Tag: #Tournaments

  • Big Guns Jack 8 In Tekken

    Sometimes all you need to become victorious is a massive gun and true to form this is what Jack 8 is bringing to Tekken and whenever a big gun faces up to artificial intelligence or even an opponent with impressive strength, you have to think the big gun is going to come out on top, or so you might think! Find out more on Jack 8 and Tekken here; https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/tekken-8 #Jack8 #Tekken8 #Bandai #Fighters #Tournaments #Tekken8Gameplay

  • Crusader Kings III Tours Tournaments

    In the time of the crusaders not everyone got to see battles in foreign lands, but what they did get to see was the tournaments where knights would travel from place to place battling it out in front of the crowds. Here in Crusader Kings III, we have the Tours and Tournaments expansion pack, so grab your armour, get on your horse and sign up for the tournament, if you dare!

    Find out more on the Crusader Kings III Tours and Tournaments expansion pack here; https://pdxint.at/3ZH7Vol

    #CrusaderKingsIIIToursAndTournaments #Kinghts #Castles #Tournaments #ParadoxInteractive #MedievalStrategyGame