Tag: #SteamVR

  • Bow Course VR Archerygolf

    Bow Course VR Archerygolf

    Here is a great new sporting game that is a mash-up of archery and golf, It is called Bow Course and players will have to make around the nine target course using fewer arrows than their competitors, this all sounds easy enough, but you know it is not going to be that easy and it does have the added benefit of being in VR. The Bow Course game will be launching on early access on Meta Quest soon and a bit later on Steam, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about the Bow Course game go to the official game website here http://www.korpigames.com/ or go to the games page on Meta here https://tinyurl.com/BowCourseMeta
    or on Steam here https://tinyurl.com/BowCourseSteam

    #BowCourse #VirtualReality #VR #VRGames #Archery #Golf #Sports #Meta #NewGames #Games #Gaming #Steam #VRHeadset #KorpiGames #MetaQuest #SteamVR

  • GORN 2 Coming Soon To VR

    GORN 2 Coming Soon To VR

    What could be more GORN than GORN 2 in VR? This is an exciting version of the game that really puts players right into the middle of the action and anyone who knows the game will already know that there is plenty of bone-breaking and bloody action going on in this game, which is the one thing that really makes this game a massive success. So get ready for GORN 2 as it will be launching later this year on Meta Quest, SteamVR and PSVR2.

    To find out more about the GORN 2 game go to the official game website here https://www.gorn2.com/ or the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/e5QH9 or the games page on Meta here https://shorturl.at/yym0d

    #GORN2 #VR #VRHeadset #VRGames #Meta #SteamVR #PSVR2 #GORN #Games #Gaming #NewGames #SIM #Gladiator #Cortopia #DevolverDigital #FreeLives

  • Metro Awakening VR Game Out Now

    Metro Awakening VR Game Out Now

    The much awaited Metro Awakening is out now for VR players to enjoy for the first time. Based in the Metro universe this game takes players into the tunnels of the Metro where anything can happen. To make things even more scarier there is a spider mode arriving soon. Metro Awakening is now available for the PlayStation VR2, Meta Quest, SteamVR and Viveport.

    To find out more about the Metro Awakening VR game go to the official game website here https://metroawakening.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/2669410/Metro_Awakening/

    #MetroAwakening #VRGame #MetroUniverse #PlayStationVR2 #MetaQuest #SteamVR #Viveport #Games #Gaming #Gamers #VertigoGames #DeepSilver #VR

  • Human Within VR interactive experience coming to Meta Quest

    Human Within VR interactive experience coming to Meta Quest

    Coming from the Signal Space Lab is the multimedia sci-fi interactive VR game Human Within VR where the game explores how AI and technology have impacted on humanity, which of course can be both good and not so good. However, what this game does is highlight the effects of this new age of technology if it was ever to be misused by any company or nation. The threats are there and so are the warnings, but will we ever take any notice of them, probably not, this is where science fiction softly blends into the real world and we only notice when it is too late.

    To find out more about the Human Within VR game go to the official game website here https://www.signalspacelab.com/ or head on over to the games page on Steam here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546070/Human_Within/

    #HumanWithinVR #VR #VirtualReality #MetaQuest #SignalSpaceLab #ActrioStudio #Steam #SteamVR #Games #Gaming #Gamers #scifi #InteractiveVRProject

  • Consortium VR is available now

    Consortium VR is available now

    This is a game that has been in the making for over seventeen years, so you can imagine the work that the developer Interdimensional Games Inc has had to put into this in order for it to be able to available right now!

    Basically, you are playing the role of a character called Bishop Six who goes around investing crimes, conspiracies and even murders, so it’s not exactly going to be an easy role to take on, but we wouldn’t want it any other way!

    Find out more about the Consortium VT game here; https://www.idgi1.ca/

    #ConsortiumVR #VR #InterdimensionalGames #MetaQuest #SteamVR #iDGi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #VRHeadset #VirtualReality #SciFi #VRGames #Gameplay #MurderMystery #UnrealEngine

  • Border Bots VR Gameplay

    Border Bots VR Gameplay

    In the future, AI has taken over most of the mundane tasks that humans feel are below them, as such there is an increase in the use of robots in the workplace and this means that they must travel around from place to place in order to fulfil this work. Unfortunately, there are some robots whose credentials are not up to date this is where the Border Bots come in.

    You are a Border Bot working in a booth at the AI travel border checking robots as they come into your sector to work. Most of these robots will be perfectly legal and up to date with their credentials, but occasionally there will be that one robot who is trying to get into the zone without the right paperwork in place, it is your job to find these rogue robots.

    Find out more about the Border Bots VR game here; https://www.borderbotsvr.com/

    #BorderBotsVR #Gameplay #BorderBots #VR #AI #PlayStationVR2 #SteamVR #Robots #AITravelBorder