7 Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement in 2021

Instagram is an essential platform for e-commerce businesses. It gives an excellent opportunity to businesses to showcase themselves, engage with their potential customers and dazzle them with their products. It is an excellent opportunity for businesses to show off their products in the best possible way. To boost your engagement on this platform, here are some essential steps you can take in 2021.

7 Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement:

From timely posting to creating a unique brand appearance, find out seven valuable ways to increase your Instagram engagement. You can convert your offline business to a full-fledged online business via Instagram and other social media.

Timely posts: To establish a solid Instagram presence, you must post regularly. Post discipline is the most crucial thing in getting your business off the ground. If you find that your posts are being overlooked or not gaining traction, that could be because of improper timing of posts. Several accounts/people have created free apps free to help with accompanying texts, emojis, captions, etc.

You can check and monitor your Instagram analytics to derive insightful trends from it. It means you’ll want to look at various statistics, such as your past performance data, and take a look at what similar accounts or businesses have been uploading. Then you can find a pattern that will not only work for you but also be engaging for an audience that is going to see what you’re putting out there.

Start conversations with Instagram stories stickers: Over half a billion active users are on Instagram Stories every day! This number is expected to double by 2021-22, making engagement on this platform an essential part of any social media strategy. Having a physical store is essential, but remember that you can’t be everything to everybody.

While there are many ways to get started with stickers, you can utilise the two-question stickers to spark discussions with your audiences. These include the regular question sticker, which allows users to tag their friends in a conversation. The story-only question sticker disappears in 24 hours so that no one can see it except those filmed in your stories. Along with it, you can also try out the quiz sticker, countdown sticker, and more. Many Instagram video editors already have these kinds of stickers that you can use.

Try new video content types: It’s not worth it if you are not testing new video content types. Even the best forms of video content on Instagram might be getting stale after extended use. That is why you need to ensure that you are doing your best to experiment with new forms of video content every once in a while. You can choose an Instagram video editor to experiment with new video templates every now and then for your Instagram feeds, stories, IGTV or even reels. We understand that this can seem daunting, especially considering how well certain pieces of content might be performing for you right now.

Create “Savourable content” for your feed: Discussions in the comments, shares, and likes are more important than ever. Earlier, one of the main ways to improve your engagement was to create content that encouraged audiences to tap like. Still, interaction with the save button is quickly taking over as the main way to appreciate and share your posts!

“Savourable content” is anything you know your audience will want to revisit at a later time. Sometimes it could be an answer to a specific question that someone might have about the information that you’re providing. Still, other times it could be simply because they’re searching online about something and stumble upon your piece of content.

Carousel posts are a great way to spread information about your business because they stand out in the newsfeed and often serve multiple purposes. For example, a post could be used to announce that you’re exhibiting at a trade show, in addition to including helpful tips. In another scenario, carousel posts can be shared with your audience when certain business goals are reached or completed. After all, your followers can find quick, helpful updates, when it comes down to reaching a big goal for their businesses.

Share that delicious data: Posting data-driven content is a big trend. The real challenge will come from asking what sort of scenario you should be looking for to trigger this data so that it happens at the right time and looks relevant to the audience. Because while we do have a lot of data on our groups, fans, subs, it is a challenge to come up with a formula for making it work.

Use longer captions: Instagram captions appear limited to only 95 characters, but that’s not the case. You can actually write up to 2,200 characters! Wow. That’s a whole lot of space to share with your audience.

Open up about your brand and business: The future is bright in the world of Instagram marketing! If you look at the top competitors, you can see a powerful trend in the sense of sheer transparency in advertising by displaying a more humanised side to your business. No one likes being sold to, but engagement skyrockets when you have a knack for being real and showing your audience what makes you unique. Try to put in both the good and the bad to be more authentic and relatable to your audience.


By now, we hope you’ve seen the value of using Instagram for your brand. You may even be posting regularly to your Instagram page, but if you do not see the engagement you want, it might be time to try some new strategies. We hope you found this blog post helpful as we share some of the best ways to increase Instagram engagement in 2021.

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