Travel beyond the borders of Appalachia to The Pitt – a grim industrial wasteland crippled by conflict and awash with radiation. Join up with the Union, a fledgling band of freedom fighters and work your way through the City of Steel against the Fanatics and whatever else might be lurking in the shadows.
These expeditions into the Pitt are large-scale repeatable missions for groups of up to 4 players. From Whitespring Refuge in Appalachia, players will power a Vertibird to transport them into the heart of The Pitt. What awaits are randomized, repeatable, end-game missions designed to test the most experienced and prepared groups. Conquer Expeditions to earn Stamps, a new currency exchangeable for powerful and rare Expedition-themed rewards.
Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the correct destination and click for more!
Unlock new challenges and earn new rewards in the Pitt! Free for all Fallout 76 players! Available now.
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