5 Super-Reasons Why You Should Join a Professional Body Today

There are various measures of professionalism in the modern world. They include competence civility or respectfulness, dedication to public good, and character. Also, there is one critical factor that is often ignored – all professionals should be members of at least one professional body.

For a fact, there is a professional body for every person, regardless of the business niche, they are in. Despite presenting tons of benefits to business owners, there are still questions on whether professional bodies are still relevant in the internet world we are in today.

If your goal is to enhance credibility in your resume, gain first-hand expertise in your field, and network with industry leaders, joining a professional body is one thing you cannot overlook.

Below are five reasons to join a professional body you should know.

  • Networking

Your goal is to attain career progression, right?

Well, you cannot do this by being active on social media sites and creating attractive business cards alone! Get out of your comfort zone and join a professional body.

Professional bodies organize events regularly, which give their members limitless opportunities to interact with renowned industry players.

Apart from getting the motivation to work harder and achieve greater heights, networking can help you achieve both short-term and long-term goals. 

  • Uncovering countless career opportunities

You have perused all the dailies, clicked on every job advert online, applied for positions in different organizations around the city, but your efforts have born no fruits.

Before you lose hope and choose to be a couch potato, think about joining a professional body.

Most professional bodies have career resources and a concealed job market that cannot be found elsewhere.

By joining a professional body, you will gain access to thousands of positions that are yet to be advertised. This means that you will be among the first applicants, and if you are qualified enough, you will certainly gain an edge over other candidates.

Wait – we cannot forget to mention that being a member of a professional body is an addition to your CV that can easily boost your chances of being hired.

  • It’s a measure of seriousness in career and business!

Being a member of a professional body goes a long way in enhancing your online and offline credibility. This is because before you are given a membership certificate, you have to undergo a rigorous assessment

Through passing this assessment, your clients (if you are in business) or employers (if you are looking for a job) will see you as a person who is highly qualified in your profession.

Membership to a professional body also assures employers and clients that you are committed to professional development, and this gives you an edge over your competitors.

  • Professional advancement

Researching online and being at the top of the trends is not the only way you can become a star in your niche. By being a member of a professional body, you will be continuously be treated with informative workshops, exhibitions, and webinars. These are things that will not only give you general information but also keep you up-to-date with current industry trends and innovations.

As they say, knowledge is power. By giving you the knowledge, a membership body will enhance your professional development, and ultimately, you will find yourself at the helm of your field.

Making friends is something that is often undervalued and overlooked. But to be honest, this is one of the most significant reasons why you should join a professional body. 

Through workshops, training, exhibitions, and other events organized by a professional body you choose to be part of, you will meet new, exciting people, and build interpersonal relationships with them. These are people who will not hang out with you to watch or bet on the Super Bowl 2020 with you but also help fuel your brand to a whole new level.

Despite the fact that professional bodies feature a host of benefits, you need to undertake due diligence and ensure you choose a reputable entity. In case you don’t do your homework well, you might find yourself in one that might ruin your career or business.

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