Cbd Oil for Cats: A New Way to Care for Them

There is something about cats that draw a lot of people in. Even though based on statistics, dogs still rule the popularity contest all around the world. On the internet, it is another story. Most of the social media sites are proliferated with cat videos and pictures. 

As this website says, the video streaming site YouTube is full of videos to the point that the cats themselves are now an audience. They are also one of the most searched topics online. This is also seen in the number of people owning them.

In history, there have been a lot of people who are engaged in taking care of these creatures. Ancient Egypt was obsessed with them, as they are the creatures of the goddess Bast. It is said that they bring fortune and good luck, and no one can hurt them. In the modern world, some cities advocate for the protection of strays as well. A lot of people just love seeing them lounging on the streets, and catching those pesky mice along the way.

As much as we love them, they do tend to experience some health issues. You might think that they have nine lives, but that is so far from the truth. One they experience any kind of disease or illness, you will know for sure. 

They might end up being aggressive towards you and other people. Some end up scratching and hurting their owners. Others just drop down and look weak and helpless. These problems all have solutions, and one of which might be something that you least expect.

The Weed You Know

Marijuana has been a part of human history for a long time. It has been used in some rituals across India and other nearby civilizations. However, it has gained notoriety in the modern era because of its psychedelic and borderline hallucinatory properties. 

Many people like taking it in bars and clubs because it makes the whole affair so much more fun. You will experience the world differently as some of the users might say. This has also led to its prohibition in most countries around the world.

However, there has been resurgence in the 21st century. Countries like the Netherlands and Canada have legalized it for medical use. People have been using it to treat various diseases like respiratory and psychological related problems. Now, the US has taken a look into it. 

Although there are still some questions and backlash regarding its use, people are coming around. Now, there are a lot of companies that offer these products in some states like Colorado. The Holistapet site is just one of the examples of online stores that offer them.

How will this affect your cat? There are so many benefits by using it for your cat’s health. One of the main concerns of most feline owners is the behavior of their pets. We all know that some cats do portray questionable behaviors. 

For example, they are so jittery with everything, as shown by those video compilations where they are afraid of cucumbers. It can be explained by simple animal behaviors like self-preservation and defense. However, some cases are not normal anymore.

Feline Issues

As mentioned before, one of the most common problems of cats are they can be quite aggressive. This is normal if they are introduced in a new environment or person. It becomes a problem when the behavior is getting out of hand. 

If the cat already poses a problem for the owner, then it is time to do something about it. This would be the case especially if you just got him or her. There is always going to be a period of adjustment, but it should not be as drastic.

It can also be that your feline friend was a victim of abuse. Many cats portray the same characteristics as humans who also experienced trauma. They tend to lash out or withdraw themselves. This is especially alarming for cats since they are inherently social creatures. 

While they do not have the same brain capacity as humans do, but they still form connections with others like them. Read more about it here: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-help-frightened-cat.

With that being said, they can also experience anxiety. It can be a great thing for them to use cannabidiol oil as a way for them to calm down. This particular drug has calming qualities that are attributed to its psychedelic nature. However, CBD will flow through the endocannabinoid system. Thus, this helps in maintaining the health and well-being of your pet.

Even if there are a lot of studies that show the benefits of CBD products, it is important to go to the veterinarian first before administering any kind of medicine. Most of them would caution you in using it, as most of the pieces of evidence are still undergoing investigation. However, many pet owners have used it to great success. It can be a great way for your cat to be healthier and behave better as well.

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