Tag: #StarWarsJediFallenOrder

  • Dark Times For Star Wars Jedi Survivor

    It has been five years since the events that rocked the galaxy in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Cal Kestis and his crew need a safe place to regroup and plan their next steps as they hide from the Empire and its agents, as the galaxy descends into chaos and darkness. Find out more on Star Wars Jedi Survivor game here; http://x.ea.com/76257 #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #jedi #empire #starwarsjedifallenorder

  • Cal Kestis Star Wars Jedi Survivor

    Five years on from the end of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order we find that Cal Kestis has become a powerful Jedi and yet there are dangers all around, not only from the Empire. Journey throughout the galaxy, learning new skills, finding new weapons and making friends. The journey has just begun. Find out more here; https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/coming-soon #StarWars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #StarWarsJediFallenOrder #EA #Jedi #Sith #Empire #Rebels