Unite to change the world. And get paid too. The world is at an imbalance. Technology has turned people into products. The social networks that should have served us, now harm us. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine a world free from hate on a social app that recognises your power to change the world. Imagine a future where you are paid every time you watch an ad, and we unite to save our precious planet. This is WeAre8. The People’s Platform.
Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!
@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #WeAre8 #Media #Innovation #MediaInnovation #AdNetZero #SocialMedia #ThePeoplesPlatform #SocialApp #UniteToChangeTheWorld #Apps

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