Watch Your Favourite Movie Worldwide with KPN

If there is one thing which can be said about life in the 21st century it would be that it’s a mobile world. Everyone has a mobile device and when travelling to foreign countries, their best option for viewing movies and their favourite shows broadcast from home would be on that mobile device. The reason for this is quite simple. If you are in a country that speaks a language foreign to you, the hotel you are staying in would primarily have television stations and movies produced in the local language. Whether you are spending time in another country or simply travelling through, having the ability to watch your favourite movie in your native language would be something highly desirable to do. That’s where KPN comes in.

A Quick Look at KPN

In the beginning, KPN pioneered telephone connectivity throughout the Netherlands as far back as 1881. That’s correct – 1881! From that point forward, they continued to connect the Netherlands to the rest of the world as telephone connectivity was established. Once the internet exploded worldwide and machines (computers) began communicating with other machines, the Internet of Things, IoT was born. In 2009, KPN began pioneering in IoT Connectivity, as one of the partners in the IoT World Alliance. To this day they are a chair partner with the Alliance and are quite renowned globally for their technological advances in connectivity. As technology continues to advance, the IoT will be taking on greater challenges and this is something that KPN is prepared to meet.

What This Means for Today’s Travellers

Although you may not be a resident of the Netherlands, you can still become a KPN subscriber with something as simple, and technologically complex, as an m2m sim card. There are actually two types of sim cards available, the first being for the primary use of voice transmissions in mobile devices. The second type of sim card, the m2m sim card, is primarily used for data transmissions. This is the card you’d need for viewing movies or sending videos and other larger streaming files over the IoT. The mobile device you watch movies on would connect through the IoT, machine to machine so that you could watch movies from almost anywhere in the world. If you have a Netflix or Amazon Prime Video account, for example, you’d simply connect via your m2m sim connectivity, login, and watch away.

The Benefits for Today’s Businesses

This type of high-quality, reliable connectivity is ideally suited for businesses that have professionals who travel for business purposes. Whether they need to connect via teleconferencing with the home office or need reliability in global voice communications, the KPN network partners with hundreds of networks around the globe. In fact, there are even various types of m2m sims available such as those with IoT connectivity to establish remote-controlled connectivity. If you need to control a device back home, that’s the sim you’d need. There’s nothing like this kind of machine-to-machine connectivity offered by pioneers in the field who are setting the standards still to this day.

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