Tag: #TEKKEN8YoshimitsuReveal

  • TEKKEN 8 Yoshimitsu Reveal and Gameplay

    TEKKEN 8 Yoshimitsu Reveal and Gameplay

    This is the TEKKEN 8 Yoshimitsu reveal and gameplay the game itself needs no introduction as it has been around since the mid-nineties, but somehow it is one of those games that has managed to adapt and evolve with the changes within gaming and now there is Yoshimitsu this is one character that you are not going to want to mess with. Take your place amongst those terrifying space ninjas, this is proper arcade gaming at your fingertips, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about TEKKEN 8 Yoshimitsu reveal and gameplay here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8

    #TEKKEN8 #Yoshimitsu #TEKKEN8YoshimitsuReveal #TEKKEN8YoshimitsuGameplay #SciFi #PC #Xbox #PlayStation #Games #Gaming #Gamers #BandaiNamcoEnt