Sometimes it is easy to forget about the other work that Microsoft does, since the launch of the Xbox many people think that the company that brought us Windows is actually just a games developer, how worng they are.
In recent times Teams has become an invaluable tool for businesses and organisations around the world to comunicate and yet Microsoft does more, thanks to Mitra Azizirad, the CVP of AI and Innovation the video above gives us insight into the cool stuff that is going on.
Once more we can speak of Microsoft, not just as the creator of the Xbox, but for many other products that makes life easier and in some cases actually save lives too. However, we think of Microsoft as being one the greatest innovators and that is not something that we say easily.
The future is discovered when we see things from a different perspective. Join Mitra Azizirad, CVP AI and Innovation in this session to hear more about our approach to innovation and how key trends in AI innovation will help businesses transform. After all, innovation is not a destination, it’s a journey with inspiration and breakthroughs along the way.
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