Tag: #Tactics

  • Broken Arrow has the Stryker Cavalry Regiment incoming

    Broken Arrow has the Stryker Cavalry Regiment incoming

    The Broken Arrow game has a planned launch for June this year, it is already a success on Steam with many players adding it to their wishlists and now there is some more news, the game is getting the Stryker Cavalry Regiment added to the game with mobile units that are bound to mix things up within the battle gameplay as these units are fast and really do pack a punch. The Broken Arrow game will be launching in June on Steam for PC players.

    To find out more about the Broken Arrow game go to the official game website here https://bit.ly/3yfbaXc or go to the games page on Steam here http://steam.gs/l/4c3nk

    #BrokenArrow #StrykerCavalryRegiment #Games #Gaming #Tanks #Warfare #Battles #Tactics #RTS #Military #Army #Slitherine #BrokenArrowStrykerCavalryRegiment

  • Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Stellar Warfare a space-based RTS game

    Here is a game that will remind players of those classics from the past, It is called Stellar Warfare and it is a real-time strategy game similar to the likes of Homeworld. Before its launch, the game has had an important language update that would allow players to travel the galaxy using their native language, which for some players will make a lot of difference. The Stellar Warfare game will be available at the Steam RTS Fest.

    To find out more about the Stellar Warfare game go to the official game website here https://www.stellarwarfare.com/ or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/4f0oH

    #StellarWarfare #RTS #TenseGames #NewGames #Games #Gaming #SciFi #Steam #Spaceships #SpaceExploration #GameUpdates #Tactics #SpaceTravel

  • Fractured Alliance New Desert Crater Game Update

    Fractured Alliance New Desert Crater Game Update

    There is a new map for the Fractured Alliance warfare game that brings in the Desert Crater map, it might sound like players will be able to get some sort of cover here but they would mistaken. This is one of those games where tactics count for everything and yet even with the best plans, the players are facing a massive task ahead and what’s wrong with that?

    To find out more about the Fractured Alliance game go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/vBVTz

    #FracturedAlliance #DesertCrater #GameUpdate #RTS #TenseGames #IndieGames #Games #Gaming #Tactics #Warfare

  • Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Ballistic a new first-person Fortnite experience

    Out now on early access is the brilliant and exciting Fortnite Ballistic tactical first-person shooter game that will put players up against each other in battles that only stop when there is a winner. The game is simple, it is a round-based 5v5 challenge where tactics, strategy and each players individual skills will be out to the test, are you up for the challenge?

    To find out more about the new Fortnite Ballistic game go to the official game website here fn.gg/Ballistic

    #FortniteBallistic #Fortnite #Ballistic #FPS #Tactics #Strategy #Survival #TeamBasedGames #Games #Gaming #Battles #FortniteGames #BattleRoyale

  • Xenopurge Tactic Game Inspired By Aliens

    Xenopurge Tactic Game Inspired By Aliens

    This is a game that takes players on a journey into the darkness. Remotely command a squad of highly skilled soldiers as they take on the aliens in Xenopurge. This game is pure tactics and players must adapt to whatever happens otherwise the squad and the mission will fail. The Xenopurge game will be launching on Steam in the second quarter of next year.

    To find out more about the Xenopurge game go to the official game website here https://www.traptics.com/ or the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/FJTUX

    #Xenopurge #Games #Gaming #Tactics #Aliens #Mission #Traptics #NewGames #Steam #SciFi #Roguelite #Soldiers #Kickstarter

  • Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path

    Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path

    Are you ready for this, it is the Armored Warfare Seahawks Battle Path game that is not only a brilliant warzone game it is free to play too and while that is not everything when it comes to gaming, it actually gives more players the chance to play it, if they love they carry on and if not they go, nothing gained nothing lost. This game really does have the feel of the battle, the tanks are superb and the story matches that what you would think of as being in the war. The Warfare Seahawks Battle Path is out now.

    If you want to find out more about the Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path game go to the official game website here https://arwar.co/AWSeahawks

    #ArmoredWarfare #MMO #Seahawks #BattlePath #Tanks #Tactics #Warfare #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Battles #War

  • Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Overview

    There is nothing like a look back into the past in order to understand the future or the present, in this we are looking at the Year 9 of Rainbow Six Siege and it has to be said there is a lot to talk about, yet we are lucky that there is the video above to help us with the recap of the year and as we always say there is nothing better than a video to tell a story. So sit back and take a look at the Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 overview.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    Rainbow Six Siege Deadly Omen Operator Gameplay

    It is time to take a closer look at the Rainbow Six Siege game with this Deadly Omen Operator gameplay video featuring the masked villain Deimos, with plenty of tricks up his sleeve to take the battle to the enemy and win. This is a brilliant piece of gameplay to watch as it gives you an insight into how this next season is going to work out, are you ready for this much excitement?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    Rainbow Six Siege Elite Ying

    It can never be said that Rainbow Six Siege is one of those games that becomes boring or even dated after a while, in fact, there is the Elite Ying set that is available now just goes to show that things are always changing and getting better, in this case, you will be getting the Augmented Reality headgear, uniform, victory dance, gadget skin, operator cards and cool weapon skins, so this just goes to show that you never call Rainbow Six Siege boring or a bit of the same thing going on, if you dont believe us check it out for yourself.

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Rainbow Six Siege Operation Deadly Omen

    Welcome to the Rainbow Six Siege game and the upcoming Operation Deadly Omen that is coming soon, your skills and courage will be tested to the limit as this game will take you to new limits beyond what you might expect from Rainbow Six Siege and the new Operation Deadly Omen addition to the gameplay, there is only one question, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    Rainbow Six Siege Deimos Mysterious Past

    To become victorious in the future it is sometimes a good idea to look into the past in order to learn from mistakes and make the changes necessary to gain the advantage in order to win the fight. After all, isn’t that what Rainbow Six Siege is all about, learning, adapting and taking on the enemy in all sorts of locations?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege game series here; https://rainbow6.com/

    #R6Siege #Ubisoft #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #CombatGames #Games #Gaming #Warfare #Tactics #GameUpdates

  • Classified France 44 Field Report Tactics

    Classified France 44 Field Report Tactics

    Without the resistance in France the invasion of the country by the Allies might have had a different ending, their bravery helped slow down the occupying Nazi’s ability to react to the invasion and the rest is history, In the Classified France 44 game you can play your part and with this Field Report and Tactics you can really get a feel of what it was like.

    Classified France 44 is a great game for anyone interested in the history of warfare especially during the Nazi occupation of France, with the Field Report with Tactics you can equip and plan your resistance group to slow down and obstruct the Nazis from being able to send reinforcements to the landing sites in Normandy and in the process save lives.

    To find out more about the Classified France 44 game and the Field Report Tactics visit here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #ClassifiedFrance44 #FieldReport #Tactics #ClassifiedFrance44 #FieldReportTactics #WWII #War #WarGames #Battlefield #France #Allies

  • Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings

    Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings

    This is your chance to take part in historical events, even though we may know the outcome of these events there are some things that could change the path of history and therefore change the future. This is Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings it takes place when the Ottoman Empire begins to grow and influence change throughout the lands.

    In this game you are able to change things that happened in history, but will these changes actually change the course of history as sometimes it seems that history has a knack of following its path no matter what gets in its way, empires come and go, but history will always remain a constant.

    Find out more about the Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings game here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/europa-universalis-iv/add-ons/europa-universalis-iv-king-of-kings

    #EuropaUniversalisIV #KingofKings #EuropaUniversalisIVKingofKings #History #Games #Gaming #Tactics #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox

  • Xenonauts 2 The Cold War Continues

    The world is a different place in this game, the cold war has continued right into the 21st century and tensions are high because behind the conflict are a group of alien invaders. The plan is to keep the world in a tense standoff in order for the invasion of the planet to go unnoticed and unopposed.

    You are in command of a secret multinational military force with one goal, stop the alien invasion from getting a greater foothold and from eventually taking the planet over. Working in secret every move you make will be matched by the enemy and yet as in every war, there is a tipping point where the odds begin to favour one side over the other.

    Find out more about the Xenonauts 2 game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/xenonauts-2-42a236

    #Xenonauts #ColdWar #AlienInvasion #UFO #Resistance #StrategyGame #Tactics #Aliens #Invaders

  • Gord Taking The North

    Throughout history and fiction it seems that taking the north has always been the key to building an empire and the Gord game it is no different, take your army north and gain this valuable territory in order to stay on the good side of the King!

    Even with a superior fighting force, taking the north is not easy as there are many factors to keep in mind, terrain, weather and the ability of those who live in the north to wage a guerilla-style war against you!

    Find out more on the Gord game here; https://gord.game/

    #TheGord #History #Warfare #Empires #TheNorth #NewGame #Tactics #Invasion #Battles

  • Take Command Battlefield 2042 Escalation

    Join the battlefield of the future where technology plays a major part in the battle, but it is still the courage and skills of the military that matters at the end of the day. This is Battlefield 2042 set in the Arctic where conditions are tough and the battles are relentless. Take command and fight your way through one level at a time. Find out more here; http://x.ea.com/75666 #Battlefield #EA #ModernWarfare #Battlefield2042 #Weapons #Tactics #SmartWeapons #Battlefield2042Escalation #BattlePass

  • Great War Western Front Gameplay

    This is your first look at the gameplay for The Great War: Western Front the game that puts you right on the battlefield during the First World War. Your skills in planning and putting it into practice will be put to the test, how will you do? More details can be found here; playthegreatwar.com #thegreatwar #worldwarone #battles #europe #battlefield #trenches #warfare #tactics