Living Your Best Life: Quarantine Edition

Living Your Best Life: Quarantine Edition

By: Emma Brown

Over the past month, much of the world’s population has abruptly changed their daily routine due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. Holidays, Sunday lunches with extended family, classes at your local barre studio, nights out with friends and a visit to your favourite museum are now off-limits. It feels like the world is closed for business until further notice.

Our New “Normal”

While this rapid change to our livelihood is a shock to the system, we humans are a surprisingly resilient species who can quickly adapt to a new “normal.” Here are some tips to stay grounded, healthy, and relaxed during these unprecedented times. 

The Power of Routine

Now more than ever focus on creating a daily routine and stick to it. Whether you’re now working from home rather than an office, are recently unemployed, or have always worked out of your home, you probably need to adjust your schedule – particularly if your town is currently in lockdown. 

Establishing and maintaining a routine is important in the best of times. Creating a somewhat fixed schedule during this crisis will help plan how you spend your days and maintain a consistent sleep pattern. It’s tempting to go to bed later than normal when your commute is now padding from bed to your desk rather than a 45-minute tube ride, but this is a slippery slope that may result in a late-night Tiger King marathon that leaves you feeling groggy the next day. 

If “New Quarantine, New Me!” feels overwhelming, start small. Pick a couple of not intimidating tasks that are important to you and try to stick with them. This could be making a glass of fresh celery juice each morning or blocking off two hours every Wednesday to do laundry. These small rituals will help create some calm in today’s chaotic world. 

Quality Sleep

Quality sleep goes hand-in-hand with sticking to your a daily routine. Easing into a deep slumber is not easy when world leaders are testing positive for COVID-19 whilst others are seemingly in denial about the severity of the outbreak. If counting sheep isn’t working you can try alternatives such as CBD, a calming pillow mist, or a personal favourite, making sure the room is pitch black by wearing an eye mask

Work It Out 

Let’s face it, everyone looks like a plonker exercising in their living room. Trying to keep up with your favourite instructor’s live stream whilst using a bottle of wine and jar of laundry pods as makeshift dumbbells is admirable (A for effort!) and admittedly a bit humorous. We’re all in the same boat, try and make the best of it and don’t be too hard on yourself. Set goals that feel right for you and go for it, whether you’re determined to maintain a strict regime come Hell or high water (check out Alexia Clark if you’re looking for over-achiever inspiration) or just trying to move your body a bit each day. If safely (and distantly) possible and currently allowed by your local government a ramble outdoors is always a good option. 

If All Else Fails…

If none of these suggestions helps you find some zen, try wine and memes. This wiggly cat on TikTok is also rather entertaining. Create a bit of time for yourself each day and indulge in something that makes you smile and provides a little escape from the current news cycle. Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a Zoom session with friends, or reorganising your wardrobe, you do you.


If making a quarantine schedule from the comfort of your home during the Coronavirus crisis is your biggest concern, you’re in a good place. Feel grateful this is your number one problem and you still have your health. 

If possible, be generous with your time, money or both to support essential workers in your area who are putting themselves at risk each day to keep your country alive and city running. This includes doctors, delivery, food service, hospital staff, waste disposal, mail carriers- the list goes on. These sometimes thankless jobs and overlooked roles are crucial to our existence in times of both pandemics and peace. Let’s not forget these unsung heroes once we’re on the other side of this crisis. 

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