Bill Daily explains what’s new at NVIDIA!

There are many tech firms that we know the names of, but we do not know what they do and then there are those firms that we would be surprised to know that they have hand in almost every aspect of our lives. NVIDIA is one of those companies that are everywhere and they are pleased to let us know exactly what they are currently doing and what they are expecting to offer the world in the future.

The company is currently doing the rounds at the GTC China 2020 with some great Keynote Spotlights on what NVIDIA is planning in the world of technology and research, it is very interesting for gamers, tech fans, and just about anyone who uses some sort of technology, which is of course, most of us.

Bill Dally, NVIDIA’s Chief Scientist and SVP of Research, explains how research coupled with technology continues to advance computing and double AI performance each year. Dally describes NVIDIA’s innovations in AI, graphics, HPC, healthcare, edge computing and autonomous machines. He also shares new research in the areas of AI inference, silicon photonics, and GPU cluster acceleration.

To catch up with what has been going on at NVIDIA there is a special news page with all of the details and much more on the NVIDIA website here.

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