Simple ways you can support employee training and development in 2021

Does your current training platform and employee development approach leave a lot to be desired? It’s true that employees are more likely to remain within your employment if you provide relevant, consistent training and recognise opportunities for development within your workforce, but this alone isn’t enough.

Read on for some simple ways you can support employee training and development in 2021.

Embrace a Learning Management System

Utilising a learning management system to support employee’s learning journey is a positive step towards better developmental results and employee engagement. Trainees will immediately benefit from one centralised learning portal, where they’ll be able to access all the relevant training modules and resources with just a few clicks. As all learning activities can be personalised, trainees can be guided through roles, and various business topics with high-quality visuals that are tailored to your business theme, simultaneously enhancing your business image and values. You’ll also be able to engage your learners quicker with leaderboards, badges and visual aids that make training and development more engaging and even fun!

Additionally, as LMS software is accessible anywhere and at any time, remote workers across a multitude of locations will have access to their collaborative training tools and bespoke training resources whenever they need it.

Prioritise feedback

Why wait until an annual review to provide much-needed feedback? This slow approach can leave your learners feeling abandoned and forgotten, even casting a shadow over their essentially unrecognised achievements. Prioritising feedback in real-time, highlighting progress and drawing attention to learning opportunities and errors helps you and your employees to recognise areas that require further attention and ensure that levels of training engagement remain high.

Remember, training and development should be viewed as an ongoing process, the more you withdraw from interacting with your learners, the less likely they are to grow.

R&R (Reward and recognition)

Your employees may be desperate to smash through that glass ceiling, to develop their skills and to mark themselves as a potential future leader within your organisation, but that doesn’t mean they won’t need a little motivation from time to time. Reward and recognition is a simple yet highly effective way to keep learners engagement high and drive more productivity from them. Making employees feel valued by recognising their efforts will boost their confidence and their overall performance. It may even inspire other employees to step up their game.

Bring in other departments

Interdepartmental communications can make or break your business. And the more your employees know about other departments and how they work, the stronger the levels of communication will be. Consider focusing on interdepartmental training and development as part of your employee growth initiative. This approach will support your trainees through their learning process and give them the information they need to succeed.

Welcome your own feedback

We’ve touched upon how giving feedback during the development and training process can enhance and support your employees. However, welcoming feedback on the training itself from your employees will give you the information you need to improve your training resources, programmes, tools and your overall developmental approach. Training works both ways.

Final thoughts…

Supporting your employees through their latest training phase will enhance productivity, employee retention and secure your business for the future. 

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