Tag: #TomClancy

  • Rainbow Six Siege X: Dual Front Mode Explained

    Rainbow Six Siege X: Dual Front Mode Explained

    We have heard a lot about the Dual Front Mode in the new Rainbow Six Siege X game, but what is it? So players pick a squad from the list of available characters, they can choose according to their own needs but will end up with a mix of defenders and attackers so there will be a mix of abilities, weapons and fighting styles. Whatever players think of this one thing is for sure, this is going to be so good.

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege X Reveal Showcase Experience the next era of Siege

    Rainbow Six Siege X Reveal Showcase Experience the next era of Siege

    Waiting for a new game to come out can be a nightmare for some gamers and that is why there was a massive Rainbow Six Siege X launch event in Atlanta where the fans, press and developers got together to celebrate the game and players. This game is going to be brilliant and there is a new era of gaming coming to Rainbox Six Siege can you handle this?

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege X: Map Visual Enhancements

    Rainbow Six Siege X: Map Visual Enhancements

    In a game such as Rainbow Six Siege X the visual experience is very important to the players and the developers know that, which is why there has been a lot of work put into the new game in order to keep it as crisp as ever and the work that they have done is brilliant just take a look at the video below and you will see the difference with the before and after sequences.

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege X: Dual Front Neutral Sector

    Rainbow Six Siege X: Dual Front Neutral Sector

    Welcome to the neutral sector in Rainbow Six Siege X a contested place where players will compete for time-limited objectives all of which will have a direct effect on the outcome of the game. This is where the Dual Front 6v6 PvP mode comes into its own and where players will find out if they have picked the right team to get the job done.

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege X: New Dual Front 6v6 Mode

    Rainbow Six Siege X: New Dual Front 6v6 Mode

    Welcome to the new 6v6 mode in Rainbow Six Siege X, the dual front will add new twists and turns to the game as players are able to pick their team with a mix of skills combining weapons and abilities to get the job done, basically, there will be attackers and defenders within the team, how many of us cannot wait to see how cool that is going to be!

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege X Reveal Gameplay Video

    Rainbow Six Siege X Reveal Gameplay Video

    A new era has begun in Rainbow Six Siege X with the largest transformation for the game as it evolves into its next generation. The game has been going for so long that there is no need to explain anything about it, but this new game is promising to be spectacular and the good news is that there are livestreams offering beta access until the 19th of March, so there are no excuses to miss out on Rainbow Six Siege X.

    To find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege X game go to the official game website here https://www.rainbow6.com/SiegeX

    #RainbowSixSiegeX #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #SciFi #TomClancy #R6Siege #Gameplay #Beta #Games #Gaming #FPS #Operators #TacticalCombat #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • Rainbow Six Siege Operation Prep Phase Gameplay

    Rainbow Six Siege Operation Prep Phase Gameplay

    The operation prep phase has arrived on Rainbow Six Siege and that means for the players there is a chance to prove themselves and climb the ranks with Rauora the new attack operator along with here special D.O.M. panel launcher, this game is about to become more exciting and even more thrilling. Get ready for Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Prep Phase as the new season of R6S is available now across all platforms.

    To find out more about the upcoming Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Prep Phase game go to the official Ubisoft game website here https://shorturl.at/aoLpu

    #RainbowSixSiegeOperationPrepPhase #RainbowSixSiege #R6S #OperationPrepPhase #Ubisoft #R6Siege #Games #Gaming #TomClancy #RainbowSixGame #Xbox #PlayStation #PC

  • The Division 2 Year 6 Season 3 Burden of Truth

    The Division 2 Year 6 Season 3 Burden of Truth

    It doesn’t seem possible that The Division game has been around since 2016, yet here we are taking a look at the year six season two and everything is just as explosive as it always has been with the agents being told to get Kelso who has been located in Washington DC. This is one of those games that is full of dirty tactics, strategies and unlocking those seasonal XP passes. The Division 2: Year 6 Season 3 – Burden of Truth is out now.

    To find out more about The Division game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/zTWKV

    #TheDivision #TheDivisionBurdenofTruth #Agents #Games #Gaming #NewGames #TomClancy #Ubisoft #RPG #PC #Xbox #PlayStation

  • The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red

    The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red

    This is the Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red where Keener has given himself in and is being held in the White House, a deal has been made and the Division must work together in order to locate the rest of the team. The Division game is a massive world that seems to just keep going and updating providing the players with a new adventure with the Shades of Red agents will be working hard to prevent what terrors await the Division. The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red is available now.

    For more details on The Division 2 Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red head on over to the official game website here https://thedivision2.com/shades-of-red

    #TheDivision #TheDivision2 #Ubisoft #TheDivisionShadesofRed #TomClancy #RPG #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PvP #Military #Warfare #SpecialOps

  • Get Ready For Rainbow Six Siege Pay Day Bundle

    Get Ready For Rainbow Six Siege Pay Day Bundle

    Get ready for the most exciting bank heist ever with Wamai and Zero looking to take the bank for a big score, yet as ever these things never go to plan and it seems that there could be a siege underway at the bank in the Rainbow Six Siege: Pay Day Bundle where time is key and the amount of cash on offer is well worth taking the chance. This is promising to be a great addition to the game, after all playing at robbing banks is clearly better than actually doing it in many ways. Could this be the best pay day ever or will it down as the worst thing that these guys have ever done?

    Find out more about the new Rainbow Six Siege: Pay Day Bundle here on the official Ubisoft R6S page https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege

    #RainbowSixSiege #PayDayBundle #RainbowSixSiegePayDayBundle #R6SxPayday #Ubisoft #R6Siege #PayDayGame #TomClancy #Games #Gaming #Gamers #PC #PlayStation #Xbox #NewGames #GameTrailer

  • Rainbow Six Siege Operation Twin Shells Reveal Aug 25

    Rainbow Six Siege Operation Twin Shells Reveal Aug 25

    The wait is almost over and the Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Twin Shells game is about to get the big reveal treatment when Ubisoft push the boat out on the 25th of August at 10:00 AM PT / 7:00 PM CET, live on twitch.tv/Rainbow6! Don’t miss this as this is the event of the year for all R6S players and maybe even a few new players too, which is what it is all about. We are looking forward to this game and really do hope that Ubisoft is not going to let us down here, what do you think?

    Find out more about the Rainbow Six Siege Operation Twin Shells game and the big reveal here on the Ubisoft official R6S page https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege

    #RainbowSixSiegeOperationTwinShells #GameReveal #RainbowSixSiege #OperationTwinShells #R6S #Ubisoft #R6Siege #TomClancy #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #NewGames

  • R6S Operation Commanding Force CGI

    Coming in early March to Rainbow Six Siege is Operation Commanding Force this is where Brava joins the team and along with her trusty Kludge drone she is literally able to become the eyes on the ground, which is a great advantage against the Defenders. Find out more on Rainbow Six Siege Operation Commanding Force here; https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege #RainbowSixSiege #OperationCommandingForce #CGI #R6S #TomClancy #Brava #KludgeDrone #Ubisoft

  • R6S Operator From Another Time

    Not only is there a new chapter for Rainbow Six Siege there is an operator that comes appears to come from another time and that is something that can seriously give an advantage to whoever gains this crucial information. Squads face up to the challenge, while Harry gets a visit from a mysterious stranger! Are you ready for this challenge? Find out more here; https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege #TomClancysRainbowSixSiege #TomClancy #RainbowSixSiege #Ubisoft #R6S #TeamRainbow