLC the Glitchwalkers, so now the game continues as it began with new biomes, new technology, new gameplay and more importantly the game first villain, this update is going to take this game out of this world and onto a different world. The Astroneer Glitchwalkers DLC will be launching in Nov.

    To find out more about the Astroneer game and DLC called the Glitchwalkers go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ASTRONEER/ or go to the official game website here https://astroneer.space/

    #Astroneer #DLC #Glitchwalkers #IndieGames #DevolverDigital #Steam #Games #Gaming #SciFi #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #GameUpdates #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • Galactic Super Station city builder and colony sim game

    Galactic Super Station city builder and colony sim game

    Welcome to the Galactic Super Station, a place where you can build your own city and control your destiny. Of course, space is very different to what we know now, humans have ventured out into the galaxy and there are plenty of opportunities to look out for. At the same time, there are plenty of dangers just waiting for you to let your guard down. The Galactic Super Station game is coming soon.

    To find out more about the Galactic Super Station game head on over to the official website here https://www.galacticsuperstation.com/ of take a look at the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2618970/Galactic_Super_Station/

    #GalacticSuperStation #SpaceStationCityBuilder #ColonySimGame #Games #Gaming #colonysim #citybuilder #spacestation #BlackMarchStudios #SIM #SpaceTravel

  • New Vagrient Game Coming Early Next Year

    New Vagrient Game Coming Early Next Year

    Coming soon is the Vagrient classic-looking 2D game where you play the part of a warrior separated from his people, stranded on a strange planet with a damaged transportation device. First, you must survive, then in order to get off this planet you must search for enough resources and even then it won’t be simple as there are hostile indigenous life forms and other dangers just waiting for you to let your guard down. Vagrient will be launching on Steam early next year, this is one game that you really need to keep an eye on.

    To find out more about the new Vagrient game take a look at the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2681570/VAGRIENT/

    #AndrewBray #Vagrient #VagrientGame #Steam #SciFi #Stranded #Warrior #SpaceTravel #Survival #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Planet #2DGames #NewGame #Spacecraft

  • Become a pioneer in Honeycomb The World Beyond

    Become a pioneer in Honeycomb The World Beyond

    You are a lone explorer on a distant planet in Honeycomb: The World Beyond imagine being alone on a strange planet known as Sota7 with a mission to gather information on the indigenous wildlife and plants that just maybe could hold the future of mankind. This is a tough assignment and the game puts the player right there in the middle of things, the pressure of being alone, the thoughts of saving mankind and the fear of the unknown. This is one of those games that really does play on all of your senses, are you ready for Honeycomb: The World Beyond?

    Find out more about the Honeycomb: The World Beyond game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1510440/Honeycomb_The_World_Beyond/ or on the official games developer website here https://frozenway.games/

    #FrozenWay #HoneycombTheWorldBeyond #Honeycomb #TheWorldBeyond #Steam #NewGames #SciFi #Explore #NewPlanet #Discovery #SpaceTravel #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Beyond Galaxyland Coming Next Month

    Beyond Galaxyland Coming Next Month

    Travel the galaxy in the Beyond Galaxyland game where there are many planets and timelines to visit while attempting to save the Earth from the many enemies that are threatening to destroy the planet that we call home. Beyond Galaxyland will be released at the end of September, are you ready to save the Earth?

    Find out more about the Beyond Galaxyland game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1543710/Beyond_Galaxyland/ and on the official game website here https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/beyond-galaxyland-521b75

    #BeyondGalaxyland #Steam #EpicGames #RPG #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #RetroGames #Gods #FuturisticWorlds #NewGames #SpaceTravel #SaveTheEarth

  • Conquer the Space Menace 2 on Steam

    Conquer the Space Menace 2 on Steam

    We can travel deep into the galaxy in games, but what is the fun if that, we want to build a fleet of ships and rule the galaxy, which is exactly what the Space Menace 2 game is all about. You start off with a small ship as you defeat others and steal their resources you can soon turn one ship into many and now you have a fleet at your disposal. But it’s not just all about building a fleet, as there are other people doing the same thing so keep one eye on the goal and the other on what is lying in wait for you. The Space Menace 2 game is currently available to wishlist on Steam, so what are you waiting for?

    Find out more about the Space Menace 2 game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3136380/Space_Menace_2/

    #SpaceMenace2 #Steam #SpaceMenace #SciFi #NewGame #Only4Gamers #RTS #SpaceTravel #SpaceWars #Games #Gamers #Gaming #Strategy #Action #Storytelling #PCGames #Windows #Mac #Linux

  • The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    The Great Fluctus adventure game coming soon

    If you are looking for something different then you may have just found it here with the Great Fluctus game, here you can travel in space, meet aliens, discover new planets and so on, this is a lovely game where you can enjoy the surroundings and be at peace with yourself. This is a new game that is currently in development, but it will be launching soon on Steam Early Access, so if you are looking for a game that is different from most others then this could be the game that you have been waiting for.

    Find out more about the Great Fluctus Game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3085280/The_Great_Fluctus/ or on the official game website here https://www.fluctusgame.com

    #indiegame #gamedev #gaming #games #fluctus #thegreatfluctus #scifi #newgame #steam #gamers #space #spaceexploration #spacetravel #aliens #newworlds #planets #discovery #DmitriyVasilyev

  • Space for Sale get Early Access

    Space for Sale get Early Access

    This is the future that we have all been promised, space travel for all and the possibilities for this business in space are literally endless now that space for sale is a thing. In this game, you can build your property empire from almost nothing, meet aliens and see how they do business, buy a plot, build your base and start developing the space for sale. This sounds a lot easier than it actually is, as we know the property business is hard and there are even more hazards when building a property empire in space. Space for Sale is out now on Steam Early Access, take a look you might be pleasantly surprised.

    Find out more about the Space for Sale game here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1624060/Space_for_Sale/ or on the official game website here https://spaceforsale.thqnordic.com

    #SpaceForSale #MirageGameStudios #Steam #EarlyAccess #Space #Rocket #Business #Property #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Aliens #Planets #SpaceExploration #SpaceTravel #RealEstate

  • Update for Rockets Are Super Hard Relaunch

    Update for Rockets Are Super Hard Relaunch

    Before a rocket is launched into space there is a lot of work needed to be put in before that countdown begins. You and your team of friends are in the launch control building and you have a rocker guidebook to take through the process step by step. However, you know right from the start that this is not going to be as easy as it first sounds. One mistake, one oversight and the whole mission is at risk, this is the pressure of the launch control and what it takes to get to the point of lift-off! Do you have what it takes to put the sequence into place and get the vehicle into orbit without any issues? There is only one way to find out get the Rockets Are Super Hard: Relaunch update now, the space race is on!

    Find out more about the Rockets Are Super Hard: Relaunch here on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/675270/Rockets_Are_Super_Hard/ or read the rocket guide here http://rocket.guide

    #PropulsionGames #RocketsAreSuperHardRelaunch #RocketsAreSuperHard #MissionControl #Rockets #SpaceTravel #LaunchControl #IndieGames #GameUpdate #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • The Lifeless Moon Is Available Now

    The Lifeless Moon Is Available Now

    The Lifeless Moon game is available now on consoles and for PC, it’s a mystery game that is set around the time of the Apollo moon landing missions and yet this game adds a different dimension to the story with the discovery of mysteries that has somehow become visible on the Luna surface. The mission has changed from exploration to discovery, with every turn there are puzzles to be solved and with every solution there is another question. This is a great puzzle game that will get you thinking and challenging all of what we know about the Apollo space missions.

    Find out more about the Lifeless Moon game here; https://serenityforge.com/games/lifeless-moon

    #SerenityForge #LifelessMoon #Astronauts #SpaceTravel #Xbox #PlayStation #EpicGamesStore #3DPlatformer #Moon #ApolloMission #Mystery #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #MoonLanding

  • Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Starmetal Crusaders A Galactic Adventure

    Prepare to take on the galaxy as you lead your crew of space mercenaries around the galaxy looking for work and maybe the odd opportunity here and there. This game has the look and feel of an anime with a touch of arcade gaming thrown in for good measure. This is one of those games that is going to drive you crazy and fill you with enjoyment, not many games can offer that, so are you ready to get into some action in deep space with the Starmetal Crusaders?

    Find out more about the Starmetal Crusaders game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881630/StarMetal_Crusaders/ or on the games website here; https://www.starmetalcrusaders.com

    #StarmetalCrusaders #Gaming #RTS #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Mercenaries #SpaceTravel #Battles #SpaceExploration #CombatGames #Steam #X1Games #Anime #NewGames #GameTrailer #GameDemo

  • Run a bar in space with StarKeeper

    Run a bar in space with StarKeeper

    How do you fancy running your own bar in space? Well, it would seem like a long off as we can only just about manage short trips into space at the moment, but in the gaming world, anything is possible. This is StarKeeper from Longterm Games where you are running a bar that is on an asteroid that is moving fast through space attracting all sorts of aliens and visitors all looking forward to being fed and having a few drinks before taking off again and going about their business in the outer regions of space.

    Find out more about the StarKeeper game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/2792130/StarKeeper/

    #StarKeeper #LongtermGames #SciFi #Bar #Tavern #Steam #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #3D #Gamers #Gaming #NintendoSwitch #StarKeeperGame #NewGames #Aliens #SpaceTravel #UFO

  • SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    SpaceSlog a 2D spaceship colony sim

    Here is a game that sort of sits in two eras, firstly its a game with a retro feel to it and secondly it is a game that is totally new, therefore you will be getting the thrills of classic gaming, but with the knowledge that this game has been created using the latest technology and so unlike those old game this new game will be fast and smooth, just like a good game should be, are you ready for SpaceSlog?

    Find out more about the SpaceSlog game here on Steam; https://s.team/a/2133570

    #SpaceSlog #2D #spaceship #colony #sim #indiegame #indiedev #colonysimulator #2DGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #ProdunoGamesStudios #Steam #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration

  • ASTRA Journey Beyond the Stars

    ASTRA Journey Beyond the Stars

    The universe is a massive place and there is a lot to be seen, yet until now we have been able to travel to distant galaxies in movies and games. Now you are able to experience the vastness of space in VR with Meta. With Astra, you are able to experience just how it feels to travel in space, visit new worlds and experience meeting the inhabitants of these planets. This could be the only way to find out what space travel could be like, are you ready to start your voyage?

    Find out more about the Astra VR game here on Meta; https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/9075777875829512/

    #Astra #MixedRealityExperience #AtlasV #JourneyBeyondtheStars #metaquest #SciFi #Spacecraft #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #QuestForLife #VRGames

  • Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    Heavenly Bodies on Nintendo Switch

    This is Heavenly Bodies the game where are a cosmonaut on a space station where zero gravity is in charge available for the Nintendo Switch right now. It’s been a long wait since the game became available for the PC, PS5 and PS4 players. In this game, you play alone or as a team to ensure that the space station is in safe hands and that means working to keep the station working within its limits and surviving all of the problems that space can throw at you from time to time.

    Find out more about the Heavenly Bodies game coming to Nintendo Switch here; https://heavenlybodiesgame.com/

    #HeavenlyBodies #NintendoSwitch #HeavenlyBodiesGame #2ptstudio #Cosmonaut #Space #SpaceTravel #ZeroGravity #Games #Gaming

  • Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    Space Trash Scavenger out on Steam

    In space as on Earth, it seems that trash is becoming a problem, in the 31st century space trash has become a serious problem and yet while trash of any kind is a problem some trash can be very valuable, especially the trash abandoned in space. All you need to do is retrieve this space treasure in the most hostile of environments.

    Here is a cool game created by a couple of designers, it shows that you do not have to be a massive game developer to produce a great game. This game has imagination and substance, it has a retro look, that is the charm of this game and you can get early access on Steam right now!

    Find out more about the Space Trash Scavenger game here; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1759350/Space_Trash_Scavenger/

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #SpaceTrashScavenger #Steam #SquarePlayGames #SpaceTrash #Game #Scavengers #Space #SpaceTravel

  • Starfield The Settled Systems Where Hope is Built

    This is Akila City a place where the Colony Wars really hit hard leaving people desperate for work. For orphan Vanna, her dream is to leave the planet and explore the stars and she has a ship, however, it is in need of some repairs and spare parts can be expensive. Her search for these much-needed parts will take her into parts of the city where the law does not reach.

    Starfield is more than just a game it is an adventure into the heart of science fiction and beyond. This series of animated videos gives us a glimpse into the cities of the game, each is different and comes with its own set of challenges, one thing is clear when this game is released in September it is going to be massive, are you ready for Starfield?

    Find out more about the Starfield games here; http://starfieldgame.com/

    #Starfield #TheSettledSystems #SciFi #StarfieldTheSettledSystems #AkilaCity #Spacecraft #Spacetravel

  • Join The Void Crew On An Adventure

    The Void Crew are on a journey of exploration, discovery and adventure, the galaxy is vast and there are opportunities everywhere, but there are also dangers. Navigate the galaxy find the loot and avoid the aliens who can be very hostile at times. Find out more on The Void here; https://www.focus-entmt.com/en/games/void-crew #VoidCrew #Mavericks #SpaceTravel #SpaceExploration #CoopGame #FocusEntertainment #HutlihutGames