Tag: #War

  • New Campaign Coming To The Warfare Legacy Collection

    New Campaign Coming To The Warfare Legacy Collection

    Imagine being able to travel back in time to some of the most historic battles of World War one and two, well, you can sort of in the Warfare Legacy Collection. This game has a retro PC game look to it, players will need to deploy their troops, position their armour and get ready for the onslaught to begin. The Warfare Legacy Collection will be launching on Monday, the 28th of April, for PC the game is also set to participate in the Steam Wargames Fest on the same day.

    To find out more about the Warfare Legacy Collection game, go to the official game website here https://armor.ag/BOTB or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/0GLRg

    #WarfareLegacyCollection #games #gaming #fullyremastered #cultclassic #historicalgames #strategygames #newgames #war #ConArtistGames #ArmorGamesStudios #warfare #battleofthebulge

  • Kaiserpunk is out now on Steam

    Kaiserpunk is out now on Steam

    Building a civilisation from scratch is not easy and keeping it going is just as hard as players of Kaiserpunk will soon find out. In this game players will need to plan everything out from buildings and business to politics and warfare. Making deals is at the centre of this game, but sometimes deals go wrong and then a solution needs to be found, will diplomacy win or is it all out war. Kaiserpunk is available now for PC on Steam.

    To find out more about the Kaiserpunk game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/xoDvi or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/X5n1p

    #Kaiserpunk #games #gaming #citybuilder #war #business #politics #trade #industrial #newgames #military #steam #PC #OverseerGames #EldaEntertainment #StrategyGaming

  • New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    New Hearts of Iron IV Graveyard of Empires Pack

    It is not that often that you get the chance to change history for the better or for the worse yet in the Hearts of Iron IV – Graveyard Of Empires this is what the players can do, in this case, the war has moved to the region that includes Iran, British Raj, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In this area, the countries are not just fighting in the Second World War they have an eye on independence too! So there is a lot at stake here and every move and decision has its consequences. The Hearts of Iron IV: Graveyard of Empires Expansion Pass 1 is available right now.

    To find out more about the Hearts of Iron IV game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/TZI4G or go to the games page on Steam here https://pdxint.at/GoEStore

    #HeartsofIronIV #HeartsofIron #HOI4 #GraveyardOfEmpires #War #ParadoxInteractive #Strategy #Wargame #WorldWarII #Games #Gaming #HeartsofIronIVGraveyardofEmpires

  • WW2 Rebuilder Launches on Consoles

    WW2 Rebuilder Launches on Consoles

    After a successful run on PC, it is only natural that the developers of the WW2 Rebuilder game will want to release it on consoles. WW2 Rebuilder is the game that deals with the aftermath of the Second World War where cities have been destroyed and countries need to be rebuilt. WW2 Rebuilder will be launching on PlayStation and Xbox on the 13th of February.

    To find out more about the WW2 Rebuilder game go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/eDYXG or go to the games page on Steam here https://shorturl.at/BNsnc

    #WW2Rebuilder #WWII #Steam #Consoles #Games #Gaming #MadneticGames #War #Playway #Machines #PlayStation #Xbox #Aftermath

  • Welcome To Battlefield Labs

    Welcome To Battlefield Labs

    Welcome to the all-new and shiny Battlefield Labs, this is a marvellous place from the Battlefield Studios a sort of glorious united front for all things Battlefield-related. This is a brilliant idea that is in its early stages and at the moment promises to become the testing ground for games where players and developers can get together and test out some of the most brilliant games ever imagined, we cannot wait to hear more about the Battlefield Labs.

    To find out more about the Battlefield Labs go to the official EA website here https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield

    #BattlefieldLabs #Battlefield #BattlefieldStudios #Games #Gaming #NewGames #Warfare #Battles #War #Military #Warzone #Army #EA #EAGames

  • Storm Warning Update For War Thunder

    Storm Warning Update For War Thunder

    There is an update available for the War Thunder total warfare game, the Storm Warning update is the last of the year and brings in a whole host of military vehicles to enhance the game and offer players new options to not only win battles, but to take the overall victory too.

    To find out more about the War Thunder game and the Storm Warning game update go to the official game website here https://shorturl.at/e8ZFt

    #WarThunderStormWarning #WarThunder #StormWarning #War #Games #Gaming #GaijinEntertainment #WarGames #PC #PlayStation #Xbox

  • Call of Duty gets Festive

    Call of Duty gets Festive

    Just because it is the festive season it does not mean that all hostilities on Call of Duty have come to an end in fact far from it, the game carries on no matter what. There is plenty going on too, with some interesting maps, modes, operators and much more, who said that the festive season was just for kids, this is Call of Duty and battle never stops.

    To find out more about the Call of Duty game and the festive season go to the official game website here callofduty.com

    #CallofDuty #CallofDutyBlackOps #CallofDutyWarzone #CoD #Games #Gaming #CallofDutyFestiveSeason #Battles #War #Warfare #Operators

  • World of Warships Gets A Winter Update

    World of Warships Gets A Winter Update

    Even during a war, there is time for some festive celebrations and that is why the brilliant World of Warships has released a winter update to the game, not that it means a cessation of hostilities it just means that sometimes there might be a bit of time to take time out and maybe even do a bit of decorating here and there. The festive rewards will be running from the beginning of December right through to the 9th of January.

    To find out more about the World of Warships game and the winter update go to the official game website here https://wo.ws/website

    #WorldofWarships #WorldofWarshipsUpdate #Wargaming #Battleships #War #NavalWarships #NewMissions #Games #Gaming #Gamers #GameUpdates

  • Omens of Destruction DLC for Total War Warhammer III launching December

    Omens of Destruction DLC for Total War Warhammer III launching December

    Coming soon is the latest DLC for Warhammer III, this update is going to bring in some amazing new content for the armies of good and evil, there are also campaign features and battle units for the game, which means more war and more skilful tactics. The Omens of Destruction DLC for Total War Warhammer III will be launching in early December.

    To find out more about the Omens of Destruction DLC for Total War Warhammer III go to the official game website here https://www.totalwar.com/

    #OmensofDestructionDLC #TotalWarWarhammerIII #Battles #War #OmensofDestruction #DLC #Warhammer #GamesWorkshop #SEGAEuropeLimited #TheCreativeAssemblyLimited

  • Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path

    Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path

    Are you ready for this, it is the Armored Warfare Seahawks Battle Path game that is not only a brilliant warzone game it is free to play too and while that is not everything when it comes to gaming, it actually gives more players the chance to play it, if they love they carry on and if not they go, nothing gained nothing lost. This game really does have the feel of the battle, the tanks are superb and the story matches that what you would think of as being in the war. The Warfare Seahawks Battle Path is out now.

    If you want to find out more about the Armored Warfare MMO Seahawks Battle Path game go to the official game website here https://arwar.co/AWSeahawks

    #ArmoredWarfare #MMO #Seahawks #BattlePath #Tanks #Tactics #Warfare #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Battles #War

  • Gray Zone Warfare announced its first major update

    Gray Zone Warfare announced its first major update

    Welcome to the Gray Zone Warfare the game has had an update that takes it into the night sight zone which completely transforms the gameplay into something completely different to what we have already experienced with the game. Take your team into the battlefield blending into the surroundings and complete your mission, it is that easy! The Gray Zone Warfare Night ops update will arrive at the end of November.

    To find out more about the Gray Zone Warfare game head on over to the official game website here https://grayzonewarfare.com/

    #GrayZoneWarfare #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Warfare #War #Battles #GZW #MadfingerGames #Battlefield

  • Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    Rewrite WWII history in Hearts of Iron

    The Second World War was made up of many battles everyone being different and with a different conclusion, with hindsight, it is possible to refight these battles to come up with a different ending and therefore the outcome of the war. This is Hearts of Iron IV and players will be able to rewrite the second world war one battle at a time. The future of the world is at stake and this time things could end up completely different. The Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung expansion is available now.


  • Battlefield 2042 Circle of Hell Time Limited Event

    Battlefield 2042 Circle of Hell Time Limited Event

    Time is short as the Battlefield 2042 Circle of Hell Time Limited Event begins, get your squad together and take on the missions that will requires excellent strategies, planning and execution. In this mission there are some hardcore modes, new event pass, new weapons, classic WWII battles and finally it is the Circle of Hell event that will be running until the November 26th.

    To find out more about the Battlefield 2042 Circle of Hell Time Limited Event go to the official game website here https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042

    #Battlefield2042 #CircleofHell #TimeLimitedEvent #Battlefield2042CircleofHell #Warfare #War #Battles #EAGames #EpicGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Coming soon Cilla the 2D side-scrolling shooter

    Coming soon Cilla the 2D side-scrolling shooter

    There was a time when nobody really wanted to know much about 2D-style games as they were seen to be old and boring, thankfully it is not the case today and that is why we are talking about Cilla a new and exciting game from Stamina Zero with all of the looks of an old school game, but using the latest games design technology to bring it all together. Cilla is a gripping game where the players are placed right into the middle of a space war flying spaceships towards the enemy with a hope of halting the advance one and for all. Get through the levels, enjoy the story and graphics, this is well worth a look, Cilla is out at the beginning of August on the PlayStation, Xbox and of course, the Nintendo Switch, enjoy!

    Find out more about the new Cilla 2D game here on the Stamina Zero website https://staminazero.com/

    #Cilla #Narrative #PixelArtShooter #StaminaZero #PlayStation #XBOX #NintendoSwitch #2DGame #SciFi #War #Soldiers #Battles #NewGames #ConsoleGames #Gaming #Gamers #Games

  • Command the Fleet with Victory at Sea Atlantic

    Command the Fleet with Victory at Sea Atlantic

    You might think that during the Second World War, the naval battles that we have heard so much about were a slow thing where ships had to manoeuvre around the oceans of the world in order to gain naval supremacy. In the Victory At Sea Atlantic game, you are in command of your fleet and you will soon find out that there is a lot more to it than first meets the eye, you need to keep the fleet supplied, safe and ready for action, but more than that the fleet has to be in the right place at the right time, otherwise things can go wrong really quickly! Are you ready to take command of the fleet?

    Find out more about the latest update to the Victory At Sea Atlantic game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1674830/Victory_at_Sea_Atlantic__World_War_II_Naval_Warfare/ or on the games website here; https://www.victoryatseagame.com/

    #VictoryAtSea #SeaBattles #WWII #Fleet #Navy #NavalBattles #Battleships #Submarines #War #Warfare #Warships #Warplanes #FleetCommander #Combat #WorldWar #EvilTwinArtworks

  • Command Your WW2 Bunker Simulator

    Command Your WW2 Bunker Simulator

    Take command of your bunker and stop the Nazis from taking it! Sounds easy but the Nazis are well equipped and trained fighting force that must not be underestimated. Your supplies will be running low and you will need to hold out until the next supply drop arrives and then you must avoid the enemy patrols, this is a tense FPS, action, survival and simulation game that will test you to the limit and beyond, are ready to take on the WW2 Bunker Simulator game.

    Find out more about the WW2 Bunker Simulator game here on Steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/1155870/WW2_Bunker_Simulator/ and Art Games; https://art-games.com/gry_pc/

    #WWII #WW2 #Bunker #Nazis #War #WW2BunkerSimulator #ArtGames #Steam #Games #Gaming #Gamers #Warfare #Battles #DefendTheBunker

  • Classified: France ’44 Launch Stream

    Classified: France ’44 Launch Stream

    The time is fast approaching to put a stop to the war that ravaged the war for years, with the invasion of northern France about to happen, it is up to the resistance with the help of special military units to slow down the Nazi’s ability to respond to the D-Day landings. This is crucial but dangerous work, the future of the world is at stake here. Classified: France ’44 is out right now for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, get ready the invasion is coming.

    Find out more about the Classified: France ’44 game here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #WorldWarTwo #OccupiedFrance #ClassifiedFrance44 #DevDiaries #FieldReport #WW2 #Allies #War #FrenchResistance #ClassifiedFrance44Launchstream

  • The battle starts now Classified France 44

    The battle starts now Classified France 44

    The wait is over and while it would seem that the days running up to D-Day would seem like the war is coming to an end, but far from it, these days will see some of the worst fighting and battles that the world has ever seen. You can be part of this with the launch of the Classified: France ’44 game, the resistance has a vital role in preventing the Germans from repelling the invading forces in northern France, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Classified: France ’44 game here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #WorldWarTwo #OccupiedFrance #ClassifiedFrance44 #DevDiaries #FieldReport #WW2 #Allies #War #FrenchResistance

  • Classified France 44 Bringing WW2 to Life

    Classified France 44 Bringing WW2 to Life

    There are many ways to experience the dangers and excitement of being on the ground during the second world war such as books and movies, but nothing can get you closer to how it would have really felt to have been there than in gaming. In Classified France 44 the developers have gone to great lengths to bring the horrors of WW2 to Life and this is your chance to find out exactly how it feels to be in occupied France and working with the resistance as they fight against the Nazis.

    Find out more about the Classified: France ’44 game here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #WorldWarTwo #OccupiedFrance #ClassifiedFrance44 #DevDiaries #FieldReport #WW2 #Allies #War #FrenchResistance

  • New House Of The Dragon Season 2 Trailer

    New House Of The Dragon Season 2 Trailer

    Following on from the events of the first season of the House Of The Dragon comes season two, which promises dragons, war and plots to take the iron throne. Just another trip to world created by the brilliant George R R Martin where family and friends cannot be trusted, it’s a place where alegiences are needed to survive but those who are loyal can switch sides in the blink of an eye.

    This is season two of the House Of The Dragon, the kingdoms are split, revenge is being planned and the more dragons that you have the better the chances of becoming a key player in how the kingdom is ruled. Yet as we have seen in the previous season, it’s not only dragons that give the advantage to the ruling families.

    Find out more about the next season of the House Of The Dragon TV series here; https://www.hbo.com/house-of-the-dragon

    #HouseOfTheDragon #HouseOfTheDragonSeasonTwo #Dragons #HBOMax #ValarMorghulis #Dracarys #War #GeorgeRRMartin #FireandBlood #GameofThrones

  • Hell Let Loose New Content

    Hell Let Loose New Content

    Welcome to El Alamein during the North Africa campaign in World War Two in Hell Let Loose where the British Eighth Army and German Africa Corps are locked in a battle facing severe heat during the day, freezing cold nights and running low on supplies, there is nothing glamorous here. Grab your new equipment, weapons and transport, there is a long war ahead.

    The new patch for Hell Let Loose is out now for PC and console players, it fixes some bugs, adds new content and takes the battle to another level. Don’t be fooled though, this is a real taste of war at the time, conditions are tough and both sides are under pressure to gain control of this very important part of the African continent, are ready to fight to the end?

    Find out more about the Hell Let Loose patch here; https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/686810/view/3869216984189624127

    #HellLetLoose #WWII #BritishEighthArmy #GermanAfricaCorps #ElAlamein #War #Battles #History #DesertWarfare #HellLetLoosePatch #Team17

  • Classified France 44 Field Report Tactics

    Classified France 44 Field Report Tactics

    Without the resistance in France the invasion of the country by the Allies might have had a different ending, their bravery helped slow down the occupying Nazi’s ability to react to the invasion and the rest is history, In the Classified France 44 game you can play your part and with this Field Report and Tactics you can really get a feel of what it was like.

    Classified France 44 is a great game for anyone interested in the history of warfare especially during the Nazi occupation of France, with the Field Report with Tactics you can equip and plan your resistance group to slow down and obstruct the Nazis from being able to send reinforcements to the landing sites in Normandy and in the process save lives.

    To find out more about the Classified France 44 game and the Field Report Tactics visit here; https://www.classifiedfrance44.com/

    #ClassifiedFrance44 #FieldReport #Tactics #ClassifiedFrance44 #FieldReportTactics #WWII #War #WarGames #Battlefield #France #Allies

  • Kill The Creator Save The World

    Kill The Creator Save The World

    There are those who warn about the use of Artificial Intelligence, while there are those who feel that it is the best thing for the human race and the world. In the future, there is a war between the forces of AI and what remains of the human race, yet the humans have a plan, kill the Creator and end the war.

    An ex-soldier is recruited to lead a team into enemy territory on a mission to eliminate the creator in order to stop the AI forces in their tracks and save the human race from being enslaved or killed. There is only one problem, for the soldier, that a weapon that could destroy the world turns out to be a child.

    Find out more about The Creator movie here; https://www.20thcenturystudios.com/movies/the-creator

    #TheCreator #FutureWar #HumanRace #ArtificialIntelligence #SpecialForces #AI #SciFi #War

  • The Invasion Has Begun

    The question we have asked over the years “Are we alone” has been answered and the warnings that we should not give away our location in the solar system have been ignored, the aliens that we were so desperate to find have come to earth and they are not friendly. The Invasion has begun!

    The second season will begin next month, picking up from where season one ended with the aliens increasing the attacks on the humans, this is one battle that will leave the planet in a sorry state whoever comes out on top when the war finally ends, if it ever does end!

    Find out more about the Invasion on Apple TV here; https://apple.co/_Invasion

    #Invasion #Trailer #AppleTV #Aliens #AlienInvasion #SciFi #War #UFO #SpaceCraft #Battles

  • AI versus Humans! The Creator!

    For decades we were warned in science fiction and from scientists, yet we gave allowed artificial intelligence to get into almost every aspect of our lives from TV to newspapers, health to science and even of course weapons and defence. It was only a matter of time before the creator declared war on the human race.

    The war has been dragging on and so the creator has built the ultimate weapon to destroy the human race once and for all. Only one man can stop this from happening, a former soldier trained to track and kill his target, but this time the target is the creator and the weapon created to kill all humans is a young boy!

    Find out more on The Creator here; https://www.20thcenturystudios.com/movies/the-creator?

    #TheCreator #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Future #War #Humans #SciFi #RiseoftheMachines

  • The Rise of the Emperor Napoleon

    He starts off as an officer in the French Army that is caught up in a revolution that changes France forever and he ends up as the Emperor of a vast empire, this is the story of Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Many people have an opinion on Napoleon and yet many do not really know the man behind the empire until now this is the story that brings every together in one place. This is the story of Napoleon, the man who built an empire and as with all Emperors watched it crumble away into history.

    Find out more about the movie Napoleon here; https://www.Napoleon.movie

    #Napoleon #France #Revolution #Empire #Emperor #Tyrant #Leader #NapoleonBonaparte #War

  • Age Of Wonders Magical Realms

    Join the Age Of Wonders and enter the Magical Realms to explore and get involved in some serious combat against enemies that are both powerful and ruthless, with every victory your empire expands. Find out more on the Age of Wonders here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/age-of-wonders-4/about #AgeOfWonders #Empire #War #Combat #MagicalRealms #ParadoxInteractive #Games

  • Battlefield 2042 Battle of Nordvik

    This is Battlefield 2042 and you are about to become part of the Battle of Nordvik, this is going to be warfare but not as you know it, technology is playing a larger part in warfare than ever before. Yet can the technology overcome the grit and determination of hardened military professionals? Find out more; http://x.ea.com/75837 #EAGames #Battlefield2042 #War #BattleOfNordvik #Battlefield #Warfare

  • Paradox Interactive! The Victorian Empire!

    Welcome to the age of the Victorians, it was not plain sailing with war, invasion, industry, trade and politics to deal with. This is Victoria 3 from Paradox and your strategy skills are in demand, what’s your plan? More details can be found here; https://pdxint.at/3B6hUrQ #Victorians #Victoria3 #Empire #StrategyGame #Politics #Trade #War #ParadoxInteractive

  • Gods And Achilles In Legends Untold

    Achilles is helped by the gods in Legends Untold available on Steam or at the Epic Games store. This is your chance to end the Ares and Hades conflict and bring in peace. Check it out on https://store.steampowered.com/app/1314000/Achilles_Legends_Untold/ #Achilles #LegendsUntold #Steam #EpicGamesStore #Ares #Hades #Peace #War #AchillesLegendsUntold #Warfare #Gods