When To Use Combination Charts

A combination chart is a two-dimensional graph that uses two axes to plot data. The primary axis, which is typically horizontal, is used to plot the values of the first variable. The secondary axis, which is typically vertical, is used to plot the values of the second variable. Combination charts are most commonly used to compare two sets of data. For example, you might use a combination chart to compare the sales of two products over time. Below, you’ll learn more about when to use combination charts, how to create your own, and more about this chart type below.

Using Combination Charts


Combination charts are used to display data that is related in two or more ways. The data can be displayed in a bar chart, line graph, or pie chart. The combination chart can be used to compare data, track trends, or show changes over time.

How to Create a Combination Chart

Combination charts are used to display data when you want to compare two or more sets of data. They are especially useful when you want to see the relationship between two sets of data that are measured on different scales.

There are three types of combination charts: horizontal bar and line chart, vertical bar and line chart, and pie chart and line chart.

To create a combination chart on your personal or work computer, you first need to create the charts that you want to combine. For the horizontal bar and line chart, you need two bar charts, one on the x-axis and one on the y-axis. For the vertical bar and line chart, you need two line charts, one on the x-axis and one on the y-axis. For the pie chart and line chart, you need one pie chart and one line chart.

The pie chart will be used to display the data on the y-axis, and the line chart will be used to display the data on the x-axis. To create a combo chart, you need to combine the charts into one Excel spreadsheet. To do this, you need to select the data for each chart and then use the “Insert” tab to insert a chart.

Once you have inserted the charts, you need to highlight the charts and use the “Combine” button to combine them into one chart. After the charts are combined, you can format the chart to make it look the way that you want. For example, you can adjust the colors, the labels, and the axes.

Types of Combo Charts


A combo chart is a chart that combines two or more chart types into a single chart. There are many different types, but some of the most common are a combination of a line graph and a bar chart, a combination of a line graph and a pie chart, and a combination of a bar chart and a pie chart.

Which type of chart you should use depends on the data you are trying to visualize. If you want to see how two different sets of data compare to each other, you should use a combination of a line graph and a bar chart. If you want to see how different parts of a data set compare to each other, you should use a combination of a line graph and a pie chart. If you want to see how different data points compare to each other, you should use a combination of a bar chart and a pie chart.

Benefits of Combo Charts

Combination charts are a great way to show data that is related in two ways. For example, you might want to show the number of sales and the amount of money made on each sale. You could use a bar chart to show the number of sales, and a line graph to show the money made on each sale.

No matter what type of combination chart you use, it is important to make sure that the data you are visualizing is easy to understand.

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