Tag: #Talos

  • AI And The Talos Principle

    AI And The Talos Principle

    Welcome to The Talos Principle a world where humanity has paid the ultimate price and no longer exists on the planet. You are created in the form of an android and although the city of robots is now the only functioning civilisation there are still remnants of the past visible and therefore present the opportunity for exploration. What will they find and will it change things forever?

    The Talos Principle is the warning to us that has been the subject of many science fiction stories over the years and yet despite this, the rise of artificial intelligence, robotics and drones keeps growing taking over jobs and increasingly removing the human element from important decisions. If you want to know what the world will be like when humanity fails, this is it!

    Find out more about The Talos Principle game here; https://www.thetalosprinciple.com/

    #AI #TheTalosPrinciple #Robots #CityOfRobots #Civilization #TheFuture #Humanity #Technology #Drones #Talos